Children’s first aid kit
The CP, together with experts, compiled lists of medicines that you need to have at home and need to take on trips or to a summer camp. We will help you rid your first aid kit of unnecessary things and not forget something important.

Every family with kids and teenagers should have a first aid kit for children. The body of the child is more susceptible to diseases due to the incomplete perfection of the immune system. Children are more active, fall more often, get injured. And the first symptoms of diseases often appear suddenly against the background of complete well-being, often in the evening or at night, when most pharmacies are already closed. At this moment, parents, a grandmother or a nanny can be next to the child – it is important that anyone can quickly provide first aid. 

A set of important medicines is indispensable on any trip, especially abroad. In many countries, medicines are not freely available; they can only be purchased after examination by a local doctor.

To make things easier for you, KP, together with pediatricians, has compiled a list of medicines for the children’s first aid kit. 

List of medicines that should be in a home first aid kit

It is not enough to reduce the dose or frequency of taking the drug – children’s medicines differ in composition and forms of release. At a young age, metabolism, the production of various enzymes and the breakdown of drugs proceed differently. Many drugs used in adults are not recommended or even banned for use in children.

We will tell you what should be included in the list of home children’s first aid kit.


Drugs in this group reduce body temperature and additionally have an analgesic effect. It is advisable to use them for fever above 38,5 ° C, if there are no other doctor’s recommendations. Children should not be given (except in some emergency cases, as prescribed by a doctor) acetylsalicylic acid (“Aspirin”), metamizole sodium (“Analgin”) (1). 

As antipyretics, you can only use drugs with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The dose is calculated according to the weight and age of the child: the required amount is indicated in the instructions. Often the dose calculation is written on the box in which the drug is packed, so it is better to save it so that this information is always in sight (2).

The recommended antipyretics for a home children’s first aid kit are produced in different dosage forms: suspension, suppositories (candles). 

  • “Ibuprofen” or “Nurofen for children” (suspension for babies from 3 months to 6 years, for older children – tablets);
  • “Paracetamol” or suspensions “Panadol”, “Kalpol” (from 3 months); 
  • rectal suppositories “Cefekon D” (from 1 month); 
  • suspension, suppositories “Efferalgan” (from 3 months);
  • dispersible (soluble) tablets “Ibuklin junior” (from 3 years old) (3).
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The decrease in body temperature, as a rule, begins 40-60 minutes after taking the antipyretic. You can give the drug again after 4-6 hours. 


It is not recommended to use antipyretics for more than 3 days on their own, without consulting a doctor (2).

cold medications

Effective treatment of childhood rhinitis is the early application of washes and vasoconstrictor drops. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity in children is penetrated by a large number of blood vessels, therefore, when exposed to undesirable external factors (bacteria, viruses, allergens), edema occurs faster and is more pronounced. 

A runny nose must be treated without fail in order to avoid infectious complications in the adjacent paranasal sinuses and middle ear. Vasoconstrictor drugs will come to the rescue. They increase the tone of blood vessels with their subsequent narrowing. As a result, the swelling of the mucous membrane quickly decreases and nasal breathing is restored. Here are some examples:

  • “Oxymetazoline” or “Oxifrin” 0,01% (with birth); 
  • “Nazivin baby” drops 0,01% (from birth), “Nazivin” spray (from 1 year to 6 years);
  • “Xylometazoline”, “Otrivin drops” 0,05% (from birth), “Galazolin” 0,05% (from 2 years), “Farmazolin” 0,05% (from 6 months);
  • “Vibracil” (drops from 1 year old, spray from 6 years old) (3).
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It is important to regularly free the baby’s nose from mucus. Solutions based on sea water are suitable for washing:

  • “Marimer Baby”;
  • “LinAqua”;
  • “Aqua Maris”;
  • “Aqualor Baby”;
  • “Otrivin”.

Solutions for washing and irrigation are often sold with special devices – aspirators. They help to conveniently and effectively remove mucus from the child’s nose without additional discomfort. 

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0,9% saline can also be used to flush the nasal passages of a newborn. 

