Children who change the world. Centner of cents

Aidan Finney is eight years old, and for 10 months now, he has been helping those who really need help on a daily basis. Aidan raises money for the needs of the homeless: not even just money, but only one-cent coins.

Дети, которые меняют мир. Центнер центов

Aidan lives in the small town of Brockton, Massachusetts. First, he asked for change from his parents and their friends, then wrote letters to his classmates and asked them to take part in his campaign, which he called “Cents of Help”. After that, he went around the neighbors and neighbors of friends. Then he turned to social media and arranged with several local supermarkets for special fundraising boxes.

Sometimes large sums are donated to Aidan, but then the boy deliberately changes them for cents-otherwise, he says, his campaign will become a very ordinary social campaign and will no longer attract people.

Aidan exchanges the proceeds for dollars, and then buys the necessary things for the homeless – clothes, food, hygiene supplies. Exactly how much money he collected and how many things he bought, Aidan does not count, but says that in a year there was not a day that his piggy banks were not replenished with an impressive number of coins. He tries to bring gifts for the homeless every week.

Aidan doesn’t know the saying “a penny saves a ruble”, but he would have liked it.

“I like to see people smile at what I do,” says little Aiden – ” When you do a good deed, you can be sure that the good will come back to you-at least in the form of these smiles.”

Aidan already has a following in other States. Last week, 11-year-old Sarah Dibois from California similarly raised $ 502 to help those without a home. “Actually, my goal was $ 500,” the girl says. – But in the last apartment I went to, there were three people at once, and each of them gave me a cent.”

And here you can find out how to help our foundation to help orphans and foster parents find each other

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