Children’s allergology – what causes an allergy? Visit to an allergist and allergological treatment
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An allergist is a doctor who deals with diseases caused by allergens, i.e. antigens spread in the environment that cause an allergic reaction. The allergist conducts an interview, orders the necessary tests and on this basis determines the type of allergy in the patient and proposes treatment.

Children’s allergology – what does it do?

Children’s allergology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by allergens in children from birth to 18 years of age. Allergens are substances commonly found in the environment, such as pollen, mites, mold, certain nutrients, metals, preservatives, animal hair, etc., that can trigger an allergic reaction. It occurs when the immune system fails to respond to contact with a foreign substance. The task of the allergist is, by interviewing the patient and ordering appropriate tests, to determine the cause of the allergy and implement a treatment regimen.

Allergological treatment of children

Allergy in children can be triggered by:

  1. inhalation allergens – substances that we breathe together with the air, e.g. dust and its contents (pollen, plant and animal remains, mold, mites), pollen grains, mold spores;
  2. food allergens – substances of plant and animal origin in food products which, when ingested, trigger an allergic reaction, e.g. cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, soybeans, wheat etc .;
  3. contact allergens – cause an allergic reaction after contact with the skin, e.g. metals (chromium, nickel), plastics, dyes, fragrances, preservatives;
  4. leki – most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, naproxen, ketonal), antibiotics, drugs used for anesthesia (anesthesia).

A visit with a child to an allergist

Do an allergist doctor we should go when we observe the following symptoms in the child (or when she herself reports them to us):

  1. bouts of sneezing
  2. a runny nose
  3. watery eyes
  4. conjunctival hyperemia,
  5. itchy nose.

A specialist can also help in a situation where a child experiences disturbing symptoms after consuming a certain product or coming into contact with a given substance. Children’s allergology also deals with the treatment of diseases such as: allergic asthma, allergic cough, hay fever (allergic rhinitis), allergic angina, allergic urticaria, food allergies, allergic sinusitis, allergic otitis, allergic conjunctivitis.

Name of the study Children’s allergology
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for Children’s allergology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by allergens in children from birth to 18 years of age. Allergens are substances commonly found in the environment, such as pollen, mites, mold, certain nutrients, metals, preservatives, animal hair, etc., that can trigger an allergic reaction. It occurs when the immune system reacts incorrectly to contact with a foreign substance. The allergist’s task is to determine the cause of the allergy and implement an appropriate treatment regimen
Indications for the examination allergy in children
Standards None
Interpreting the results (at least basic) on the basis of an interview with the patient (parent) and test results
How is the test going detailed morphological studies
How to prepare for the test on empty stomach
Information to be reported prior to testing details of unusual allergies
How to behave after the examination None
Possible complications after the examination None

No other important information.

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