Cough remedies 

For the treatment of cough, two groups of drugs are used. Some affect the central nervous system, where they block the center of the cough reflex. They quickly suppress cough, but do not relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and may contribute to sputum stagnation. These are, for example, preparations containing butamirate (Sinekod, Codelac Neo, Omnitus). It is important for parents to know that these drugs should not be given to children without a doctor’s prescription (3).

The second category of cough medicines act on the peripheral nervous system and can be used on their own in treatment. This group includes several types of drugs.

Secretomotor (expectorant) drugs

They stimulate the formation of mucus in the bronchi, resulting in its rapid excretion with coughing. Reduce inflammation in irritated areas of the upper respiratory tract mucosa. 

The preparations can be based on vegetable raw materials: marshmallow, coltsfoot, ivy, common anise fruits, licorice root, plantain, etc. As examples: Linkas Ivy, Pectolvan, Prospan, Gedelix. Combined: “Mukaltin”, “Doctor MOM”. 

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Medicines have a thinning effect on existing sputum without stimulating the formation of additional mucus. These can be funds based on:

  • bromhexine, acetylcysteine ​​(for example, “Bromhexine”, “Acetylcysteine”, ACC, “Fluimucil”),
  • carbocisteine ​​(“Carbocisteine”, “Fluditek”, “Fluifort”, “Bronchobos”),
  • ambroxol (“Ambroxol”, “Lazolvan”, “Bronchorus”).
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They include active components of different pharmacological groups, which simultaneously expand the bronchi, thin the sputum and contribute to its rapid elimination. For example, the combination of bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol contains Ascoril Expectorant solution from 3 years old, Joset syrup from 3 years old, Stoptussin syrup from 2 years old (two components, without salbutamol) (1).

To normalize the work of the digestive tract

In case of poisoning and intestinal infections, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since these diseases are more severe in childhood. 

Enterosorbents and probiotics

In the treatment, enterosorbents are used – substances that absorb (absorb) toxins, bacteria, viruses and remove them from the body, as well as reduce diarrhea. This is for example:

  • polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (“Enterosgel” in the form of a paste (from birth);
  • smectite dioctahedral (“Smecta” in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension or a finished suspension (from 2 years old);
  • lactulose + hydrolysis lignin (“Laktofiltrum” tablets (from 1 year old);
  • colloidal silicon dioxide (“Polysorb” powder for suspension preparation (from 6 months) (4).
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Probiotics can be given to relieve diarrhea. These are live microorganisms that restore normal intestinal microflora and digestion, eliminate pathogens.

  • Saccharomyces boulardi – “Enterol”, 
  • lactobacilli acidophilus + kefir fungi – “Acipol Malysh”,
  • complex additives: “Linex”, “Rela Life”, “Maxilak Baby”). 

With diarrhea

For diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature, treatment includes broad-spectrum antimicrobials. They kill pathogenic bacteria, protect the intestinal microflora. These can be preparations based on nifuroxazide:

  • “Nifuroxazid”, 
  • “Enterofuril”, 
  • “Ersefuril”,
  • “Stopdiar”, 
  • “Contre Diar” (2).
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A feature of childhood intestinal infections and diarrhea is a high risk of severe dehydration, so solutions to restore water and electrolyte balance should be in every first aid kit:

  • “Rehydron-bio” (from 3 years old), 
  • Humana Electrolyte (from 3 years old), 
  • “Adiarin Rehydrocomplex” (from birth),
  • “Hydrovit” (from birth).
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To relieve stomach pain

For abdominal pain, you can give the child:

  • “Drotaverin”, “No-shpa” (from 6 years old), 
  • “Riabal” (from birth), 
  • “Trimedat” (from 3 years old), 
  • “Mebeverin”, “Duspatalin” (from 3 years old), 
  • “Buscopan” (from 6 years old). 

They relieve spasm of smooth muscles and relieve pain in various functional diseases of the stomach and intestines (5). 

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In the case of intestinal colic, which occurs in an infant due to the failure of the nervous regulation of the intestines, immature intestinal microbiota and increased gas formation, simethicone preparations are used:

  • “Infacol”, 
  • “Espumizan baby”, 
  • “Colicides”, 
  • “Bebinos”, 
  • “Bobotik”. 

They make it difficult for the formation of gas bubbles and destroy them in the digestive tract, which eliminates painful bloating.

