Children of working mothers develop better – scientists

British scientists are on top again. This time they found out: all, all young mothers urgently need to interrupt their maternity leave and go to work.

And not at all for mercantile reasons. And exclusively for the benefit of children, who in their absence, it turns out, develop much better.

Eight hundred mothers took part in a large-scale study from the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics. Their children are two or three years old. Some babies spend 99,9 percent of their time at home with their parents, others see their mother less often than they would like. The woman works, and the child, as a rule, goes to kindergarten.

The participants in the experiment talked about their socioeconomic status and the level of development of their children. And you know what? The skills of those children who grew up apart from their mother were 5-10 percent higher than those who were trying to teach everything at home. Scientists noted that by visiting kindergarten, kids begin to talk faster and more actively, gain self-service skills and – perhaps most importantly – learn to communicate and be friends with their peers.

In principle, everything is logical. Still, educators are “sharpened” to not only look after the kids, but also teach them something new. In addition, methods and experience are on their side.

Moreover, even grandparents in this regard influence grandchildren more positively than parents. Either they entertain more actively, or they do more. So, if a kindergarten is not foreseen in the foreseeable future, you can safely trust them children. Although they will spoil you, they will teach you a lot.

By the way, a similar phenomenon has probably been noted by most mothers more than once. Children are much more active and more willing to do something new with a stranger than with mom and dad, to whom they are accustomed and which you can twirl as you want. Not a bad idea for new experiments by scientists from Britain.

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