Holidays give us the opportunity not only to be with the family, but also to improve communication with loved ones. For example, reading books to children and discussing them. We have selected for you the new items released in October.
«This is my tree»
Olivier Talleca, Scooter
From 3 years. The little squirrel found a great tree with cones and rejoiced until he decided that this was his tree, and not someone else’s. If so, it must be fenced off! So that no one sees and does not find! But an amazing thing: hidden behind a fence, the tree ceased to please the squirrel. Olivier Tallec is a master of short stories and complex philosophical questions. What can be shared, and what can only be yours? And why do some people like others so much?
Translation from French by Irina Balakhonova.
What do books smell like?
Daria Plaksunova, Alpina Publisher
From 5 years. My cat loves sniffing new books. His passion is shared by many of us. Is it because the paper volume smells not only of printing ink, but also of interesting history and creativity? Young Elya and Ilya tell how the book works, discuss how to keep a book blog, how to come up with and create a personal ex-libris — a label for a home collection.
«I am Miss Nobody»
Tamsin Winter, Polandria
From 10 years. When something important needs to be said, Rosalind is speechless. Out of desperation, the girl starts the Miss Nobody blog and «finds her voice» in order to answer the offenders and tell the truth. But it soon turns out that Miss Nobody’s denunciations can also turn into bullying.
Translation from English by Elizabeth Shulga.
«Dove Columbus»
Emma Pekhachkova, White Crow

Dasha, 8 years old: “I read this story in one breath because it is about love and travel! Pigeon Columbus from Prague met the canary Edith. Together with her mistress, an opera singer, the canary traveled to different countries. Columbus fell in love with Edith and did not want to allow a breakup. He flew after her!
He stayed in new cities, met friends, he was told where the next concert would be. Columbus so flew around half the world and finally got to the performance of the singer in Las Vegas. It was there that he finally found his Edith.
Dad explained to me that the dove is not just called Columbus. There was a navigator who discovered America. And the dove also discovered America, only in a different way — he found his love. I really liked inserting phrases in different languages in the book — this is how new acquaintances in other countries speak to Columbus.
Mom was surprised and said that this was unexpected for a children’s book. And I tried to remember some phrases and repeat. My parents and I also travel a lot, it will definitely come in handy for me. It is a pity that the book ended quickly, I would love to read more!”