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Against allergies

The child’s body is more sensitive to various allergens, and the reaction is often more pronounced. We recommend that you have antihistamines in your home medicine cabinet that block allergy receptors and eliminate any of its manifestations. In addition, antihistamines relieve itching from insect bites.

For use in children are allowed:

  • “Dimetinden”, drops “Fenistil” (from 1 month);
  • “Chloropyramine” or tablets “Suprastin” (0,025, from 3 years old);
  • “Diazolin” (from 3 years old);
  • “Cetirizine”, “Zirtek” (drops, from 6 months), “Cetrin” (tablets, from 6 years), “Zodak” (drops, from 6 months);
  • “Suprastinex” (drops, from 6 years old);
  • “Desloratadine” or syrup “Erius” (from 6 months); 
  • “Loratadin” or “Lomilan” (suspension, with 2 years) (3).
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To relieve unpleasant skin symptoms, you can use topical gels or creams that reduce itching and irritation. Safe for children: 

  • “Dimetinden”, “Fenistil”;
  • “Skin-cap” (aerosol), substances based on zinc pyrithione;
  • “Mometasone”, cream “Gistan”.
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For sore throat

Angina, colds, SARS are often accompanied by soreness, irritation and soreness in the throat when swallowing. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, local antimicrobial agents are used, which suppress the activity and reproduction of bacteria – the causes of diseases of the oral cavity. We recommend having at least one of the following medicines in your first aid kit:

  • “Furacilin” – a solution for dilution for gargling or lubricating with a cotton swab (if the child cannot rinse yet), suitable from 0 months;
  • “Miramistin” – a solution with a spray nozzle for children over 3 years old;
  • “Ingalipt” – an aerosol for irrigation of the oral cavity for children from 1 year old;
  • “Geksoral” – available in the form of a solution and an aerosol, allowed from 3 years old;
  • “Benzydamine”, “Tantum Verde” – solution for children over 12 years old, spray from 3 years old; spray “Angidak” spray (1).
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Lozenges can also be used to alleviate discomfort in the throat. Usually these are combined drugs that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. 

Throat lozenges are allowed for older children: 

  • “Grammidin for children” (from 4 years old), 
  • Faringosept (from 3 years old), 
  • Strepsils (from 6 years old), 
  • “Septolete Total” for children (from 6 years old),
  • Eucalyptus-M (from 8 years old) (4).
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In case of eye diseases

If barley occurs on the inner or outer part of the eyelid, inflammation of the mucous membrane or ciliary edge, eye drops with antibiotics are used in low concentrations. They destroy pathogenic microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process.

  • “Sulfacyl sodium” (“Albucid”) – from birth,
  • “Levomycetin” or “Levomycetin eye drops” 0,25% – from 0 months,
  • “Ciprofloxacin”, “Tsiprolet”, “Signicef” (from 1 year old),
  • “Tobramycin”, “Tobrex”, “Tobradex” (from 2 years old),
  • “Vitabakt” (from birth) (1).
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With allergic conjunctivitis, it is allowed to instill drops that suppress the reaction to the allergen. These drugs relieve dryness, burning, profuse lacrimation and swelling:

  • cromoglycic acid (“Lekrolin” – from 4 years old), 
  • azelastine (“Allergodil” – from 6 years old), 
  • diphenhydramine + zinc sulfate + naphazoline (“Okumetil” – from 2 years old), 
  • olopatadine (“Opatanol” from 3 years old) (4).
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First Aid

For cuts, abrasions and other injuries, antiseptic agents are needed for the initial treatment of the wound. Keep the following medicines in your medicine cabinet.

  • Chlorhexidine solution 0,05%. It is a skin antiseptic, cleanses and disinfects, does not cause irritation and discomfort during treatment. Approved for use from 12 years.
  • Hydrogen peroxide (0+). A disinfectant that can be used to wash damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes with a cotton or gauze swab. 
  • Brilliant green (brilliant green) – a disinfecting alcohol solution for treating bites, cuts, purulent wounds, edges of healthy skin around the affected areas.
  • Iodine is an antiseptic and bactericidal agent for inflammatory and infectious skin diseases, injuries. The iodine mesh also reduces swelling and promotes the resorption of bumps from injections.

