Children don’t spread coronavirus

Children dont spread coronavirus

Areg Totolyan, director of the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Rospotrebnadzor, told RIA Novosti that it is adults who infect children with coronavirus, and not vice versa. 

The doctor was prompted to this conclusion by a study from one of the Scandinavian countries: “Initially, when it became known that children rarely get sick, it was assumed that children carry the infection in an asymptomatic form or are carriers of the virus, and, accordingly, the elderly are infected from them. But in one of the Scandinavian countries, a study was carried out, which showed that it is not children who infect the elderly, but the elderly who infect children, ”the academician said.

According to Totolyan, the virus will multiply in the body only if it can enter the cells. The main “gateway” in this case is the ACE2 receptor. It is it that the elderly have more than children. The representation of ACE2 in children is minimal, while in adults and the elderly it is maximal. 

The epidemiologist added that there is a direct relationship with the statistics of morbidity: “The frequency or proportion of diseases in children is significantly lower than in other age groups.” 

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.

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