Childhood memory: why a child can forget mom

Unless the baby is abandoned in the hospital, this, unfortunately, still happens. And if she needs to go on a long business trip or for medical treatment? Will the baby remember mommy when she returns?

No matter how much some of us would like to think that there is something mystical in the connection between the child and the mother, this is all pure physiology, seasoned with ordinary psychology. A child’s memory is highly selective. He remembers what caused strong emotions. It is with his mother that he has the most important emotional contact. However, if it turned out that the mother left for a long time, then the baby may not recognize the seemingly dear person.

Psychologists explain: at first the child is scared, he feels that his mother is not around. Then apathy sets in. Such an experience can be a pretty strong mental trauma for the baby.

“Children remember everything quickly, but then they forget just as quickly, says psychotherapist Ekaterina Shtil. – The body is formed up to seven years: nerve fibers are gradually covered with a special sheath, which is responsible for the speed of transitions of impulses from cell to cell.

It so happens that when you ask a kid if he remembers this or that person, he can sincerely answer: “No.” Adults wonder how this can be. But when you specify, for example, that this aunt gave you a teddy bear, the child immediately joyfully calls her by name, and even describes her appearance. The fact is that the child first remembers those around him, relying on his own emotions. In our case: in the foreground, he remembers that the presented toy delighted him, and then the person himself.

Therefore, it is important that the mother has a very strong emotional and tactile contact with the child. If the parents leave for a long time from the crumbs, then upon arrival you need to give him all your attention. You definitely need a hug that, at a deep level, resembles the sensations experienced in the womb: picking up, pressing to your chest, shaking – this way you will quickly restore the connection.

German-Canadian psychologist Julia Shaw in his book False Memory, he writes that newborns are able to remember simple shapes and color combinations for about one day:

“Scientists conducted a study in which five-month-old babies were shown geometric shapes, accompanied by images of human faces with smiling, neutral or angry expressions. Thus, they associated the circle with, say, joy, and the square with the absence of any emotions. When the babies were tested shortly thereafter, they found that they remembered the “joyous” figures best. The next day, however, they recalled the figures best associated with neutral facial expressions. The results of this study show that not only are infants able to remember information for at least one day, which indicates that they have long-term memory, but their brains also process and store information about which emotions are associated with the experience. ”

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