Children’s books: what to read to a child

Children’s books: what to read to a child

And mom will finally calmly drink a cup of tea and rest a little.

A child is an unpredictable creature. He can sit peacefully at the table and diligently draw a drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil, but not even five minutes pass before he turns into a small hurricane: he chases the ball around the room or asks to play hide and seek with him. How to get your child to play as long as possible? We have selected five unusual children’s books and three games that will keep the baby entertained and help the mother relax.

1. “Ten Little Pirates. Oral counting for kids. ” Alpina. Children”

“Ten little pirates are sailing on a boat. Adventure and glory in the distance await pirates! ” What will they do if they meet a hungry shark? With a giant octopus? What if they get caught in a storm? A bestselling book that teaches children to count down and makes it automatic. Unusual illustrations, cute characters, adventures and easy catchy poems – this is what will keep your child busy and amused.

Why is the bunny crying? Who scared the pig? Where did the snake hide and where was it going to crawl? Where is everyone running and what is happening in general? There are no words in the book. There are only pictures that make it more interesting and useful. Each inhabitant of the magical forest has had its own story, and it began just at the moment when someone stole the cake. Examining illustrations, composing a story, and finally finding the stolen cake is a childish activity!

3. “Five minutes of rest.” “Polyandria”

The mother of three restless elephants so wants to soak up the hot scented bath with a cup of tea … But here’s the bad luck: the children do not want to part with their beloved mother even for five minutes. This bestselling book was first published thirty years ago, and people began to love it even more. This is because both children and their mothers like her equally: they both recognize themselves in the characters.

4. “On the farm all year round”. Clever

What happens on the farm in summer? And in winter? Farm Year Round will introduce your little one to the pets, the cares and responsibilities of the villagers, and help them learn new words. Welcome to the farm! Here you can stroll through the blooming garden and orchard, look at the stables, pick a juicy apple from a tree, and even ride a tractor. In the book there are hundreds, no, thousands of small details that the child will search with diligence.

5. “The most important knowledge.” “Robins”

There are so many questions, especially for young children. Where do you get the answers? In an unusual book with valves and windows. Having opened it, the child will find himself in a scientific laboratory, look into the treasury of history, get acquainted with the most amazing inhabitants of the earth and the most famous scientific myths and history of the origin of our world. This is definitely more interesting than hide and seek!

Books can not only be read, but also used in the game.

Take any book, for example, “10 Little Pirates”. There are many small details here that are interesting to consider: try to become a detective for a while and play “who will find it faster” on the page. Who will be the first to find the parrot? And the octopus? Have your child point and count small details on the spread of the book with his finger. Such a game perfectly develops attention, perseverance, and at the same time teaches counting.

What could have happened to the characters in this book? Anything you want – compose your story with your child, come up with adventures, or maybe the hero himself. Describe what he looks like, what his character is, what actions he does. Let the child first tell and then draw the hero on a piece of paper. The game will help develop imagination, logic and storytelling skills.

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