Chinese (eastern) horoscope by year – animals

The Chinese horoscope is represented by 12 zodiac signs, with each sign belonging to a specific animal. According to the most popular legend, it was these animals that were able to overcome the wide and cold river in order to come to the Buddha, who called all the animals to him, but not all of them came.

Only the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig reached the Buddha. As a sign of gratitude, the Buddha assigned each animal the year when a certain animal begins to rule.

In the East, the lunar calendar is taken as the basis – the year begins not on January 1, but on the first full moon after January 21. Therefore, in the eastern horoscope, the beginning of the new year is celebrated between January 21 and February 20. People born during this period should pay special attention to calculate their year.

The eastern horoscope consists not only of 12 signs, but also of 5 elements – Wood, Water, Metal, Earth and Fire. They make up a 60-year cycle of the calendar, which opens exactly the year of the Rat and the element of the Tree, and closes the year of the Pig and the element of Water. The current cycle began in the year 1984 of the Rat and the elements of the Wood, and will end in the year 2044 of the Pig and the elements of Water.

Chinese horoscope by year: table

The combination of elements and animals over the years will not determine a standard set of character traits for a person. Unlike the western one, the eastern horoscope defines some possibilities for everyone, while the western one exclusively describes goals and intentions. Thanks to the eastern horoscope, one can determine the orientation of spiritual requests for each person, the style for one’s own expression, as well as how to interact with others and the whole world. In the table below, you can easily determine your sign according to the Chinese horoscope:

鼠年 (子) – Year of the Rat2020,2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
牛年 (丑) – Year of the Ox2021,2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
虎年 (寅) is the Year Tiger2022,2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
兔年 (卯) – Year of the Rabbit2023,2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
龙年 (辰) – Year of the Dragon2024,2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940
蛇年 (巳) is the Year of the Snake2025,2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941
马年 (午) – Year of the Horse2026,2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942
羊年 (未) is the Year of the Lamb2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
猴年 (申) – Year of the Monkey2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
鸡年 (酉) is the Year of the Rooster2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
狗年 (戌) – Year of the Dog2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
猪年 (亥) – Year of the Pig2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935


Years of birth: (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

A person who was born under the sign of the Rat is endowed with incredible charm and charm, but there is also some aggressiveness in his character. If you look at the years and signs of the Zodiac, it becomes clear that such a person has a passion for intrigue, gossip, scandals and slander.

Such a person wants to always be in the center of everyone’s attention. But at the same time, Rats are very distrustful and secretive, they try to find benefits for themselves in any situation.

Under external balance and friendliness, a real monster can be hidden, overflowing with stupid energy and aggression. Therefore, you should be very careful when communicating with such a person so as not to accidentally let the genie out of the bottle.

At the same time, the Rat can be cute and charming, and incredibly dangerous. This combination not only attracts, but also repels, so there are always a lot of people next to the Rats. As a rule, Rats have a sweet and pleasant appearance, they are very purposeful and hardworking.

For Rats, savings and large acquisitions are very important. Therefore, they are very economical, thrifty, they know how to properly manage money. But they can simply forget about their frugality and frugality if they fall in love and literally lose their heads from feelings. Therefore, the Rat is always very generous towards the person whom he loves with all his heart.

The rat is incredibly neat, sometimes it turns into a real pedant and begins to demand the same from others. The rat easily gets out of balance and loses control, as it is simply not able to think clearly in difficult situations and does not know how to maintain self-control. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the year of the Rat’s reign there are always many cataclysms.

By nature, this is an honest and open person, but he loves to gossip and wash the bones even to completely unfamiliar people. However, at the same time it is a sentimental and sensual person, able to show generosity to loved ones. Rat ManRat WomanCompatibility


Years of birth: (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

According to the year of birth, the Ox is not only a hardworking, but also an incredibly stubborn animal, which is used to always achieving its goal. People who were born in the year of the Ox do not like to talk much, are patient and always inspire confidence. But sometimes the Ox becomes very eccentric and if he loses his patience, he can literally lose his temper.

