Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

Chinese swimsuit (lat. Trollius chinensis) is an ornamental herbaceous perennial, the tallest representative of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). In its natural habitat, it grows in damp meadows, river valleys, forest clearings in Mongolia and China. The name of the decorative culture comes from the ancient German “Troll”, which means “ball” in translation. The long-blooming inflorescences of the Chinese large-petal bathing suit have an attractive spherical shape and a fiery color. Modern landscape designers prefer perennials of the Golden Queen variety (Golden Queen) to create the most striking compositions.

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

The amazingly beautiful bright orange bathing suit flower appears when other varieties and species have already shed their petals.

Botanical description of the species

A perennial plant, the Chinese large-petal swimsuit (Trollius chinensis) is distinguished by the following characteristic features:

  • rhizome is short;
  • bush height 80-100 cm;
  • bush diameter 50-70 cm;
  • stems erect, densely branched, strong, bare, with evenly spaced leaves;
  • leaf blades are lobed;
  • leaf color – bright green;
  • double flowers, open form, up to 5 cm in diameter, located at the top of the stem;
  • perianth with numerous sepals;
  • the color of the petals is bright orange with orange nectaries;
  • fruits – leaflets with a nose, collected in a spherical infructescence
  • flowering period from June to July.

The flowers of the Chinese bathing suit are characterized by high winter and frost resistance, do not require complex agricultural techniques for cultivation. Even with minimal care, the ornamental culture blooms profusely in one place for about seven years.

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

Chinese grassy bathing suit – the record for the duration of flowering (up to 30 days)

Description of the Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen Chinese bathing suit

Swimsuit Chinese Golden Queen (Trollius chinensis) is rightfully considered one of the most attractive, “royal” varieties. The hybrid is a decorative perennial, which is characterized by the following distinctive properties:

  • bush height up to 90 cm;
  • stems thin, erect, branched;
  • leaves are simple, sessile, dissected, divided into five lobes with sharp-toothed edges, collected in a basal rosette at the bottom of the bush;
  • leaf color is dark green;
  • peduncles are tall, with single, deployed, bright flowers at the top;
  • sepals broadly oval, golden yellow;
  • nectaries are long (up to 2,5 cm), linear, larger than sepals;
  • receptacle convex, with numerous pistils and stamens;
  • flower diameter 5-7 cm.

The Golden Queen cultural swimsuit is a winter-hardy ornamental variety that prefers moist soils, well-lit areas of the garden.

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

Swimsuit Golden Queen is very popular with gardeners due to its consistently long and bright flowering.

Application in landscape design

The exceptional decorative properties and unpretentiousness of the Chinese Golden Queen bathing suit attract landscape designers everywhere. The plant effectively combines on the same bed with other flowering crops: catchment, sleep-grass, delphinium.

With a Chinese large-petal bathing suit, you can paint any corner of the garden:

  • as a full-fledged participant in any flower bed, garden bed, lawn or prefabricated mixborder;
  • in the form of group plantings for border decoration;
  • for decorating the north side of houses;
  • to decorate the foot of the alpine hills;
  • for artificial reservoirs.

The tall Chinese bathing suit in the photo is able to make a bright accent on the garden.

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

Golden flowers in the form of large roses look good in bouquets.

Methods of reproduction

The Chinese large-petal swimsuit reproduces in several ways:

  • seminal;
  • vegetative (dividing the bush, cuttings).

The seed method of propagation of an ornamental plant is long and laborious. Cuttings are also quite difficult (harvesting cuttings at the end of spring, rooting seedlings, growing and wintering at room conditions, planting in open ground next year).

By dividing the bush

Propagation of the Chinese Golden Queen swimsuit by dividing the bush is the most acceptable way to obtain viable young plots for subsequent rooting. For a similar breeding technique, maternal specimens over the age of five years are suitable. Manipulations are best done in August-September, on a cloudy day.

Mother bushes are dug up, shake off the remnants of the earth. The roots are washed with water, rotten or dry roots are removed, divided into parts with 2-3 viable shoots and a developed root system. Places of cuts are sprinkled with wood ash, the foliage is removed, leaving 1/3 part to reduce moisture consumption.

Important! Plots are immediately transplanted into prepared planting holes, provide abundant watering.
Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

Plots should be moved to open ground on the same day to reduce moisture loss and minimize the chance of flower death.

Growing Chinese bathing suit from seeds

Growing the Chinese large-petal Golden Queen from seeds is a long and painstaking process. In the first year of life, young bushes form a basal leaf rosette. Flowers appear only in the second year.

At home, the seeds of the Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen are harvested in the fall. For these purposes, ripened seed pods are chosen in dry and warm weather.

There are two main methods of seed propagation of a plant: seedling and seedless.

The non-seedling method consists of directly sowing the seeds of the Chinese bath (Trollius chinensis) in open ground in October, which will allow for natural stratification. A site for decorative culture is prepared in advance (dig up, form small grooves). Small seeds of the Chinese large-petal swimsuit Golden Queen are mixed with river sand, sown in the ground, sprinkled with a layer of soil (about 3-5 mm). Crops are thoroughly moistened. The first sprouts appear in late April or early May of the following year.

