Introducing our traditional selection of print novelties for kids and teens. We have collected interesting books that will not only be enjoyable reading for the child, but will also give impetus to the development of his personality.
«My Imaginary Friend» by Annette Herzog
From 3 years. Kolya moves to a new house with his parents. Everything around is alien, unusual, and there are no friends nearby. Except for Mishka, who is accidentally brought in a box. No one sees him, but with him Kolya can go to the site to strangers and even go down to the dark basement! True, at some point, the Bear becomes more and more transparent … It happens, explains Annette Herzog: an imaginary friend often helps the child survive stress, and then disappears. And parents should not immediately sound the alarm.
Translation from German by Daria Yakovenko. Peter, 32 p., 283 rubles.
«Wonderful Herbs» by Barbara Kosmovskaya
From 7 years. A warm story saturated with love — to a guinea pig in the room of the protagonist Eric, to parents with whom you can jokingly argue over dinner, and, of course, to an unusual grandmother, an avid traveler in the past. She tells Eric about her adventures, teaches him to understand plants and conquer fear. When she is no longer around, Eric continues to mentally consult with her, and this gives him the strength to enjoy life. Close people are with us as long as we love and remember them, the Polish writer promises.
Translated from Polish by Gayane Muradyan, Elena Barzova. Polyandria, 104 p., 750 rubles.
Jumping by Arne Swingen
From 12 years. Moderately slang language and gloomy irony in the story of the Norwegian author allow you to feel the despair of a teenager who had a misfortune: Didrik killed the criminal who shot his dad during a robbery. After that, everything seems suspicious and dangerous to him, and classmates look askance like a monster. Mom sends Didrik to the quarrelsome, sloppy grandfather. But it is he who, with his uncompromising honesty, helps his confused grandson. This story is not just about PTSD. It is about trust in the world, about the ground on which trust can grow again.
Translation from Norwegian by Anastasia Naumova. White Crow, 186 p., 420 rubles.
Sasha, 10 years old, read a book
«Better fly!» Asya Kravchenko

It seems to me that this story will appeal to everyone who likes to read not about what happened before, but about the time … where phones are no longer push-button, for example. The main character Mitya is very resourceful. I was surprised that he built an all-terrain vehicle at the age of 11, direct respect to him! He wanted to make it for a friend who had a broken leg. Well, to earn money, because Mitin’s dad lost his job and his parents swear because of this. True, to build an all-terrain vehicle, money is also needed. A funny moment is connected with this — Mitya asks dad for money, says: “Yes, there are a lot of pennies, only a hundred thousand.” He still calls it pennies! For me, two hundred rubles is the wealth of the world, because they can buy three packs of chips … In general, I think the book is about how important it is to pursue a dream and not stop there. Mitya dreamed of building an all-terrain vehicle, and he succeeded. It’s also about friendship, of course. Mitya meets the girl Shusha, and she helps him build. I have never seen such a girl in books! She will listen to everyone, and everyone will listen to her, she is very … open. There are people who are closed, who are not friends with anyone, and also those who choose who to be friends with. And I’m rather open, I like to be friends with everyone. The drawings, by the way, are also cool, black and white — easy to redraw.
Scooter, 144 pages, 636 rubles