Children’s stories, what to read to a child

They only at first glance seem like pleasant stories that are told to a child at night. In fact, each of them contains the plots of life stories and scenarios, which the child will then realize in life.

Everyone loves fairy tales – if not read, then watch. Benefit can bring, by the way, both. Reading aloud is a wonderful tradition that instills a love of books, and brings mother and child closer. And if you watch fairy tales, you can win a gift from the Disney TV channel – from March 4, the channel will host a contest “Follow your dream, princess!” All you need to get prizes is to watch cartoons about princesses under the heading “Big animation at 19.30” and answer questions on site of the TV channel… Those who know exactly what the raccoon’s name is Pocahontas, what is Rapunzel’s favorite dessert, and other details from the life of the princesses, will receive prizes every week.

By the way, thanks to reading books, you can understand how your baby’s life will develop. Surely, after all, your kid has a favorite fairy tale, which he asks to re-read to him over and over again. Ask which character he likes and why. And try to trace which moments of the fairy tale especially impress the child. It is not difficult to do this – it is enough to observe his facial expressions a little more closely. The beloved hero and the event itself, to which the child reacts sharply, is the future scenario of his life. It is in childhood that we choose what our path will be in adulthood: with adventures and incredible events or a quiet stream and eternal expectation of something.

For girls, the plot is not entirely favorable, since the main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that you need to hide and wait for your man. Lethargic sleep symbolizes withdrawal and ascetic lifestyle. Which is not so bad for the time of patriarchy. And in modern society, where women are active on an equal basis with men, there is a clear hint of dedication to one and only man, rejection of their goals and interests. This tale teaches boys to be heroes, to save women. But there is only a chance that the hero can also become a home tyrant. Indeed, in his wife he will look for a quiet shy woman who, without him, will not be able to take a step.

Shows the child the hostility of the world, since everyone wants to swallow the kolobok. And also the inevitability of events – after all, it was originally baked in order to eat. Everything in this world will still fall into place, no matter how much you run away from fate. Well, the motive for the crime and punishment is also present. The gingerbread man ran away from his grandparents. And he was punished for this – he was eaten by the insidious fox.

The main motive is the adventures of the protagonist. Meeting new friends, finding yourself. However, if the child does not like Buratino, but, for example, Malvina or Pierrot, then here it is already worth paying attention to the characters themselves. Malvina, for example, is beautiful, strict and dominant. And Pierrot is sad and depressed. You can ask the child himself who he likes and why. So you will find out with which of the heroes he associates himself. And, accordingly, what line of behavior he adopts.

A very controversial tale. On the one hand, it teaches hard work, sacrifice and submission. On the other hand, the belief in miracles. It also shows girls the importance of beauty and charm. Indeed, in order to charm the prince and get to the ball, Cinderella needed a fairy stylist and inner drive. She needed patience and housekeeping skills to mop floors and do heavy housework. We do not know how the life of Cinderella and the prince turned out. But since the main emphasis in the fairy tale is made precisely on homework, the image of a woman-housewife, who sometimes goes out to people, still runs like a red thread here.

A tale of friendship, mutual assistance and limited resources. Teremok can only withstand a certain number of animals inside itself. Then it will fall apart. For all the original kindness of the plot, the tale has a sad end. This means that the fairy tale will help the child to treat all resources more economically. There are risks of going from lean to greedy. Good or bad, decide for yourself.

A tale about female selectivity. Basically, bears are men. Masha came to their house. And she chooses through a chair, table, spoon and crib the one with whom she will be comfortable. I wonder if you had the opportunity to get into the space of your future chosen one secretly from him and analyze all objects and furnishings, would you refuse? Perhaps then you would have learned a lot more about this person. A woman should be attentive and, when choosing a man, look at how comfortable she is with him. A tale about this.

A tale about choosing your own path and testing. The wolf is a man-tempter who tries to find out all the secrets from Little Red Riding Hood, and even turn her off the righteous path. This girl is a striking character. Due to its red color, it can be seen from afar. She also has a basket of fragrant pies. You yourself understand how much of a temptation for the Wolf-man. The forest symbolizes the social world. Little Red Riding Hood goes to her goals (to her grandmother). But she is so good and attractive that the wolf tries to tempt her. At the end of the tale, he receives his punishment. Therefore, the tale is generally positive for girls. Being yourself, being bright, going towards your goals and not succumbing to temptations along the way is the main motive of the fairy tale.

instead of an epilogue

If the child is attracted by not very good characters and fairy tales, do not panic. You can think together about what else the plot might be. And together with him, rewrite the tale in your own way. This will develop the child’s imagination, and possibly writing talent.

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