Beijing cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. Pekinensis) is a leafy vegetable from the Brassicaceae family, a subspecies of the common turnip. The benefits and harms of Beijing cabbage have been known since ancient times – it has been mentioned in Chinese written sources since the 70th century AD, and the history of its cultivation goes back five thousand years. The vegetable was not only a valuable food product, but also a source of healing oil. In the mid-XNUMXs of the last century, with the development of new stem-resistant and high-yielding varieties, Western countries, including the USA and Europe, showed interest in the culture. The s also liked the special taste of Beijing cabbage, its valuable nutritional properties and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Chinese cabbage: health benefits and harms, chemical composition

Beijing cabbage is often called Chinese lettuce, but it has nothing to do with a real plant from the Astrov family.

The chemical composition of Chinese cabbage

The rich biochemical composition of Beijing lettuce elevates it to the rank of valuable products used not only for food, but also for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Thus, the content of vitamin C in Chinese cabbage is 2 times higher than in white cabbage. And the amount of carotene in 100 g of the product satisfies the daily requirement of the body by 50%. Beijing salad contains the following elements:

  • trace elements – iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine;
  • vitamins – B2 – 9, C, PP, P, E, alpha and beta carotene, A and extremely rare K;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • proteins, lutein, betaine, lysine;
  • carbohydrates, sugars;
  • fats and ash substances.

For all its nutritional value, Beijing salad is a low-calorie product that is great for diet food.

Comment! Beijing cabbage is perfectly stored fresh during the winter. Even by spring, the content of vitamins in it remains high, which distinguishes it from other vegetables.

What is useful Chinese cabbage

Nutritionists recommend eating vegetables as a source of vitamins and dietary fiber. The beneficial effects of Chinese salad on the human body can not be overestimated. It is especially useful in the winter season, in the spring and autumn period of beriberi and frequent colds. Beijing cabbage has the following properties:

  • removes toxins and toxic substances from the body, helps to cleanse and normalize the work of the intestines;
  • stabilizes metabolism, hormonal background, rejuvenates;
  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, healing them;
  • has adaptogenic properties, relieves insomnia and chronic fatigue syndrome, relieves the effects of stress, depression;
  • strengthens and restores the immune system, is an excellent prophylactic against colds;
  • in type 2 diabetes, Beijing cabbage normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood, reduces the need for synthesized insulin, and facilitates the general condition;
  • normalizes high blood pressure in hypertension;
  • increases appetite, normalizes liver function;
  • removes excess water from the body, increases the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood.
Attention! The white parts of the plant contain the most nutrients and vitamins, so they should not be thrown away.
Chinese cabbage: health benefits and harms, chemical composition

In Korea, Chinese cabbage is fermented with spicy spices and herbs, getting a dish called kimchi.

What is useful Chinese cabbage for a woman’s body

For beautiful women, this vegetable is a unique source of youth and beauty. The benefits of Beijing cabbage for weight loss are recognized by nutritionists around the world. In addition, Chinese salad can be used for the following purposes:

  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • giving the skin a healthy look, elasticity, getting rid of wrinkles;
  • strengthening hair, returning it to a glossy shine;
  • fresh juice perfectly rejuvenates and cleanses the skin, relieves acne;
  • frozen cubes of juice can be wiped on the face.

Cabbage slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which helps fight excess weight.

What is useful Chinese cabbage for men

Beijing cabbage restores the functioning of the genitourinary system:

  • normalizes the functions of the kidneys and bladder;
  • relieves inflammation, including the prostate gland;
  • increases sensitivity during intercourse;
  • prevents premature ejaculation.

In addition, Beijing cabbage excellently relieves the “beer belly” and strengthens the body.

The harm of Chinese cabbage

With all the benefits, Beijing cabbage can provoke an exacerbation of certain diseases. These include chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers, the threat of intestinal bleeding. In addition, this vegetable should not be used in combination with drugs or products that promote blood thinning, such as acetylsalicylic acid. You should refrain from dishes with Beijing cabbage for colic, flatulence. It can not be combined with any dairy and sour-milk products – this is fraught with severe indigestion and diarrhea.

