Children with oligophrenia, signs, how to recognize, features of mental development

Children with oligophrenia, signs, how to recognize, features of mental development

Oligophrenia is a disease that manifests itself after the birth of a child and cannot be treated. Children – oligophrenics have a number of features in their development and require special attention.

In modern Russian medicine, there are 3 degrees of oligophrenia, or mental retardation. Each species has certain characteristics.

The brain of children with oligophrenics is affected before the start of speech activity

Depending on the degree of development of intelligence, the following types are distinguished:

  • Debility is a mild degree of illness. Children with such a diagnosis communicate easily with people, their speech is well developed. Difficulties arise when solving intellectual problems; they cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship between events and make logical generalizations.
  • Imbecility is a moderate degree of mental impairment. This disease is characterized by speech difficulties. Children are able to communicate with people, but only at the everyday level, they can make a simple request. Certain activities allow you to teach your child basic self-care skills.
  • Idiocy is a severe form of mental retardation. Such children cannot take care of themselves; they need constant care throughout their lives. In addition, it is difficult to communicate with them and it is difficult to understand what they want.

All these forms are caused by organic damage to the central nervous system. Signs of one form or another of the disease help to establish a diagnosis and provide the child with the necessary assistance in adapting to living conditions.

How to recognize oligophrenic

In order to establish the degree of retardation, specialists test the child. According to the number of points scored, psychologists and teachers make an appropriate conclusion. You can’t just use this method. It is necessary to assess in aggregate the degree of adaptation of the child to social life, his ability to take care of himself, communicate and the general level of education.

Features of mental development

For children suffering from oligophrenia, deficient mental development is characteristic, they have difficulties in all spheres of the psyche. Children have a curiosity deficit, they do not need new experiences and do not strive for them. They are difficult to teach, as they are slow to perceive new things.

Such children have superficial, primitive thinking and emotional immaturity. In addition, they have motor impairments.

It is difficult for these children to adapt to the environment. Therefore, it is necessary that they communicate more with healthy people. This will develop all possible abilities, children will have the opportunity to learn certain skills and adapt to social conditions.

Take care of children and do everything you can to ensure that they do not feel inferior

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