Chills without fever

What is a chill

A person experiences chills when the muscles in the body contract and relax in an attempt to regulate the body’s internal temperature. Sometimes this is due to the cold, but it can also be an attempt by the immune system to fight infection or disease.
Chills without fever have several causes, such as anemia, allergies, diseases of the digestive system, kidney stones, or an underactive thyroid gland. This condition is accompanied by tremors, goosebumps, goosebumps.

In adults

Most have an average temperature of around 37°C. However, “normal” can range from 36 to 37.3°C. Body temperature naturally changes. But exposure to extreme cold can lead to hypothermia, the hallmarks of which are shivering and tremors.
Chills and fever can also be caused by mild illnesses (colds) or serious illnesses (flu, malaria, or meningitis ).

In children

The average normal body temperature in children is around 37°C. It usually rises during the day from a low of 36.3°C in the morning to a high of 37.6°C in the late afternoon. Every child has their own temperature range. An increase of up to 38°C can be caused by exercise, a hot bath, or being outside in hot weather.
Chills are common in young children. However, babies usually do not develop overt chills. Therefore, a fever in a child aged six months or younger is a good reason to see a doctor. Also, specialist help is needed for fever between the ages of six months and a year, if the parents are not sure of its cause.
Goosebumps are caused by cold air. In older children, they may be triggered by strong emotions such as shock or fear. With goosebumps, the hairs on the body stick out, on this basis it can be assumed that the child feels unwell.
Chills is the reaction of the body, accompanied by a feeling of cold and chilliness, trembling all over the body, and sometimes “goose bumps”. These symptoms are associated with spasm of small vessels under the skin. We tell you what to do if there are no symptoms, but you are shivering

Chills is a condition when a person feels unwell, cold, internal trembling. There are people who get cold even in the heat, put on warm clothes, while feeling chills, but their body temperature does not rise. This reaction of the body is abnormal. Chills are accompanied by malaise, weakness. Trembling develops mainly in the muscles of the face (masticatory muscles), back, shoulder girdle and limbs.

Types of chills

Chills can be of several types:

  • associated with an increase in temperature (development of fever);
  • arising against the background of normal temperature;
  • manifested by a sharp hypothermia of the body.

The duration of the chill can be:

  • constant;
  • short-term chills (no more than a few minutes).

A single chill is also possible, usually occurring against the background of infections, with allergies, as a reaction to certain medications.

Multiple chills – attacks alternate with the normal state (usually against the background of waves of fever).

The causes of chills

There are many causes of chills. Its development indicates violations in the body. With systematic repetitions of a feeling of chills, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination. Consider the main reasons for the development of chills without fever:

  1. Severe hypothermia. When the body is very cold, the blood vessels constrict, which slows down blood circulation. In response to cooling, thermoregulatory mechanisms are activated in the body, manifested in the form of muscle contraction. During contractions, the muscles release heat and thus try to restore the temperature of the body. What should be done about this? Drink a warm warming drink, such as tea. If possible, dress warmly, and when wet, change clothes and change into dry clothes as soon as possible.
  2. Colds or SARS. With colds and viral diseases, the temperature may not always rise. If you still get sick and catch the virus, it is recommended to go to bed. Drink plenty of fluids, tea with raspberry jam and lemon, herbal teas or decoctions. If the chills do not go away and other symptoms join it, for example, nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, it is recommended to seek medical help.
  3. Infectious diseases. Infectious diseases also may not always be accompanied by a rise in temperature. In this case, the feeling of chills indicates intoxication of the body. This is due to the fact that viruses and bacteria that have entered the body begin to release toxins in large quantities. In addition to chills, the patient is concerned about such symptoms as weakness, headache, stomach and intestinal disorders.
  4. Endocrine disorders. The feeling of chills can also be observed in endocrine disorders, such as underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland secretes a hormone that is responsible for thermoregulation. The feeling of chills can also occur in diabetes mellitus, which is associated with a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels.
  5. Emotional overstrain or stress. Probably, most of you have felt tremors in your body during stress, tension, a sense of fear. The temperature in such cases does not rise. At this moment, the body releases a large amount of the hormone adrenaline, which activates the body’s defense reactions, causes vasospasm, which we feel in the form of cold and trembling. In this case, it is better to drink sedatives (sedatives) and get some rest or sleep. After rest, the nervous system quickly recovers.
  6. Allergic reactions. Quite often, severe allergic reactions are accompanied by chills without fever. These can be reactions to various types of allergens, both food and vegetable. Usually, in these cases, chills are accompanied by a rash, itching, Quincke’s edema and other symptoms characteristic of allergies.
  7. Vegetosovascular dystonia – is a disease of the autonomic nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the tone of the vascular wall and pressure surges. Dystonia can manifest as trembling, chills, cold hands and feet. With this disease, hardening and strengthening of immunity help.
  8. Sudden change in blood pressure. Chills can develop with a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure. In both cases, chills are not accompanied by fever, but can be combined with sweating, nausea, vomiting, severe weakness. A sharp increase in pressure in itself is the cause of the development of chills.
  9. Climax. During menopause, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. The level of sex hormones decreases and the body is rebuilt. In this case, a woman may experience both hot flashes and chills or trembling. One of the ways to treat these symptoms is hormone therapy, which your doctor should choose and prescribe for you. It is not recommended to take hormonal drugs on your own.
  10. Menses. Often the cause of chills is blood loss during menstruation, especially on the first day. Chills are accompanied by weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, depressed mood. If necessary, you can take pain medication.