If it so happened that the Bull lost his temper and lost his balance, it is better to hide as quickly and as far as possible. The fact is that the rage of such a person simply knows no bounds and is capable of sweeping away everything in its path. While communicating with such a person, one must not forget for a minute that this is a real bull, so it would not be the best idea to constantly shake a red rag in front of him.

By nature, the Ox is rather slow and restrained, balanced and inconspicuous, methodical and accurate. Outwardly, he may seem very modest and reserved, but in reality he is a very intelligent and original person.

To succeed, the Ox can call almost anyone to frankness. However, it is worth saying that such a person has a tendency to contemplation and loneliness. The bull is a very fanatical person, so he can join a variety of sects. Very often he becomes a real chauvinist or a hypocrite, so he regularly hears well-deserved criticism in his direction.

The bull is not only stubborn, but also merciless towards people who may try to prevent him from achieving the desired result. This is a typical leader who, under a positive set of circumstances, becomes quite emotional and eloquent. But he does not tolerate innovation at all, he always tries to adhere to the established framework, traditions and conventions. Ox Man Ox Woman Compatibility


Years of birth: (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

The tiger is a born leader. According to the Chinese horoscope, he has a quick temper and a bright temper, does not tolerate when he has to obey others. Such a person is very sharp, but at the same time he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of another.

In small things, the Tiger becomes very selfish, but in big things he is incredibly generous. At the same time, he is emotional, sensitive and vulnerable, capable of serious feelings and deep reflections. A tiger can love simply to the point of madness, however, due to its own oddities, it rarely becomes really happy.

The tiger is accustomed to not trusting anyone, always boldly and confidently moves forward, but if major obstacles and serious difficulties arise in its path, it may retreat. But this happens only under the condition that the events taking place will not have any effect on his future life.

People born in the year of the Tiger always strive to be respected by those around them. This is what gives confidence in life. In some situations, the Tiger is simply not able to make important decisions. To do this, he needs a person who can help in difficult times, and the Tiger will definitely thank him when, after the advice received, he can achieve the desired success. But if, as a result, nothing is achieved, he will not blame himself, but the one who helped to choose a specific path.

The tiger is quite a generous and sincere person, while he is really created for serious business. That is why he always has great and global plans, but they are far from always feasible.

In his youth, the Tiger has no shortage of communication, he leads a quiet life, which will pay off in the future. The tiger stubbornly overcomes all the difficulties and obstacles that arise in its path. By old age, he reaches a very high position in society, after which he calms down and begins to lead a measured and quiet life. Tiger ManTiger WomanCompatibility


Years of birth: (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

The Rabbit (Cat) in Eastern countries is treated with great distrust, since there is a belief that after death sorcerers turn into cats. According to the eastern horoscope, if a person was born in the year of the Rabbit, he is a very reckless and dexterous hunter, a bright and gifted person.

The Rabbit is a very pleasant companion, ambitious, discreet, modest, refined and friendly. This is a born and very talented speaker, he knows his own worth, loves to be in society and shine in all his glory. The rabbit is proud of its own eloquence, which attracts the increased attention of others to its person.

With pleasure, the Rabbit attends various rallies and meetings, carefully and subtly gossiping. However, even despite this, the Rabbit remains a rather superficial person.

Important decisions are made by the Rabbit with great care, carefully analyzing each of his actions. He tries to calculate every step, thanks to which he received universal respect. People around are drawn to the Rabbit, who can give good advice and help in matters of art, fashion and personal affairs.

With its own poise and calmness, the Rabbit attracts less calm signs to itself. In society, Rabbits try to find a warm corner where they can spend the whole evening and gossip from the heart about their own problems. The Rabbit listens with great pleasure to the interlocutor, gives good advice, but very quickly forgets about the conversation that took place just a minute ago, since he is not at all worried about other people’s worries and problems.

