Snowflake level
At this stage, your apprentice skier controls his speed, knows how to brake and stop. It is also able to cross the fall line in snowplough turns, and to slide faster (crossing or facing the slope) on smooth or gently sloping terrain.
To get his snowflake, your child must master the snowplow turn, while being able to put their skis back parallel in the crossing. It can make a direct, almost rectilinear, trace.
In terms of balance: he knows how to jump on his parallel skis, slide on one foot… No doubt, he is starting to gain confidence!
1st star level
To obtain his 1st star, your child must be able to follow skidding turns, taking into account the external elements (the terrain, other users…). He also knows how to control his speed in rounded sideslip and now masters the crossing, skis parallel, on a low slope (maintaining the angle of the edges *). Another improvement: he is able to take rotating steps downhill!
Edges: the inner and outer edges of the skis.
2nd star level
No doubt, your child is more and more self-confident. It connects refined turns thanks to which it crosses the slope line with parallel skis. It also controls its turns in rounded skids, and masters skidding at an angle, taking into account the profile of the terrain, other users and the quality of the snow.
On the balance side, it is now able to cross passages of hollows and bumps, crossing or facing the slope. The little extra: he masters the basic skater’s step!