An unexpected conclusion was made by researchers from the Institute of Contemporary Media. But with a caveat: games are not games. They are like yoghurts – not all are equally healthy.
There is such an organization in Russia – MOMRI, the Institute of Contemporary Media. Researchers from this organization have studied how mobile phones and tablets affect the development of the younger generation. The research results are quite curious.
Traditionally, it was believed that gadgetomania is not very good. But researchers argue: if games are interactive, educational, then they, on the contrary, are useful. Because they help the child to broaden their horizons.
– Do not shield your child from gadgets. This can have more negative consequences than positive ones. But if you are on the wave of the latest technologies, play together, experiment, discuss, you will be able to motivate your child to study and establish a stronger contact with him, – says Marina Bogomolova, child and family psychologist, an expert in the field of teenage Internet addiction.
Moreover, such games can be an excellent option for joint leisure.
– It’s a wonderful time together. The same “Monopoly” is much more convenient and fun to play on a tablet. It is important not to devalue what is interesting to the child, to understand that parents can teach the child a lot, almost everything, but the child can also show parents something new, – says Maxim Prokhorov, practicing child and adolescent psychologist at the Psychological Center on Volkhonka, assistant at the Department of Pedagogy and medical psychology of the 1st Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov.
But, of course, recognizing the benefits of mobile games does not mean that there should be less live communication. Meeting with friends, walking, outdoor games and sports – all this should also be enough in a child’s life.
In addition, if you follow the recommendations of doctors, you will still not be able to spend a lot of time on mobile games.
9 rules of media games
1. Do not create the image of the “forbidden fruit” – the child should perceive the gadget as something ordinary, like a saucepan or shoes.
2. Give children phones and tablets from 3-5 years old. Previously, not worth it – the child is still developing a sensory perception of the environment. He should touch, smell, taste more things. And at the right age, the phone can even improve the child’s socialization skills.
3. Choose for yourself. Watch the contents of the toys. You won’t let your kid watch adult anime, even though it’s cartoons! Here it is exactly the same.
4. Play together. So you will help the kid to learn new skills, and at the same time you will control how much time he spends playing – the children themselves will not give up this exciting game of their own free will.
5. Stick to smart limiting tactics. Children in front of the switched on TV screen, phone, tablet, computer can carry out:
– 3-4 years – 10-15 minutes a day, 1-3 times a week;
– 5-6 years – up to 15 minutes continuously once a day;
– 7–8 years old – up to half an hour once a day;
– 9-10 years old – up to 40 minutes 1-3 times a day.
Remember – an electronic toy should not supplant other leisure activities in your child’s life.
6. Combine digital and classic: let gadgets be one, but not the only, child development tool.
7. Be an example. If you yourself are stuck at the screen around the clock, do not expect your child to be smart about digital devices.
8. Let there be places in the house where entrance is prohibited with gadgets. Let’s say the phone is completely redundant at lunch. Before going to bed – harmful.
9. Take care of your health. If we are to sit with a tablet, then sit correctly. Make sure that the child maintains posture, do not bring the screen too close to his eyes. And he did not go over the time allotted for the games.