In stock should be bactericidal plasters, bandages (sterile and non-sterile), cotton wool. A thermometer, syringe, pipette and small scissors are also always needed in a child’s first aid kit (4).

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Antivirals, antibiotics and ear drops

Uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs is not recommended. They can only be prescribed by a doctor when confirming the microbial nature of the disease. Antibiotics are selected taking into account the age of the baby, his weight. 

Antivirals are also recommended for children only in certain cases, as directed by a doctor. Unreasonable application can do more harm than help. 

Ear drops should be prescribed only by an ENT doctor after examining the child’s ears with an otoscope. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications. The specificity of drugs for the treatment of inflammation in various parts of the ear is the need to use mutually exclusive components for different diseases. The presence or absence of damage to the tympanic membrane (which can only be established by a specialist during examination) determines the choice of a drug.

First aid kit on vacation at sea with a child

You need to take with you funds with which you can provide first aid to the child, taking into account the peculiarities of your trip.

Sun protection means

For a beach holiday, you need a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50. It can be a cream, milk, lotion or spray from any manufacturer. Such cosmetics contain UV filters that absorb ultraviolet rays and prevent their penetration. 

In case the child does burn, we recommend taking wound healing agents (preferably in the form of a spray, as it is less painful to apply):

  • “Panthenol”;
  • “Bepanten”;
  • “Novatenol”;
  • “Dexpanthenol-Vertex”;
  • “Methyluracil”.
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Antipyretics and painkillers

Indispensable in case of unsuccessful acclimatization, infection with high fever, headaches and toothaches. Children can only use preparations based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. Take one of these with you:

  • “Ibuprofen” (suspension or tablets);
  • “Nurofen for children” (suspension or tablets);
  • “Paracetamol” (suspension or tablets);
  • syrup “Panadol”, 
  • rectal suppositories “Cefekon”, 
  • syrup “Calpol”, 
  • “Efferalgan” (suspension or suppositories).
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Antiallergic drugs

Insect bites, an unexpected reaction to a local food, or an accidental exposure to a new allergen can happen to anyone. We recommend taking with you medicines against manifestations of allergies:

  1. ointments for skin rashes and itching after insect bites: diphenhydramine (“Psilo-balm”), “Dimetinden”, “Fenistil gel”;
  2. oral antihistamines: 
  • “Cetirizine” (“Zodak”, “Zyrtec”, “Cetrin”), 
  • “Chloropyramine” (“Suprastin”), 
  • “Diazolin”,
  • “Desloratadine”, “Erius” (2). 
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Self-administration of antibacterial drugs is highly discouraged, especially in children. But anything can happen on a trip, and if it is not possible to seek medical advice, in the most extreme cases, you will have to resort to antibiotics. It is better if it is a drug that has already treated a child with a positive effect as prescribed by a doctor. 

Starting antibacterial drugs – based on amoxicillin (Flemoxin Solutab) or a combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Flemoclav, Amoxiclav, Augmentin). 

In the presence of an allergy to amoxicillin preparations, other groups are used: 

  • cefotaxime (“Suprax”, “Pancef”), 
  • azithromycin (“Sumamed”) (4).

Cold medicines

On vacation with a child, you need to be prepared for SARS and colds, which are caused by hypothermia. Medications can help manage the classic triad of symptoms of a runny nose, cough, and sore throat.

  • Against cough:
  1. “Doctor MOM”;
  2. “Glaucin”;
  3. «Bronchitus»;
  4. “Ambroxol” (“Ambrobene”, “Lazolvan”).
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  • From perspiration and sore throat:
  1. “Lizobakt”;
  2. Strepsils;
  3. “Ingalipt”;
  4. “Hexoral” (hexetidine);
  5. “Miramistin”.
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  • From a cold:
  1. «Snuppik» or «Nazivin»;
  2. “Nazol Baby”;
  3. “Otrivin”.
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Medications for intestinal disorders

On vacation, it is important to provide for different situations, including various gastrointestinal disorders, rotavirus infections. In such cases, you will need:

  • antiemetic drugs: Metoclopramide, Cerucal, 
  • antidiarrheal drugs, enterosorbents: “Smekta”, “Enterosgel”, “Laktofiltrum”, “Polysorb”, “Ultra Adsorb”;
  • antimicrobial intestinal preparations: Nifuroxazide, Enterofuril, Ersefuril, Adisord;
  • means for restoring water and electrolyte balance: Regidron-bio, Humana Electrolyte, Adiarin Rehydrocomplex, Hydrovit (4).
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Mosquito and other insect repellents

If there are a lot of insects at the place of stay, take with you funds, for example, from these manufacturers: Moskitol, Raptor, Raid in a convenient form – a fumigator, an aerosol (apply only to clothes), spirals, bracelets.

