Children’s things that mothers waste money on: a doctor’s opinion
Children are expensive. After all, you need to buy so many things: a stroller, a crib, clothes and a bunch of different gadgets. And the famous pediatrician Fyodor Katasonov claims that this is all a waste of money.
If you calculate how much the first year of a child’s life will cost, you can get into a slight panic: it is very, very expensive. A decent stroller will cost at least 30 thousand, a crib – another 10, or even more. But that’s not all. You also need a cradle, a car seat, and many different little things that quietly eat up the family budget to the crumb. However, Fyodor Katasonov, a well-known pediatrician and founder of the Fediatriya channel, is sure that many purchases can be dispensed with.
Pediatrician, author of the School of Carefree Parenting “First Hugs”, the book “Fediatrics. Non-anxious approach to the child “and the telegram channel” Fediatriya “
But not all, but with a cradle. It is really not very comfortable: cumbersome, heavy, it is not a fact that it will fit into an elevator and will pass through any doors. In addition, a stroller with a cradle is needed only in the first six months. Is it worth spending a lot of money on a thing that won’t last so long?
“Remember the basic safety rules? On steps, in an elevator car, or on an inclined road, the child should be removed from the stroller. Can you cope with such a load? ” – the site quotes the doctor
The pediatrician advises buying a stroller on a light chassis with an infant car seat. In his opinion, this is a much smarter and more balanced purchase.
Baby changing table
Do you need it? The doctor’s opinion is unambiguous – no. It is quite possible to change the child’s clothes on the parent’s bed, placing a waterproof diaper or mattress under it. And Fyodor Katasonov considers the table to be a dangerous object: children fall from them much more often than from a bed or from a sofa. It is also taller than any bed, which means that the consequences of a fall can be much more serious. It takes up space, is expensive – such a thing can only be useful to a mother after a cesarean, when it is difficult for her to bend over.
“Prison for a child” – the expert is categorically disposed. The kid who started to crawl learns the world by touch. To deprive him of this means to restrict development. What should be done is to take care of the safety of the environment: close the sharp corners with special overlays, fix the furniture firmly so that there is not the slightest chance that the chest of drawers will collapse on the baby, close the sockets and block the cabinet doors.
Weighing a child is to cultivate your own anxiety. No doctor will advise you to do this every day, control measurements of weight are carried out once a month, maximum – once a week. An exception is medical indications when the baby is not gaining weight. In this case, the scales can always be borrowed. If the situation is truly alarming, hospitalization may be necessary. But in the hospital, your own scales are certainly useless.
Basic things will definitely be needed. But for sure a lot of clothes will be presented by relatives, acquaintances, friends, whose children have already grown out of baby things, will give something. Earlier, in the pre-diaper era, the child needed a whole pile of diapers and undershirts. Now, when it is warm at home, it is perfectly acceptable to leave your baby in one diaper.
Katasonov considers caps and anti-scratches especially useless. A hat in the room is useless, and so that the child does not scratch himself, you need to cut his nails in time – and that’s all.
Here, another eminent doctor, Evgeny Komarovsky, agrees with Fyodor Katasonov. Both of them believe that a bath for a baby is not so much a hygienic procedure as a developing and tempering one. It is important that the child can move freely in the water, and an “adult” bath is much more suitable for this. It makes sense to splurge on a special bathtub if you have a shower cabin at home or if you plan to bathe your child in a summer cottage in the open air.
Crust brush
They are also called “generic mud” – milk crusts on the baby’s head can irritate the mother, but nothing needs to be done with them. The maximum is to lubricate with oil before washing your hair so that they come off easier. But in any case, sooner or later these crusts will come off and stop bothering mom. The baby doesn’t care about them anyway.
By the way
Fyodor Katasonov considers the crib bought in advance to be superfluous. After all, it is possible that joint sleep will be the best solution for your family. The pediatrician called a large basket a good alternative to a crib for the first six months.
“Then you can arrange a place to sleep on the floor. From a security point of view, this is a great option. It’s a shame that his parents often reject him for cultural reasons, “- said the doctor on the online course” School of Carefree Parenting “
By the way, in European countries, a cardboard box is considered a quite suitable sleeping place for a baby. Moreover, in Finland it is given to a young mother in a maternity hospital along with a kit for a newborn. Doctors are confident that this is the safest thing you can think of.
And also sterilizers, bottle warmers and even a baby monitor got into the anti-rating.