The rabbit is a domestic person, so he often spends time at the family hearth. In their youth, Rabbits rarely achieve success, receiving recognition only at an older age. The rabbit constantly suffers from various small troubles in life. The rabbit monitors his own life with special attention, which allows him to avoid serious and major troubles. Rabbit ManRabbit WomanCompatibility

The Dragon

Years of birth: (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The dragon is the personification of virtue, wealth, longevity and harmony. One gets the impression that according to the years of birth of people under this sign, real favorites of fate are born. But this is absolutely not true. Of course, the Dragon always shines, but this brilliance can never blind others, as it is only an appearance.

The dragon is simply created for bright and colorful parades, but after the end of the holiday it will definitely be burned. The dragon is a chimerical creature, but at the same time this animal is very open and honest. He has no tendency to hypocrisy, slander and pettiness.

This person is incredibly active and active, literally overflowing with both vitality and health. Incredibly sensitive and naive personality, but has no penchant for diplomacy. It is difficult for the dragon to control his words and emotions. But you should listen to his advice, because he will never advise bad. He is always listened to, and the Dragon is respected by others.

This is one of the most powerful signs that can literally move mountains on its way, especially if a loved one needs it. It is also a generous sign, ready to share everything that he has, but in return he will demand quite a lot. The person who is behind the Dragon will feel quite comfortable and cozy.

But the Dragon is also a very sensitive sign. At the same time, even a minimal hint of weakness can hurt his feelings. However, if as a result he finds out that he was deceived, he is capable of cruel and sophisticated revenge.

The first half of the Dragon’s life is filled with various difficulties and trials, so he demands quite a lot from his loved ones. But because of his own unbridled temperament, failures may occur in his subsequent life. The life of the Dragon only from the outside seems easy and carefree, but in reality it is difficult for him to live without the support and help of friends. Dragon ManDragon WomanCompatibility


Years of birth: (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

In the East, the snake is revered for insight, wisdom, as well as tremendous willpower. But in Christian countries, the Serpent does not have the best reputation. Snakes will be very happy if they are born in a tropical country. A snake that was born during a strong storm will be in great danger throughout its life.

According to the year of birth of a person during the reign of the Serpent, it can be said that he does not like to talk much and often thinks deeply. The Snake has a strong and well-developed intuition, especially if he gets a good education, there is every chance of becoming a good clairvoyant.

The snake tries to trust its sensations and feelings more than the experience of other people and facts. Despite the fact that Snakes think for a very long time, they can make important and quick decisions. In some situations, it can literally go to extremes.

A person born in the year of the Snake is very smart, so he will never waste himself on various and completely unimportant little things. He will never get involved with someone he considers not worthy of his own attention. That is why he rarely makes mistakes, besides, strong intuition helps to make the right decisions.

These are incredibly bright and interesting people who constantly reach out to them, especially if you are not afraid to be under the pressure of the mind and strength of the Snake. The Snake will never strive to achieve a high position, because it will come to it by itself. The fact is that people born in the year of the reign of this animal always try to bring the work they have begun to its logical conclusion. However, the Snake is used to acting with pressure, rarely uses natural cunning, as it is simply not a player. Snake ManSnake WomanCompatibility


Years of birth: (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

This is a rather unbalanced nature, therefore, it often loses what was not only obtained with great difficulty, but was also important. The horse is incredibly talkative, cheerful, sentimental, she likes grandiose, large-scale and vibrant spectacles.

Due to its own inconstancy, the Horse often gets tired of both work and love. But it is enough to rest a little in the fresh air and quickly returns to its usual course, continuing to move in the given direction.

People around often notice such a negative trait of the Horse as selfishness. Such a person will not pay attention to anything around, especially if he wants to get something. In addition, the Horse is able to even step over his beloved. Therefore, in the first place, she herself will suffer.

