Children are geeks who showed their abilities early: what does it mean
Science has not yet given a precise definition of who the children of prodigies are. Translated from German, the prodigy means a wonderful child. Some scientists believe that giftedness is a gift from above, and a person creates only when God gives him this ability. Materialists reduce everything to a successful combination of genes and heredity.
Methods for revealing the genius of child prodigies
There are different ideas about creativity. Hence, disagreements arise on how to define, develop, accompany and shape talent, the fate of which is important for society. In a narrow sense, genius is understood as a high intelligence, revealed by IQ tests. The IQ obtained as a result of testing is higher than 100%, which makes it possible to judge the level of giftedness. There are 5 such levels, from bright to extraordinarily gifted, 15% is added for each new level. An unusually gifted toddler, with an IQ of 175%, there are 1 in 3 million.
Children are prodigies superior in intellectual development to their peers
Among gifted children there are special ones – savants, whose development is inharmonious. What this means can be understood from the example of autists. They can show talent in a narrow field and significantly lag behind in other types of human activity.
At the level of domestic science, a unified definition of giftedness was developed. In accordance with it, this is a systemic quality that becomes throughout a person’s life, it determines the possibility of high achievements in one or several areas of activity. Children who show their abilities early will not necessarily grow up to be genius adults. A gifted person is never aimed simply at self-affirmation and achieving high results.
Conditions for the formation of destiny begin in the family
Giftedness is not limited to abilities, it is a person’s desire to bestow the people around him with what was given to him from God. It is impossible to develop giftedness directly, but conditions can be created for this. which expand the possibilities. And the task of the teacher and parents is to stimulate the child’s desire for the manifestation of abilities.
A gifted child does not mean talented yet. Talent is a manifest and socially approved endowment. And it should manifest itself thanks to the work of teachers, the care of parents and the help of the state.
Gifted children need to identify new interests and hobbies, allow them to try themselves in different areas. But nothing can be done by force, all development requires freedom. It is great when the school has various sports and creative circles.
Information about the smartest children of our time can be viewed in the video.