Chinese medicine: a simple exercise to become more confident

Self-confidence largely depends on the body. To be more attractive, we Westerners do sports, get in shape. But experts in the field of Chinese medicine know that confidence depends on the amount of energy and the specifics of its circulation through the body. What does this mean and how to influence it?

In China, medicine is based on the concept of “qi” – the energy in the body. If the energy circulates correctly, there are so many forces that it seems that you can move mountains. And sometimes they don’t exist at all.

Health, attractiveness, sexuality and charisma depend on the amount of forces and how they are distributed – a vivid manifestation of individuality, self-confidence. And it is in this sequence: first of all, energy is needed for health, and only then – for beauty and self-realization.

The conclusion suggests itself: to become more confident and attractive, you need to be healthy. It would seem quite obvious, and yet we often postpone visits to doctors and health practices in the hope of first “arranging life”: changing jobs, building relationships, raising a child…

Any successful activity is based on health, including the acquisition of those psychological qualities that one wants to possess.

Where does the extra power come from?

If you have enough strength to maintain health, where can you get additional ones to become more attractive, sexier and more self-confident? According to Chinese doctors, we have three sources of strength: sleep, nutrition and breathing. Again – in exactly this sequence: good sleep is the basis of an energy resource, proper balanced nutrition is in second place. And if everything is more or less clear here, then the question arises with breathing: how to get more energy with it? In China, it is commonly believed that our energy is stored in the lower abdomen, which means that special techniques that involve this area in breathing allow replenishing the energy resource.

The more relaxed and free the pelvic area, the more energetic and stronger we are.

In addition, such breathing practices relax the areas of the abdomen, lower back and pelvis, and energy circulation in these areas improves. It seems to be becoming more accessible to the whole body, and not “compressed” and conserved in one place. The more relaxed and free the pelvic region, the more energetic and stronger we are, and the more additional strength.

Exercises “Authentic breathing”

To understand how breathing affects the overall sensation of the body, do an exercise from women’s Taoist practices. Lie on the floor, knees bent, lower back pressed against the floor. With a book resting on your stomach just below your navel, take a relaxed, gentle breath in through your belly. Is the book going up? Breathe like this for a while, combining the amplitude of the rise with relaxation.

Now sit on a chair with your back straight and your stomach and lower back relaxed. Place your palm on your lower abdomen, inhale – the same as you did while lying down. Breathe, with each new breath actively relaxing the abdomen, perineum and lower back. Pay attention to the smallest sensations in the lower abdomen. Feel how this area warms up and the body is filled with calmness.

Do the exercise for 3-5 minutes a day for a week, and you will be surprised how much calmer and more confident the background mood will become, how the body will feel in a new way. This is one of the simplest exercises, more complex ones are recommended to be mastered under the guidance of an instructor.

Women’s practices … but what about men?

Women’s Taoist practices are classes exclusively for women. But how do the representatives of the stronger sex increase their energy potential? In order for men to be able to practice similar breathing exercises, they need to go a long way in qigong practices: build posture, work with the spine, master meditation skills, and only then move on to breathing techniques.

We, women, due to the structure of the body, can master energy practices without prior preparation and become more attractive and self-confident every day.

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