Children’s competition 2016 Samara
On Woman’s Day Children’s Day, Samara kids shared their dreams and talked about the successes they are proud of.
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Our competition is over!
Karina Muslimova became the winner of the competition! She receives a diploma and the title of “The most adorable baby / baby of Samara – 2016 according to Woman’s Day”, a certificate for holding a children’s party from the agency
Matvey Zhuravlev took second place and receives a diploma for the II place in the contest “The most adorable baby of Samara – 2016” according to the version of Woman’s Day users and a subscription for a month of free lessons to the dance art center THE ZOO!
Maria Kumirova receives a diploma for the 2016rd place in the contest “The most adorable baby of Samara – XNUMX” according to the version of Woman’s Day users and a subscription for a month of free lessons to the dance art center THE ZOO!
All participants in the competition will receive two tickets to visit any attraction in
All participants will receive tickets for visiting the petting zoo as a gift “Call of the Jungle” to the Alabin Museum.
Dear winners and participants of the competition! You can come for prizes after June 17 at st. Sadovaya, 280, 3rd entrance, 3rd floor. Inquiries by phone 270-66-64
Meet our participants!
About: “While I go to the senior group“ Suns ”of the kindergarten“ Petrushka ”- I really like it there, I am friends with both the kids and the middle group. My best friends Vadim and Kirill, together we love to go to the park, to the cinema and visit each other. We also had a girl in the kindergarten, Arisha (I still like her very much), but she went to another kindergarten … In the fall I will go to prepare for school. And I also have the most wonderful parents: mom – Anya and dad – Andrey. “
My hobbies and successes: “I really like the Lego constructor – I play both in the kindergarten and at home! I also like to spend the whole day with my mom and dad in our park on a trampoline on weekends! Favorite cartoon “Scooby Doo” – I also dream of a talking dog. “
My dream: “Who I will be in the future, until I decided – I wanted to be a huge military man, an astronaut, a policeman, and even a superhero!”
You can vote for Vova on the last page!
About: “I study at a cadet school.”
My hobbies: “I am engaged in hand-to-hand combat.”
My dream: “I want to become, like dad, a border guard and serve the Fatherland.”
You can vote for Gregory on the last page!
Victoria Zazhivikhina, 11 years old
About: “The photo shows my first attempts at the school of photo models, I took a course there.”
My hobbies and successes: “I am fond of reading, I like dancing, taking pictures and taking pictures. Now I’m in a hip-hop group. I love playing Minecraft and Sims. The school recently won first place in the British Bulldog. Before that, I participated in a city conference, and my work was included in the top 10 works of the city. I study well, three grades a year. Before that I was an excellent student, but something did not work out this year. Hopefully it will be better in the future! “
You can vote for Victoria on the last page!
About: “I really love to study in my favorite theater studio” Assol “, I love to sing, dance – probably like all girls.”
My hobbies and successes: “Took part in the filming of six films by the Uni Gold studio. She also starred in a “lyrical digression” in a documentary about Samara by the Volga-Film studio – “Samara. Volga. Beach”. I also took part in a charity concert for children “Children’s Houses”. And this is great, because we are all children, and if we can please each other with something, we should do it. “
You can vote for Nastya on the last page!
About: “I am a student of the preparatory class of a specialized children’s and youth school of the Olympic reserve in artistic and rhythmic gymnastics.”
My hobbies: “I also go in for swimming and singing.”
You can vote for Maria on the last page!
About: “Since I am now 4 years old, all my thoughts are occupied with games, mostly entertaining, but there is also a small share of cognitive ones.”
My hobbies and successes: “I also played football for a while. This did not last long, since at the age of 4 I have slightly different interests. During my studies, I became more disciplined, in a sense, more responsible. I also visited the pool for a short time, but, unfortunately, this is also a thing of the past. I really like to ride a bike, play football with friends, also in our modern age of information technologies I like to play computer games, but everything is in moderation. Well, perhaps, to my achievements by the age of four, I can only attribute the fact that at a fairly early age I began to learn to count and write. Now I can count to 30, I am studying with a very interesting book for gifted children. There are many tasks with a game orientation in it. Also, my mother and I write numbers and letters in the copy. I’m already doing it. My mother and I visit various interesting exhibitions, circles, we go to paint with sand. It is very exciting! I like to go to my grandmother in the village, where I like nature and pets (goat Eva, dog Count, kitten Vasya). In the fall we will go to preparatory school, we do not go to kindergarten for health reasons. “
My dream: “What am I dreaming about? Of course, about new toys. After all, at my age, it is mainly playing activity that is very important. I would be a little cunning if I said that I want to be a great scientist or, for example, play the violin. Maybe in the future, dreams will be different. And now, while I’m four, I dream about what interests me. The biggest dream at the moment is to buy me a new yellow (yes, exactly yellow!) Plane. Of course, my mother wrote this essay about me, since I still can’t write, but I took an active part. Thank you for your attention”.
You can vote for Matvey on the last page!
About: “I live in Samara with my parents and brother Bogdan. I love my family and when I grow up I want to be like my mother. “
My hobbies and successes: “Next year I’m going to go to school and study with only A’s! I can already read and write, count a little. I like solving puzzles for logic and thinking. I go to figure skating, I got my first medal and I am very proud of it. I love drawing, collecting puzzles, skating, and, as my mother says, I’m good at building something, maybe I’ll become an architect. ”
My dream: “I dream of going to the sea with my brother.”
You can vote for Milan on the last page!
About: “My height is 152, weight 40. I am a very athletic and active girl.”
My hobbies and successes: “I play football, I like to draw and dance, and also study in a model school. I am proud to have participated in shows and photo shoots for various children’s stores. “
You can vote for Snezhana on the last page!
Alexander Gavrilov, 3 years old
Parents about their son: “Sasha is the first child in the family, everyone loves and pampers him very much. At the same time, we try to educate male character traits, while this is an explosive mixture of an affectionate boy, a stubborn donkey, a bully – a brawler and a laughter! “
His hobbies and successes: “Sasha at his age is very fond of photographing, which his mother really likes, because this is her hobby. He also loves to jump on a trampoline, run, swim and do whatever gets his attention! Boris Zakhoder’s favorite book “Letter Ya” – sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and asks to read it. Sasha fantasizes a lot and always shares his fantasies. Probably every mother is proud of her child’s success. At this stage, I want to note that Sasha started talking early enough – at 2 years old. He has an artistic flair in photography, his work was appreciated by the teacher of the photo school, where his mother goes. “
You can vote for Alexander on the last page!
About: “This year I will go to the first grade to study at school, and I have been doing gymnastics at the Galaktika CYSS for a year already.”
My hobbies and successes: “I love animals and especially insects, my mother tells me a lot of interesting things about them. I love to draw and sing, and I also really like to memorize poems and read them with expression. Recently I passed the annual test in gymnastics, it was very difficult, and I was very worried that I would not pass. “
My dream: “I dream of becoming a world champion in gymnastics and an artist, and I also want to treat animals.”
You can vote for Karina on the last page!
Note, in the case of artificial cheating of votes, we will be forced to determine the winner and winners of prizes by the decision of the editorial board! Thanks for understanding!
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“The most adorable baby of Samara – 2016” according to Woman’s Day
Matvey Zhuravlev
Victoria Zazhivikhina
Vova Dernov
Grigory Gridnev
Karina Muslimova
Maria Kumirova
Milana Navarenko
Nastya Karpova
Alexander Gavrilov
Snezhana Vodyakova