Childhood herpes: why is it contagious?

Childhood herpes: why is it contagious?

The cold sore, or oral herpes, is also rife in children. “Around 4-5 years old, a third of them have already made his acquaintance”, indicates Dr. Arnault Pfersdorff, pediatrician, author of “Your child from 0 to 16 years”. Because the virus which is at the origin is highly contagious.


“Affection of the skin and mucous membranes of viral origin, characterized by a rash of vesicles, transient but may be followed by recurrences for years”, this is how Larousse defines herpes.

The causes

This so unsightly rash of vesicles on the lips is caused by a virus called herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1). After a first infection, often in childhood, this virus remains lurking in the body, “asleep” in the nerve ganglia. It can sometimes be reactivated (in 20% of carriers), in the event of stress, severe fatigue, or fever, hence its name.

Contagion occurs through direct contact (a kiss for example) with an infected person. This contagion begins as soon as the warning signs appear, and until the appearance of scabs. “During contamination, the virus penetrates the lining of the mouth,” explains Health Insurance on its website

The virus infects children “from the age of 18 months, rarely before,” says Dr Pfersdorff. During the first months, the toddler is indeed protected by the antibodies of his mother.


The first infection often goes unnoticed. In some cases, it is much more serious. The virus is then introduced inside the mouth, it is the herpetic gingivostomatitis. “The gums are swollen, the canker sores are numerous. There may also be a fever. These little sores are very painful. “So much so that some children refuse to eat. “

After a first episode of oral herpes, the child may experience more. Usually, it starts with a tingling, itchy sensation on one part of the lips, always the same. “After one or more days, a clump of vesicles containing a clear liquid forms,” describes the Vidal medical dictionary. This liquid is filled with viruses. Eventually the blisters burst, giving way to a scab, which falls off after a few days.


Most of the time, it is a relative who transmits the virus to the child. Parents who have a cold sore should therefore refrain from kissing their child for a few days. Likewise, you should not lend your napkin, glass or cutlery… Vigilance must be even greater with people with immunosuppression.

The risks

In the vast majority of cases, cold sores are not serious.

“The main risk is dehydration,” warns Dr Pfersdorff. Parents should therefore ensure that their child drinks enough. In the most serious cases, hospitalization may be necessary. The child will then benefit from intravenous rehydration, until he can drink normally again.

“The other risk is that the child will rub their eyes after touching their herpes sore,” warns Dr Pfersdorff. “It can be serious. »Faced with a red and watery eye, and / or the appearance of small blisters around the eye, only one thing to do: consult an ophthalmologist without delay.

Children with immune deficiency, or those with eczema, may develop more severe forms.

If in doubt, consult. Because it is possible to confuse herpes with other pathologies, such as foot hand and mouth syndrome, which also causes lesions inside the mouth. The pediatrician will easily make a diagnosis by observing the symptoms.

The treatment

“Most of the time, there isn’t. You have to wait patiently for the pimple to go away on its own. “When it hurts, we give Aciclovir, an antiviral, by cream or tablets. To be effective, treatment must be started as soon as possible – from the tingling sensation, even before the blisters appear. “You can also apply local painkillers, gum pastes, 5 to 6 times a day. To relieve the acute pain of gingivostomatitis, paracetamol is often recommended.

Eviction from the nursery or school is absolutely not compulsory, but recommended to avoid contagion. But it can be useful in case of stomatitis, for the comfort of your child. Always for its comfort, one will avoid the orange juice, and the hard foods like the crust of the bread. Purees and soups will be easier to pass. Finally, he must be encouraged to drink regularly.

Genital herpes

Herpes can be caused by another virus, HSV2. This is called genital herpes, a sexually transmitted viral infection. Children are not affected, except in the case of mother-to-infant transmission during childbirth. It is rare, and fortunately, because the consequences can be dramatic for the infant (neurological sequelae, even death).

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