Children with hemophilia are waiting for the drug

The Department of Health has promised safe, recombinant drugs for hemophilia. The introduction of the preparations is delayed, and giving the child an older generation of specifics excludes him from the new prevention program, writes Dziennik Polski.

In January, the Minister of Health signed an ordinance on the introduction of a new version of the prophylactic program for children with haemophilia A and B. The document assumed that the qualification for this therapy would start in June. Meanwhile, in April, a program proposal appeared on the NFZ website, from which all dates were removed. There is a project, but when it will be implemented – it is not known.

The National Health Fund is not yet able to accurately determine when the program will start. Currently, we have collected comments on the project, after any changes, it must be approved. Later, a competition for the purchase of preparations will be announced, declares Andrzej Troszyński from the press office of the National Health Fund headquarters in Dziennik Polski. (PAP)

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