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Means for the treatment of injuries and bruises

Hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green (it is convenient to take with you in the form of a pencil) will disinfect the wound, bactericidal patches will help isolate it and prevent infection. Gauze and elastic bandages are necessary for dressing large and deep wounds, fixing a limb in case of bruises, sprains. 

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First aid kit in the mountains with a child

The formation of a first-aid kit requires special foresight. Rest in the mountains implies some specifics: it can be in summer and winter, but it is always associated with increased risks of injury. You need to take into account the special local climate: low atmospheric pressure, less oxygen, increased risk of sunburn or frostbite.

For the treatment of scratches and wounds, with injuries

Essentials: sterile gauze and elastic bandages, adhesive plaster, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine in a pencil. With the help of such a set, if necessary, you can quickly treat the wound, isolate the affected area and apply a tight bandage for bruises, sprains and other injuries. 

It is also better to take an anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointment with you to improve blood circulation, thin the blood, relieve swelling in case of injury. These may be the following options:

  • “Rescuer”;
  • “Heparin ointment”;
  • “Troxerutin” (“Troxevazin”);
  • “Diclofenac” (“Diclak”);
  • “Nimesulid” (“Friend”).
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From frostbite and burning

Depending on what time of the year you decide to go with your child to the mountains, you need to bring sunscreen or frost cream with you. 

Please note that children get burned and frostbite faster than adults. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the skin and their blood supply. For sun protection, any product with an SPF of at least 40-50 is suitable. Creams to protect against frost are suitable:

  • Bubchen;
  • “Little polar bear” from Little Siberica;
  • Pope who;
  • Unarmia FROST PROTECT;
  • “Red cheeks” from Morozko.
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If frostbite does occur, it will be necessary to make a bandage with heparin or troxevasin ointment and show the child to the doctor as soon as possible. 

For sunburn, use wound healing creams with panthenol.

For different occasions

The rest of the first aid kit looks standard, as for other trips (see above). It should include some groups of drugs.

  • Gastrointestinal: 
  1. “Smekta” (or any analogue);
  2. “Enterofuril”;
  3. “Regidron-bio”.
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  • Antipyretics and painkillers: 
  1. “Ibuprofen” (“Nurofen”);
  2. “Paracetamol” (“Panadol”, “Cefekone”).
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  • Antihistamines: 
  1. “Cetirizine” (“Zodak”, “Zyrtec”, “Cetrin”);
  2. “Chloropyramine” (“Suprastin”), “Diazolin” or “Desloratadine” (“Erius”).
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  1. Antibiotics: Supraks, Flemoklav, Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Ampicillin.
  2. Anti-cold: 
  • “Doctor MOM”;
  • “Glaucin”;
  • «Bronchitus»; 
  • “Lizobakt”;
  • dichlorobenzyl alcohol (“Strepsils”);
  • “Oxymetazoline” (“Nazivin”).
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When visiting a mountain resort in summer, we also recommend taking insect repellent with you.

First aid kit for a child in the camp

In the summer, many children go to camps, and parents tend to bring everything they need with them. This is not always justified, since there are medical centers in such institutions, and the child is unlikely to be able to independently make the right choice about the need to take the medicine and its correct dosage. 

But something does not hurt to take the child with you.

We recommend putting dressings, individually necessary medicines, sunscreen, repellents. As for other drugs – at the discretion of the parents. 

In a non-standard situation, the child will be able to take the necessary medicine under the supervision of a medical worker of the camp, if such a medicine was not in the first-aid post.


To treat wounds, you will need bandages, adhesive plasters (wide white and flesh-colored in stripes), cotton wool or cotton pads, iodine or brilliant green in the form of a marker (for convenience), hydrogen peroxide.