There are always many faithful and devoted friends next to the Horse, but she herself can often repel them with her own behavior and not the most pleasant deeds. People born in the year of the reign of this animal are very hardworking, therefore they are literally able to move mountains, even if it is just a desire to take part in some business.

If the Horse decides to do something, then this process can take quite a long time. Ready to spend a day at work without noticing that you need to relax and take a break from your hectic activities.

For the Horse, the first two phases of life are characterized by inconstancy. During such a period, she may even abandon her family, which will bring her great losses as a result. Adult life is calmer and not as stormy as in youth.

In his life, the Horse experiences quite a few different events, which he prophesies to himself. At a more advanced age, it becomes meek, calm and quiet. Horse Man Horse Woman Compatibility


Years of birth: (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

This is one of the most selfish and capricious signs in the entire eastern horoscope. The goat is incredibly elegant, aristocratic, beautiful, amorous and simply charming. Of course, she has every chance to become an incredibly charming creature on the planet, but everything is spoiled by her restless, wayward and sometimes too annoying character.

The goat is never completely satisfied with the result, which constantly brings the inner circle into confusion. In terms of character, this is a real invader who is ready to appropriate absolutely everything that lies badly. It doesn’t really matter if she needs it or not.

The main disadvantage of the Goat is that it is completely devoid of a sense of time. She is completely unfamiliar with such a concept as punctuality, therefore she always keeps herself waiting and does not hesitate to be constantly late for meetings, even if they are important business negotiations. It is this indiscipline that causes great resentment on the part of other people.

A goat is able to conquer everyone, especially if it brings her a certain benefit. This person will never do anything just like that. You will never receive completely disinterested help, understanding or sympathy from the Goat. However, she can be very generous with people she truly loves.

The Goat has a penchant for charity, can happily share what he has with others. At the same time, she almost completely lacks a sense of ownership.

The first phase of the Goat’s life is relatively calm, but the same cannot be said about the second phase of life. It is by becoming more mature and independent that she literally indulges in all serious and actively participates in a variety of adventures. The Goat has a strong craving for a variety of adventures, which can greatly ruin its own reputation. But she can restore everything, and if she gets burned, she will be more attentive. Old age passes relatively calmly and balanced. Goat ManGoat WomanCompatibility


Years of birth: (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

People born in the year of the Monkey are very impatient, have a wayward and difficult character. A distinctive feature of such personalities is their inconstancy. Sometimes the brain of Monkeys resembles a real computer, which periodically pulls out very small details from the farthest corners that other people simply cannot remember. This is a valuable quality, since the whole life of Monkeys resembles constant chaos and disorder.

The monkey is a very smart animal, cunning and resourceful. These qualities help to easily solve a variety of problems, and do it so easily that others can only envy.

The Monkey has the same, like her life, an indefinite mood. If someone or something dares to disrupt her plans, then the mood instantly changes. Even despite the fact that the Monkey herself was already ready to change plans, but only tomorrow. Everything starts to literally fall out of hand.

In society, people born in the year of the Monkey are the real soul of the company, but such an impression is sometimes deceptive. The monkey is completely sure that he is the best and smartest. At the same time, selfish desire is often hidden behind ostentatious fun and lightness.

From the outside, it may seem that your presence is incredibly important for the Monkey, but in reality, she simply uses what other signs can give her. At the same time, the Monkey does not disdain anything, as she is completely sure that everyone around her is simply obliged to help her.

In the first half of life, Monkeys do not even try to strain or worry about something, so this period passes quite calmly. But in adulthood, you have to go through just a huge number of tests. However, the Monkey will be completely satisfied with this state of affairs, because it has had the great honor to experience both hardships and joys in life. The old age of the Monkey passes quite calmly, but problems may arise both in the absence of true friends and financial difficulties.