The seedling method consists in the preliminary cultivation of planting material. Before sowing, the seeds are stratified to increase the percentage of germination. Seedling boxes and soil mixture are disinfected. The seeds of the Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen are sown in prepared containers in late October or early November. Crops are left in a cold room (cellar, barn, garage) until the end of February, beginning of March. The next stage of germination of seedlings of the Chinese decorative swimsuit takes place at room conditions. Crops begin to moisten from the spray gun, maintain a constant temperature up to + 22 ⁰С. Planting boxes are covered with plastic wrap or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Periodically, crops are aired. The location of the seating box should be well lit, but without direct sunlight. The first sprouts appear 1-3 months after the transfer of the container with crops to the room.

Important! After the appearance of two permanent leaves, the seedlings dive. Two weeks after the dive, the plants are fed with a mixture of low concentration nitrogen fertilizers.
Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

The term for the transfer of decorative bushes of the bathing suit (lat. Trollius chinensis) of the Chinese Golden Queen to open ground is the end of summer

Planting and caring for a Chinese swimsuit

Planting and caring for the Chinese Golden Queen swimsuit do not differ in complex agricultural technology. Experienced gardeners recommend that all manipulations be done with gloves, since the root system of the plant is poisonous.

Terms and rules of landing

Well-lit or slightly shaded areas of the garden are suitable for the decorative Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen. With a lack of sunlight, the plant slows down growth, the buds become small and pale, and lose their decorative appeal. Very intensively, the Chinese swimsuit develops and blooms in wetlands or near water bodies.

Light soil is best suited for her – a mixture of sod, wood ash or coal, humus and a lot of nutrients. Loamy soil can be mixed with river sand. Acidic soil can be fed with slaked lime, crushed eggshells or chalk.

The term for moving the seedlings of the Chinese bathing suit to the open ground is the end of summer. It is best to do the manipulations on a cloudy, rainy day or in the evening. A decorative flower does not adapt well, so you should immediately pick up a permanent “place of residence”.

Approximately one day before transplanting, the seedlings of the decorative Chinese bathing suit are watered abundantly to intensively wet the earth. In the planting holes, young sprouts are moved along with a clod of earth. The root neck should be 2-3 cm below the soil level. The distance between the holes in group plantings is up to 70 cm.

Seedlings are sprinkled with earth, watered abundantly and mulched with pieces of bark, sawdust. The first 2-3 weeks the bushes cover from direct sunlight.

It’s important! When transplanting seedlings of a bathing suit in open ground, all foliage should be cut off to more intensively retain moisture in the soil.
Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

For a decorative Chinese bathing suit, spring planting is not recommended.

Features of care

For the first time after transplanting the plots or moving the seedlings of the Chinese (Trollius chinensis) swimsuit to the open ground, the plant needs regular watering.

Important! It is best to water the decorative Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen in the evening or in the morning.

Adult plants need abundant watering without droplets of water on the buds and flowers. The frequency of moisturizing is once a week. After watering, the ground around the bushes is cleaned of weeds and loosened to a depth of 3 cm.

Organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for top dressing. Humus, manure, nitrogen-, potassium-, phosphorus-containing fertilizers are suitable for ornamental culture.

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

After flowering is completed, the Golden Queen Chinese swimsuit should be fed with wood ash

Preparation for winter

As preparations for winter, pruning of buds and leaf plates at the base is used. Before the onset of the first frosts, the ground part of the Chinese Golden Queen bathing suit is cut to a height of up to 3 cm.

In central Our Country, the plant does not need additional shelter, as it tolerates frosts down to -20 ⁰С. In the northern regions, the bushes of the decorative Chinese bathing suit are spudded, sprinkled with dry foliage and covered with spruce branches.

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

Autumn pruning prevents the spread of fungal diseases

Diseases and pests

Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen is an ornamental crop that is resistant to pests and diseases. Most often, the plant is affected by the following diseases and pests:

  1. White leaf spot, or septoria, is a fungal disease. The disease is characterized by the appearance of light spots with a dark border.
    Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

    From white spotting, copper-containing preparations Hom, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, Profit, Nitrofen are used

  2. The smut appears as dark spots (fungal spores) on the ground parts of a decorative Chinese bathing suit. From the fungus, the drug Vitavax helps.
    Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

    Smut disease disrupts metabolism, provokes the death of plants

  3. The short-bodied nematode is the main pest that parasitizes the root system of the Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen.
    Chinese bathing suit Golden Queen (Golden Queen): photo and description

    Insecticide treatment (Nematodos) allows you to get rid of parasites


Chinese large-petal bathing suit is a poisonous plant that is widely used in folk medicine. Decorative culture has diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties. To decorate the local area with bright orange flowers, you should plant an unpretentious Golden Queen variety on the site. The ideal composition for the fireballs of the Chinese bathing suit will be summer flowers, endowed with various shades of blue. The linear nectaries of the inflorescences, protruding beyond the sepals, create the effect of a royal crown, which distinguishes the Golden Queen variety from others.

Swimsuit cultural Golden Queen (trollius) 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings swimwear Golden Queen

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