Childcare arrangements: who to contact?

Childcare: how to choose?

The maternal assistant

Lists of approved childminders are available at the RAM (childminders’ relay), at the early childhood service of our town hall and in the maternal and child protection centers (PMI). We can also get information from other parents in our neighborhood or neighbors to establish contacts and know the childminders who practice near us. The site ou yoopies offers a powerful search engine, but not free, to find a nanny, childminder, babysitter or au pair. And you will find all the information concerning the hiring process on the website of the National Federation of Individual Employers.

The collective crèche

We contact our town hall for a list of nurseries in our town or in our district. The site is created by the CAF and offers different types of childcare. The also offers a directory of establishments by department, with a zoom on some of them and on, you will have access to more than 10 structures rated and commented by Internet users. Parisians can use the search engine by arrondissement And for corporate nurseries, visit the sites of the main market players (500crèches, Babilou, la Maison bleue, 1001 Soleil, etc.)

The parental nursery

Check with your town hall or your Family Allowance Fund or contact the Association of Professional Child Parents Collective (ACEPP) to find out about parental nurseries near you.

The home nanny

You can use different means to find a nanny at home: Pôle Emploi, classified ads on sites dedicated to nanny research (baby nanny, yoopies). Also think of nurseries, nursery schools … There are also specialized agencies which in addition offer additional services. : the replacement of the nanny in the event of illness, all the administrative follow-up, in particular the drafting of his payslips… But, of course, these services are not free and the contributions are quite expensive. And for more information about the aid to which you are entitled or your status as an employer, contact your Family Allowance Fund and the National Federation of Individual Employers. 

Shared custody

To find the family, several solutions are available to you: word of mouth, friends, announcements in your building or at merchants, or even associations. Parisians can post an online ad free of charge on the website of the Paris Services Familles association. In any case, you need a family that lives near you so that your comings and goings do not turn into a daily feat.

The au pair

There are different “channels” for recruiting an au pair: word of mouth, classified ads or employment agencies. Several criteria must be taken into account such as the language barrier, his experience of children and his ability to adapt. Contact the foreign workforce service of the Departmental Directorate of Labor, Employment and Vocational Training (DDTEFP). You can also get information from the French Union of Au Pair Associations (

The baby-sitter

It is more reassuring to choose between babysitters who are recommended to you by friends, other relatives, or even among your neighbors. The Yoopies site works on recommendation, which can reassure parents. Otherwise, you can put a classified ad, for example in traders. There are also babysitting agencies. In this case, the young girls have already been pre-recruited. However, since no official skills are required, it is better to meet with the babysitter before making a decision. For more information, contact the National Federation of Individual Employers ( and visit the Universal Service Employment Check website (

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