Medical reasons for inducing childbirth
When the state of health of the mother or the fetus requires it, doctors may have to shorten the pregnancy: in case ofrupture of the water bag after 34 weeks of amenorrhea, stunted growth of the baby, overdue (between 41 and 42 weeks of amenorrhea) in particular, the obstetric team can decide on an induction. This decision is of a medical nature and concerns 22,6% of deliveries in France in 2016, according to the latest survey by the Collective interassociative around birth (Ciane).
Triggering childbirth for so-called convenience reasons
The other half of the triggers are mainly justified by organizational reasons. This practice makes it possible to escape the unexpectedness of spontaneous childbirth. Thus, some clinics or small maternities that do not have a 24-hour anesthesiologist may be required to offer triggering. The patient is then sure to be able, on the D-day and at the time specified, to benefit from a epidural. Triggering can also reassure women who live far from the maternity hospital, those whose husbands are often on the move or who have to look after small children. Finally, the trigger can relieve the most anxious or the most impatient who live badly the last days before the great deliverance.
The initiation of childbirth: a well-established technique
The induction of childbirth is an obstetric technique that has been practiced for over 25 years. It consists of cause the uterus to contract to start labor, before the process of childbirth naturally begins. To do this, we use a synthetic hormone as an infusion, l‘oxytocin, associated with a artificial rupture of the water bag. In some cases, it is also possible to use vaginal prostaglandins.
The conditions to be respected to induce childbirth
” In case of convenience trigger, iit is imperative that the mother-to-be presents a mature cervix, that is, shortened, softened, ready to dilate. Under these conditions the risk of Caesarean is the same as in the case of spontaneous childbirth, ”explains Prof. François Goffinet, obstetrician-gynecologist and INSERM researcher. “And if the cervix is not ripe, the injection of oxytocin may remain ineffective, contractions do not result in dilation and there is a significantly greater risk of cesarean section. This risk should not be taken when there is no underlying medical reason for the onset ”. If, however, there is a medical reason for the outbreak, the maturation of the cervix is promoted with a prostaglandin gel. In practice, a scheduled delivery should not be considered before 39 weeks of amenorrhea, because of risk of respiratory distress in children, always possible before this term. Thus, it only precedes the natural start of work by a few days.
The onset of childbirth: in practice, like a normal birth
A specific date is set for the trigger. The patient arrives in the morning on an empty stomach. It is installed in the working room. He is given the oxytocin infusion and the monitoring. In general, the epidural is proposed from the outset because the contractions induced are immediately painful. Childbirth then proceeds like a normal birth, with the difference that it is immediately more medicalized.