Childcare: financial assistance

Paje and supplement to childcare: the main aids

When your first child arrives, you will be able to benefit from the Young Child Care Benefit (Paje). Paid by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), this includes several allowances: the birth premium (or adoption premium), the basic allowance, the shared child education benefit and the complement of free choice of childcare. It is moreover this last aid which will prove to be the most important if you want to keep your child.

CAF aid if you employ a childminder

You may be entitled to the Paje free choice of childcare supplement, including partial payment of the remuneration, for each child in care, and full payment of social contributions. Parents must exercise a professional activity. His gross salary must not exceed five times the gross hourly minimum wage. The amount of aid is set according to the parents’ income. The amount of this aid cannot exceed 85% of the salary to be paid. If you use a company or an authorized association employing approved childminders, you are entitled to CMG if the child is looked after for at least 16 hours a month.

Nanny: what help for home care?

You may be entitled to the Free Choice of Child Care Supplement (CMG), including partial payment of the remuneration for the person working at home, regardless of the number of children in care. The amount of this support depends on your income, the number of children and their age. A minimum of 15% of the expense will remain your responsibility.

What are the aids if the baby is kept in a crèche?

Your hourly participation is calculated according to your resources and the number of dependent children, according to a scale established by the Caf. On the other hand, if your child enters a micro-crèche, you can benefit from this supplement of free choice of the type of care if the child is in care. at least 16 hours in the month.

Your tax credit

You can benefit from a tax credit whether you employ home childcare or if the care of your child is provided by an approved childminder or by an establishment for children under the age of 6. You are entitled to a reduction or a tax credit on all expenses incurred for childcare, after deduction of allowances. Tax assistance is equal to 50% expenses taken into account within the limit of € 2 per child, ie a maximum tax credit of € 300 per child. In the event of joint custody, each of the parents may be entitled to it, but the expenditure ceiling is halved, i.e. a maximum credit of 1 euros for each child. To benefit from this advantage, the child must be under 150 years of age on January 575 of the tax year.

Other aid: the municipality

Some aid depends on the department or the municipality in which you reside. In the Hauts de Seine, parents can benefit from the Bébédom92 allowance. As for Parisians, they can receive the Papado allowance. Find out quickly from your town hall!

Company aid

Some companies may provide financial assistance for home child care. This aid cannot exceed 1830 euros per year. It cannot exceed the cost of services borne by the beneficiary, nor the cost of employment (salaries and charges).

The universal service employment check (CESU)

The pre-funded CESU has a predefined value, such as meal vouchers. Funded in part, or even totally, by your employer, your works council, your mutual insurance company or your pension fund, the universal service employment check allows you to pay for your childminder, your home care, the services of an approved body or a structure. reception.

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