Monkey Man Monkey Woman Compatibility


Years of birth: (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

This is an intolerant and harsh nature, which is not at all shy in expressions, which as a result leads to frequent clashes with others. The rooster is not only frank, but also quite eccentric, as he always says what he really thinks about. But such frankness may be a sign of intense selfishness rather than a desire to be useful or smart.

The Rooster is not at all concerned about the feelings and experiences of those around him, since he is sure that there is no good reason to feel sorry for them. The rooster is literally bursting with a huge number of different and really interesting projects and ideas, some of which are simply impossible to implement.

People born under the sign of the Rooster love and often dream with great pleasure, constantly make plans for the future, engage in contemplation and consider themselves real heroes. But they prefer to do it in a comfortable home environment, believing that everything should be decided by itself.

Others consider the Rooster a very interesting and bright personality, an excellent conversationalist, but he can repel people with his own recklessness and boasting. That is why the Rooster has so few close friends with whom he could maintain good relations throughout his life. He rarely decides to make new attachments, because he already has enough friends and communication with them.

The rooster can find a benefit for himself even in the most unfavorable state of affairs. It is this constant movement that allows us to most vividly characterize the Rooster. But if the Rooster is completely immersed in dreams of a good life, he can get stuck in a fantasy world and turn into a real tramp.

Throughout his life, the Rooster is haunted by both ups and downs, relating not only to business, but also to personal life. Old age will be spent in the circle of children and grandchildren, and will be very happy. Rooster male Rooster female Compatibility


Years of birth: (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

People born in the year of the Dog are very creative and bright personalities. Quite often, the Dog is cynical, so others may avoid it because of too unpleasant and harsh comments. All this leads to the appearance of a fairly large number of enemies.

It is extremely rare for a Dog to show its true feelings, with the exception of cases when there is an urgent need for this. This is a real moralist and philosopher. The dog is quite petty, meticulous and scrupulous, sometimes this behavior literally drives people crazy.

The Dog may have a desire to literally drown in details, she is happy to criticize, even if there is no reason for this. Systematically searches for an object for sarcastic statements. In fact, this is a real pessimist who does not expect anything good from life, but does not try to find a way out of a difficult situation, but simply continues to go with the flow.

The dog is incredibly generous and generous towards others. It doesn’t matter at all what world she will live in, because the intellectual principle always prevails in the Dog, and she practically does not care about material comfort. If he uses his financial wealth, then without the slightest hint of luxury or chic. But if the Dog is in need of money, he will quickly find an additional source of income and be able to provide himself with a comfortable life.

Regarding the manifestation of feelings, the Dog sometimes seems not just cold, but even arrogant, but this is only the first impression. The dog combined only the best qualities and noble traits – loyalty, fidelity, honesty, a sense of duty, modesty and self-esteem. You can always count on her in any situation. If she really loves, she is ready to literally sacrifice herself for the sake of the second half. Dog ManDog WomanCompatibility


Years of birth: (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

The pig is very helpful, gallant, incredibly scrupulous. She just has a chivalrous character, so without a doubt you can completely trust the Pig, because she will never deceive or betray. At the same time, she is very kind, naive and trusting, which often brings her certain problems in life.

No matter what difficulties the Pig will have to face in life, he accepts every defeat as a real philosopher. She is tolerant of the shortcomings of others, but her patience should not be tested for too long, as it is not rubber and can end at the most unexpected moment.

At first glance, the Pig may seem completely defenseless and weak, but this is only an appearance. It’s just that the Pig is a peaceful creature, so it’s not in a hurry to take part in conflicts and disputes. Regarding the material sphere, the Pig will always find what she needs for a living wage.

A pig works hard all his life, so he always has money. If necessary, he can get several jobs at once. At the same time, she never forgets about household chores, so her house is always cozy and warm.

The pig is a real materialist, she has a strong will, thanks to which she achieves her goals. If the Pig makes a decision, it will be very difficult to convince her otherwise and almost impossible to stop. Pig ManPig WomanCompatibility

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