Diagnostics for chills

To identify the cause of chills, you need to contact a therapist, after examination, the doctor may refer you to a specialist. He conducts a thorough examination in order to identify the infectious focus, finds out what other symptoms are bothering, clarifies whether the patient is taking certain medications. Depending on the alleged cause of chills, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a clinical blood test , which allows you to identify the presence of infectious, inflammatory, allergic diseases. This is also necessary in order to rule out anemia.
Medical attention is needed when the onset of chills is caused by serious chronic diseases or dangerous conditions. Especially if it is accompanied by fever, headache, mental disorders, nausea, vomiting or dizziness.

How to treat chills

With the development of chills without fever, you do not need to wait until it “passes by itself”, especially if such sensations are regularly repeated. It is necessary to consult a doctor in order to identify the cause. At home, this can be impossible, and folk methods do not always help.

Analysis from the nasopharynx, sputum cultures, feces help to exclude infections of the respiratory tract and digestive organs, as well as tuberculosis.

A neurologist’s consultation excludes dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis and retroperitoneal space helps to evaluate the work of internal organs, exclude tumors, cysts, abscesses, inflammation. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland excludes volumetric neoplasms.

A chest x-ray helps in identifying problems with the lungs and bronchi, as well as some heart abnormalities.

PCR tests, ELISA, or RIF can help rule out latent viral infections.

For women, a consultation with a gynecologist, a pelvic exam, a vaginal exam, and a smear test are also required.

Allergy sufferers and people with pathologies of immunity need an examination by an allergist, tests and immunograms.

Modern treatments

Based on the condition that caused the chills, the following recommendations can be made:

In case of hypothermia, drink hot tea, dress warmly. You can try a warming massage with essential oils.

If the cause of the chills lies in a decrease in thyroid function, the doctor sends for a special biochemical analysis, which determines the level of hormones in the blood. Based on its result, the doctor prescribes replacement therapy.

For colds and viral diseases, drinking plenty of water, for example, tea with raspberries, is indicated. In stressful situations, you need to try to calm down, take a sedative or brew mint tea.

If the cause of chills is vegetovascular dystonia, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels by hardening, give up bad habits and eat right.

If the chills are associated with an infectious disease, symptoms associated with intoxication of the body may develop, which may be expressed in the form of chills. This is due to the fact that viruses and bacteria, penetrating into the body, begin to release various toxins into the blood. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

Consequences of Chills

Chills have potential complications. Once the underlying cause is identified, treatment can help prevent possible sequelae. Among them:
  • dehydration due to reduced fluid intake,
  • fever and increased sweating
  • diarrhea or vomiting, convulsions, shock.
Chills may indicate diseases that, if left untreated, cause severe consequences, including coma and organ failure.

Chill prevention at home

The development of chills can be prevented by following simple rules that will eliminate provoking factors. Chill prevention tips include:

  • hardening;
  • playing sports;
  • exclusion of emotional stress and stress;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • scheduled medical examinations;
  • chronic disease control;
  • Seek medical attention if any symptoms develop.
Chills without Fever - Causes, Treatment

Popular questions and answers

We spoke with general practitioner Valeria Trapeznikova about the danger of chills, symptoms requiring a visit to a doctor and the possibility of treatment with folk methods.

Why is chills dangerous?

By itself, chills are just a symptom of various diseases and pathologies. Dangerous are those conditions that lead to a sharp chill. They can disrupt blood circulation in the tissues, threaten fainting, ailments.Although chills are a symptom, sometimes they are underestimated or not taken seriously at all, despite the fact that for the doctor this is a good clue in the diagnostic search, and for the patient it can reduce the time of illness and the occurrence of complications.

When to See a Doctor for Chills?

For any alarming symptoms that accompany chills, you need to consult a doctor. Especially if it is fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, mental disorders, dizziness.

Which doctor should I contact with a chill?

Initially, you need to contact a therapist. Depending on the suspected causes, the doctor may refer you to a neurologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, or cardiologist.

Is it possible to get rid of chills with folk remedies?

If it is a cold chill, warm liquids, herbal decoctions or infusions are acceptable. But in many cases, chills are best treated with drugs that are selected together with the doctor. Traditional medicine without control can harm.The best thing you can do on your own in such a situation is to cover yourself with warm clothes and stock up on warming drinks (tea, compote, milk). It is better to take any medications or herbs after consulting a doctor.

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