Children are scattered, scattered attention in a child: what to do
Why are children scattered, inert and slow? An inattentive, “hovering in the clouds” child becomes a real problem for parents, and the dreamer himself, who is not able to cope with this feature on his own, suffers the most. How to establish the reasons for unusual behavior, how to find an approach to the baby? Let’s figure it out.
Why are children absent-minded?
In the first year of life, scattered attention in a child is considered quite normal. At a young age, visual selectivity in babies is still absent. The gaze of the crumbs stops at each object that interests him. The ability to concentrate on one subject for more than fifteen minutes is formed only by the age of six.
In the process of growth and maturation of the brain, mild disturbances in its activity sometimes occur, but such manifestations are not necessarily a developmental abnormality.
You should take a closer look at your baby, his potential, hidden by external manifestations of inaccuracy and discipline
The problem of children’s attention deficit occurs in every tenth child. Moreover, unlike girls, boys are twice as likely to be at risk. However, you should not panic and run to the pharmacy for medicines just because the baby is too addicted to his favorite toys, forgets his jacket at school, or sits by the window, dreamily examining the world around him.
What if your child is absent-minded?
Love, attention and constant care for children is the most effective means, a guaranteed alternative to the best medicines. Absent-minded kids tend to forget something. The main thing is that their parents remember everything!
It is especially important to analyze and exclude all negative circumstances that can negatively affect the child’s psyche:
if the baby goes to kindergarten, you need to make sure of the sparing daily routine of the institution. If necessary, find a kindergarten with a more flexible schedule;
schoolwork, in which the child is absent-minded and inattentive due to hyperactivity, is useful to replace with homeschooling. A comfortable environment will allow you to turn the educational process into interesting activities with educational elements;
Sports activities provide excellent opportunities for the release of excess energy. On the football field or in the gym, a child who has become distracted by being overly active can give free rein to his unbridled energy.
Systematic classes and the help of child psychologists will help increase concentration and perseverance. It is necessary to believe that a child, distracted and inattentive yesterday, is able to learn to control his emotions in everyday life.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was convinced that it would never be possible to create wise men out of children if the naughty ones were killed in them. All children are very scattered, support your baby, love and care will help overcome all obstacles in his path.