Children with intellectual disabilities: education, development, features
Children with intellectual disabilities require a special attitude towards themselves, because they manage to adapt to this world with difficulty. This is especially true for children whose disease is severe due to severe damage to brain cells. There can be many reasons for this – from genetic predisposition to head injuries, unfavorable pregnancy and childbirth.
Features of intellectual disabilities
In 85% of children in preschool age, mental retardation does not manifest itself strongly, since it has a weak degree and can be attributed to individual characteristics. The diagnosis is made only after entering school, when the impairments become apparent and the child faces learning difficulties.
Children with intellectual disabilities need a special approach and training by professionals
The child’s mental retardation in development differs in the degree of intensity of the pathology:
- Mild mental retardation is manifested by the inability of the child to fully assimilate information; it may take him more time to learn something new or develop a skill than an ordinary baby. But such children willingly communicate with their peers, and in adulthood they become full-fledged participants in society.
- A moderate degree is diagnosed at an early age, at a time when intensive development of speech and physical skills should occur. By the age of 7, the development of such children corresponds to the level of 2-3 years in a healthy child. This degree is often the case when diagnosed with Down syndrome.
- A severe degree manifests itself in the first months of life. Sitting, crawling, holding an object in their hands – children learn all this much later than the norm. The development of speech is very slow, and only by the age of 10 will the child be able to formulate coherent sentences from words.
There is also a deep degree of mental retardation, which is diagnosed in infancy. This pathology manifests itself externally – the child is physically weak and has a pronounced asymmetry of the face.
Raising children with mental retardation
It depends on the severity of the deviations. Children with a mild form of pathology outwardly do not differ from the rest, they can communicate with peers and adults and take care of themselves. Such guys can attend a regular school. But you need to additionally study with them at home, as they have difficulty in assimilating new material.
It is better to entrust the education of children with severe pathologies to professionals. For them, there are specialized schools with an adapted program. A child with such problems will be calmer and more comfortable there in a group with the same children. Whereas in a regular school, he risks becoming an outcast.
With a deep degree of illness, everything is more complicated. Often, children cannot adequately assess what is happening, it is impossible to teach them even to personal hygiene, and some lead an exclusively recumbent lifestyle. This is where parents have to make a choice. One option – with their written consent, he is sent to a special institution, where he receives care and medical assistance. Housekeeping of the patient is not prohibited either.
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