Chinese crested dog
To date, it is not known where this breed originated. But, nevertheless, the Chinese Crested Dog belongs to the oldest breeds. According to some sources, most of the hairless came from Africa or Mexico.
Name of the breedChinese crested dog
Country of originAfrica or Mexico
The time of the birth of the breed3000 BC e.
A typecompanion dog
The weight4 – 5 kg
Height (height at the withers)29 – 30 cm
10 – 12 years
puppies price10 – 000 (down), 27 – 000 (naked)
Most popular nicknamesArchie, Mira, Yashka, Cupid, Isik, Buni, Basik, Joyce, Dan, Daph, Kasis

History of origin

Chinese crested dogs appeared a very, very long time ago. According to some sources, 3000 years BC. During the Toltec period (900-1200 AD) they were treated with special reverence. These dogs were called symbols of goodness. A naked dog personified love. The breed was used as heating pads and was called bed dogs, as they ran under the covers and warmed the warmth of their owner’s body. The Indians believe that dogs relieve toothache, colic, treat rheumatism, paralysis, all kinds of joint and spinal pain.

About 50 years ago, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but thanks to English specialists, it was saved. The first breed standard was developed precisely by Great Britain, although Chinese breeders were engaged in breeding the breed, the breed was approved here and the first standard was bred.

Now the breed is popular with the British in the UK, in Paris, Germany, in Our Country there are very few of them.

Breed description

Chinese crested dogs are small, graceful. Representatives of the breed can be either hairless or with a soft fluff covering the entire body. There are also two variations of this breed and the structure of the body. The first is deer, with a light skeleton. And the second type, average. They already have a heavier body and bones.

The dogs themselves are low, only 30 cm. The muzzle is small, narrow, the nose is always black. Medium sized eyes with an inquisitive expression. They are almond shaped and black in color. But there are also individuals with eyes of light shades.

The ears of Chinese dogs are large and erect. The tail is short, in hairless dogs there is no hair on it, and in those with fluff, the tail is completely covered with hair.

The coat of those with fluff consists of an upper and lower shirt, shorter on the muzzle in contrast to the body.

Color is black, black and tan, tricolor, white, white and black, white and bronze, fawn and chocolate.



The Chinese Crested is referred to as a companion, they are very devoted to their family. The breed, by the way, is very suitable for families in which children grow up and other animals live. The Chinese Crested is also friendly towards strangers.

This breed is not suitable for busy people, they need constant contact with their man and suffer greatly in solitude. She usually connects with one or two people. In this regard, the dog is very difficult to adapt and change the owner, it is worth remembering when starting this breed.

Representatives of this breed are intelligent and ideal for training. Even many difficult tricks they master with ease. Dogs themselves love training, because giving good results, they try to prove their love and affection to the owners.

Care and maintenance

Care for a crested dog depends on its type. For example, naked wool does not have, therefore, there is less care for it. Every other day you need to comb out the hair on the tail, head and paws, because it gets tangled in lumps. Naked should be bathed often so that acne and rashes do not appear on her body. With the help of a special cream for dogs, the skin must be protected from external factors, drying out and peeling. This breed is allergic, so it is worth choosing fragrance-free cosmetics so as not to harm the dog. In winter, dogs need to be warmly dressed – shoes and warm overalls are suitable for this.

Long hair needs to be groomed every day. When combing, it is better to use a dog comb with wide teeth. Crested ones almost do not shed, so the dead layer of wool must be removed with a slicker.

These dogs have very bad teeth. For example, naked people have only a slight coating of enamel, because of this, caries forms, and the teeth begin to fall out. In this regard, you need to start brushing your teeth as early as possible with a special paste and brush, or give the dog bones.

The breed is prone to overweight, so you need to actively walk, run and play with them. It must be remembered that the naked type does not have any skin protection – they can easily cut themselves or get hurt.

Education and training

This is an ideal dog for various tricks: the Chinese Crested can learn to walk on its hind legs, jump over obstacles, climb stairs.

She easily learns to please her master. When training, it is worth rewarding the dog with treats. The toilet needs to be taught from early childhood, as soon as the puppy appears in your home. Such easy commands as “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Bring” they grasp on the fly. The owner, most importantly, is to be patient, and not to yell at the dog when something does not work out for her.

If the dog was bought for the purpose of showing at exhibitions, then it is better to give it to a cynologist for education. An exhibition crested must have a beautiful gait, even posture, patience – this is all very difficult to teach.

Health and disease

Their health is strong, but its condition must be carefully monitored. Sometimes when jumping from a height, their kneecaps can be damaged. Dental problems can start at an early age.

Also, dogs often suffer from diseases of the organs of vision (keratoconjunctivitis, hereditary cataract, progressive retinal atrophy, etc.); diseases of the musculoskeletal system (Perthes disease, hip dysplasia). They often suffer from kidney problems.

With regular visits to the veterinarian, all of the above diseases are prevented.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about this breed breeder of Chinese crested dogs Lyudmila Zakharova.

How long does it take to walk a Chinese Crested Dog?

Chinese crested dogs are very active, they are glad of any opportunity to take a walk, so you definitely won’t get off with a five-minute walk. Whether you go to the store or decide to take a walk in the park, take your pet with you – and you will not be bored, and he will be happy.

Can a Chinese Crested Dog get along with a cat?

Only on condition that the dog is given no less love and attention than the cat. These creatures are incredibly affectionate and can easily become jealous.

How do Chinese Crested Dogs react to other dogs?

Restrained and wary. An educated “Chinese” will not rush at someone else’s dog – this is higher than his imperial dignity, but he will not be imbued with trust right away. However, it all depends on education.

Do I need to dress up a Chinese Crested Dog for a winter walk?

If you don’t have a puff, then definitely – who likes to go out naked in the cold?

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