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Sun protection means

Any cream with SPF 40+ will help protect against sunburn. In case the child burns, put a wound healing cream with panthenol.

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Insect bite protection

Mosquitoes and midges are one of the main problems in the summer. Their bites can cause not only discomfort in the form of itching and burning, but also allergies. For protection, you can give a fumigator with you, which the child will turn on at night in his room. Aerosol for processing clothes and special bracelets are also effective.

Specific medicines

If the child has chronic diseases, this should also be taken into account. The first aid kit should include all the necessary supportive drugs for the entire stay in the camp.

First aid kit on the road with a child

If you have a long way to go, you need to take care of comfort and first aid in non-standard situations in advance. When traveling by car, you can not take dressings with you, as they are in the car first-aid kit. 

General Purpose Tools

We recommend taking with you several medicines that will help with colds and intestinal disorders, especially if you know which ones are the most effective for your baby (already used at home). 

Standard set: antipyretic, against the common cold, cough, sore throat and in case of poisoning. You can choose a drug from each group from the list above in the corresponding section. 

From hangovers

If a child has characteristic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pallor), special remedies for motion sickness will help, which block the occurrence of seizures:

  • “Dramina” (from 3 years old),
  • “Avia-sea” (from 6 years old),
  • “Kinedril” (from 2 years old),
  • “Bonin” (from the age of 12),
  • bracelet “Travel Dream” (from 3 years old) (4).

Recommendations of pediatricians when compiling a first-aid kit for a child

– In summer, children are prone to various diseases no less than in the cold season. Therefore, a first aid kit for a child should always be at hand. Properly selected funds will help to immediately provide assistance and prevent stress – both for the child and for the parents, – notes Olga Rubleva, pediatrician, pediatric infectious disease specialist.

– The first first aid kit should be collected from the essentials: sterile wipes, bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide 3%, thermometer, vent tube, pipette, baby moisturizer, antipyretic, anti-allergic agent, – says pediatrician Vladislav Zyablitsky. – It is better to buy all other drugs as needed and after the appointment of a pediatrician. Self-administration of drugs is strictly contraindicated.

Popular questions and answers

We answer several important and most frequent questions of parents about storage, expiration dates and ready-made sets of medicines for children. 

Where to store a baby first aid kit?

Medicines should be stored in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children. The influence of high humidity and sunlight can lead to loss of the desired consistency and deterioration of the composition. Compliance with these conditions will also protect against unintentional use of medicines by young children and accidents. 

You can store medicines in plastic containers with cells inside and waterproof bags. In the instructions, pay attention to the required temperature regime: some ointments, suppositories, gels, ampoules should be stored in the refrigerator. 

In order not to confuse products for external and internal use, you can stick stickers of different colors on the jars and sign them. Bulk, liquid and tablet forms must be stored separately or in separate compartments.

Are there ready-made first aid kits for children?

Yes, they are sold in pharmacies. These are standard kits for mom and baby, the composition of which differs depending on the manufacturer. They usually include the most necessary tools: gauze bandage, cotton wool, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, baby cream, thermometer, pipette, pear. A ready-made first aid kit is designed for several uses, it can be a backup option, but not the main one.

How long can medicines for children be stored?

The expiration date of each drug is indicated in the instructions and on the box. Please note that for many drugs it decreases after opening the package (this is also usually indicated in the instructions). Expired medicines should not be used, since the reaction of the drugs will at best be ineffective, and at worst, cause irreparable harm.
  1. Clinical pharmacology: Textbook, 5th edition, revised and expanded / Ed. V.G. Kukesa., D.A. Sycheva M.: “GEOTAR-Media”, 2015
  2. Evidence-Based Medicine​: Textbook / Petrov V.I., Nedogoda S.V. — M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012
  3. Clinical pharmacology of the most important drugs used in pediatrics: a textbook (UMO) / [comp.: A.M. Ozhegov and others]; GBOU VPO IGMA, department. Pediatrics and neonatology. – Izhevsk: IGMA, 2011
  4. Union of Pediatricians of Our Country. URL: http://www.pediatr-Our
  5. Reviews of world medical journals in the field of pediatrics in . URL:

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