Chinese cupping – use, indications, contraindications, effects. When does cupping help? WE EXPLAIN

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Chinese cupping has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. The same is with massage, which is becoming more and more popular, mainly due to the fight against cellulite. Before we decide on a massage or Chinese cupping at home, it is worth knowing in which situations Chinese cupping cups are useful, for whom they are indicated. We also check where they can be placed and how much they cost.

Chinese cupping massage is one of the most popular forms of fighting cellulite, and the technique itself has been known since antiquity.

As mentioned, it is most often used for firming and modeling the body, but it can also be used for other purposes. It is popular to put Chinese bubbles with different purposes depending on the type and size of the bubbles. We distinguish, among others:

• acupuncture cups – placed in specific places to equalize the flowing energy level. The techniques used in acupuncture are used in massage;

• cold (vacuum) bubbles – placing them is to improve circulation in specific places on the targets. As in the case of acupuncture bubbles, massage uses techniques known from acupuncture and acupressure;

• hot (fire) bubbles – their use has been known since antiquity. It involves setting the bubbles on fire and then applying them to specific parts of the body;

• cut bubbles – the skin is slightly incised before placing the bubbles. As a result, blood is sucked inside the bulb. This method is practiced the least often.


Due to the type of material from which the bubbles were made, there are rubber bubbles, silicone bubbles and glass bubbles.

Chinese bubbles – indications

Chinese bubbles are most often used with:

  1. frequent colds,
  2. recurrent bronchitis,
  3. asthma
  4. post-traumatic conditions,
  5. degenerative conditions,
  6. firming the skin of the face (with a small bubble),
  7. fight against cellulite.

Chinese cupping – contraindications

Contraindications to Chinese cupping treatments include:

  1. autoimmune diseases,
  2. tumors,
  3. hemophilia,
  4. skin inflammation,
  5. pregnancy,
  6. menstruation,
  7. children under 12 months of age,
  8. heart diseases,
  9. infectious diseases,
  10. high fever,
  11. vascular skin,
  12. varicose veins,
  13. epilepsy,
  14. multiple sclerosis.

The way of placing Chinese bubbles depends on what we want to achieve, as well as individual skills. If we do not want to go to the beauty salon for a massage, but prefer to do it at home or put cupping, it is best to choose the flame-free ones.

First, you need to thoroughly apply olive oil to selected parts of the body to lubricate the skin. Then the cup is placed on the skin and the excess air is removed with a syringe. After you have applied all the bubbles, cover the person with a warm blanket and wait 15 minutes. The final stage is to detach the bubbles from the body, on which the red stripes remain.

Also check out: What are the benefits of cupping?

Putting hot Chinese bubbles at home is much more difficult than it is with the cold ones. Before we start the procedure, we will need candles, spirit, lighter, wire (10-15 cm), cotton balls, and body oil that can be replaced with petroleum jelly.

First, you need to thoroughly smear the patient’s skin with olive (or petroleum jelly). The next step is to put cotton wool on a wire which is soaked in spirit. The next step is to set it on fire and place it in the bubble – after heating it up, immediately put the bubble on the body. It should suck right away. After placing all the bubbles, we cover the sick person with a blanket for 10-15 minutes.

The treatment should take no more than 15 minutes.

Chinese cupping – side effects of use

The main noticeable side effect of using Chinese cupping is the appearance of characteristic round hematomas on the body, which disappear a few days after the cupping is placed. In addition, pain and inflammation may appear locally. In addition, the cups should be removed immediately if the patient feels unwell during the procedure.

Chinese cupping massage involves moving the sucked bubbles over the patient’s body. Often this technique is used in the fight against cellulite. Massage with Chinese cups on the stomach of a lying person is popular, which significantly improves blood circulation.

Chinese cupping against cellulite

Chinese cupping is extremely effective in the fight against cellulite. Even if they don’t remove it, they will significantly reduce visibility. During the massage, microcirculation improves and fatty tissue is broken down. Massage helps remove toxins from the body and the skin becomes visibly smoother and firmer. The treatment uses the largest cupping tubes that are designed to massage the thighs and buttocks. The skin must be oiled with olive oil.

Thanks to the massage, the blood supply to the skin improves, blood vessels dilate, the skin is better oxygenated and prepared to receive the ingredients contained in a special olive used for massage. For the best effect, the massage should be used in series – 10–12 treatments approximately every 3 days.

It should be remembered that during classic massage with Chinese cups, they are placed primarily on the chest and back. Avoid the area of ​​the heart and kidneys.

In very thin people and children, we do not put bubbles in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and sacrum.

Chinese cupping – effects of use

Chinese rubber or silicone cans are placed cold, because unlike traditional bubbles we know well from childhood, they do not require heating inside. Chinese cupping sucks to the skin thanks to its elasticity. Placing them in acupressure points enhances the healing effect, but even if we do not know these points, we can achieve a therapeutic effect.

Chinese cups improve blood circulation, warm up, improve the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels, relax, affect the nerve endings and increase the body’s immunity.

Chinese cold cupping

Chinese cupping is not only a popular method of helping you shape your body. They are also effective in fighting various infections, including bronchitis, recurrent diseases of the upper respiratory tract and acute colds. Fire bubbles are then used more often, which additionally warm up the patient’s body.

Chinese bubbles can also be placed for children over 4 years of age. A maximum of 6 bubbles is placed for about 5 minutes. After the treatment, the toddler should not leave the house for 2-3 days.

Chinese bubbles – price

The price of Chinese bubbles will vary depending on what the bubbles are made of. Glass bubbles are the most expensive. The set can cost about PLN 100. A set of silicone bubbles costs about PLN 40-50. The cheapest are rubber bubbles – about PLN 20 per set. Another important question is where to buy Chinese bubbles. Most often you can get them from a pharmacy. They are also available at the drugstore.

In the case of Chinese cupping massage, the price will also depend on the type of treatment. The cheapest one can cost up to 60 zlotys, and the most expensive – 170 zlotys.

At Medonet Market you will find various sets of Chinese bubbles at attractive prices made of both silicone and glass. They are safe and convenient to use.

See also:

  1. How to do a slimming massage?
  2. Diseases that make you constantly gain weight and make it difficult for you to lose weight
  3. The enemies of weight loss. Seemingly healthy, but they are real caloric bombs
  4. Shantala massage – a method that supports the development of babies

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