Important! The daily norm of a vegetable for an adult is 150 g 3 times a week, for a child – from 30 to 100 g, depending on age.

Contraindications to Chinese cabbage

Beijing cabbage has a number of contraindications for use in food:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis, colitis;
  • stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
  • tendency to internal bleeding, period of menstruation in women;
  • poisoning, diarrhea, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – dysentery, rotavirus.
Advice! You should choose whole heads, bright green with white or slightly creamy fleshy parts. The leaves should be elastic, with a natural smell and taste.

Rules for eating Chinese cabbage

Beijing cabbage can be consumed fresh, for salads, snacks, sandwiches. It is permissible to steam, boil, sour and marinate, bake. During heat treatment, all useful substances are preserved.

Chinese salad goes well with greens, lemon and apple juice, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, seeds, citrus fruits and apples. You can make cabbage rolls, soups, stews.

Cabbage juice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. The recommended volume is no more than 100 ml per day, on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals.

Important! You can not fill Beijing cabbage with sour cream or stew with cream.
Chinese cabbage: health benefits and harms, chemical composition

Excellent diet dinner: Chinese cabbage salad, herbs and apple or lemon juice

The use of Beijing cabbage in folk medicine

Chinese salad has healing properties. Traditional healers recommend using it for the following ailments:

  • from insomnia helps a decoction of 80 g of lettuce and 180 ml of water, they should be boiled over low heat for half an hour and taken at night;
  • with bronchial asthma, you can prepare a decoction of seeds – 10 g per 125 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for half an hour and drink half a glass twice a day;
  • compress for inflammation and swelling of the eyelids from cabbage juice and cold-pressed olive oil in equal proportions for 20 minutes;
  • scabies and mastopathy will be cured by Beijing cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Regular consumption of this vegetable is the key to a long life and good health.

Chinese cabbage for pregnant women

Beijing cabbage is recommended for pregnant women. It saturates the body with irreplaceable biologically active substances. Normalizes weight and relieves swelling. It improves mood, gives strength and vigor.

Important! Folic acid contained in Chinese cabbage prevents the risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus.

Is it possible to eat Chinese cabbage while breastfeeding

Use during breastfeeding improves milk separation, significantly increases its quantity and nutritional properties. Within 7-10 months after childbirth, Beijing salad must be steamed or boiled. Such food retains all the nutrients, while not stimulating gas formation and colic in the baby. After this period, small portions of fresh vegetables can be added to the diet.

Important! The daily norm for lactating and pregnant women is no more than 150-200 g.
Chinese cabbage: health benefits and harms, chemical composition

Beijing salad does not cause allergic reactions, it helps to remove allergens from the body


The benefits and harms of Beijing cabbage have been known to mankind for more than five thousand years. Modern research confirms that a green vegetable really has a beneficial effect on the body, stimulating metabolic processes, improving blood composition, and clearing accumulated harmful substances. The presence of Beijing salad on the family table at least 2-3 times a week significantly improves health and gives the body the strength to fight seasonal colds and stress. The vegetable is also recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Benefits of Chinese cabbage

Reviews on the benefits and harms of Chinese cabbage

Sergeeva Marina Vitalievna, 36 years old, Kostroma.
My husband and I started growing Chinese cabbage in the country on the advice of our parents. Both us and the children really liked the vegetable with a delicate taste, almost completely replacing the usual white cabbage on the table. We also drank freshly squeezed juice, 1-2 times a week, not more often. We felt the improvement in our health already with the onset of winter – we became much less likely to get sick, although the winter turned out to be rather cold. In addition, cheerfulness appeared, they became less tired and nervous, which could not but affect the general condition. Now Chinese salad is always on our table, and by winter I ferment part of the crop.
Nezasypny Vladimir Ivanovich, 59 years old, Nizhny Tagil.
I read about this leafy vegetable on the Internet. I decided to try to grow it on my own plot, they praised it very much: it’s good for the heart, and for the stomach, and for colds. I really liked its taste, much more tender than the usual cabbage. The wife makes stew from it, and cooks cabbage soup, and crumbles green leaves into salad. I will say right away – the leaves helped me with personal problems, I began to feel much better, frequent night trips to the toilet stopped, my muscles got stronger.

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