“Childbirth in a German clinic is a metaphysical experience”. Why do Polish women prefer to give birth abroad?

There are legends about childbirths in Polish hospitals: multi-person rooms, anesthesia fees and the inability to make a cesarean on request. On the other hand, German births resemble spa salons – cozy, clean and fragrant. Is that why Polish women prefer to give birth abroad?

  1. Many Polish women decide to give birth to their children abroad, out of fear of Polish farrowing workers. Regardless of the place of birth, doctors advise you to prepare for it by attending a birthing school. Of course, in the native language
  2. Free childbirth abroad is granted to insured persons, if a woman wants to give birth in Germany or Slovakia, and does not have insurance, she must pay for the procedure out of her own pocket
  3. During childbirth abroad, we will not easily communicate with the doctor or midwife. There may be (but of course not necessarily) a language barrier. Currently, many midwives and doctors of Polish origin work abroad. With a bit of luck, maybe they will take care of us during the procedure. Otherwise, it is worth getting an interpreter

Maria says that before deciding to choose a hospital in Germany, where she lived and worked for years, she attended the so-called schwangerschaftsvorbereitungskurs, i.e. meetings with the midwife, during which she learned as much as possible about the course of childbirth, gymnastics or proper breathing. She was not able to obtain an interpreter, but she knew German relatively well, and besides, she found a midwife of Polish origin, so they got along somehow.

She was operated on by accident (caesarean section) by the GP, which is normally “reserved” for private patients. After the whole action, she found herself in a double room, for a single room she had to pay extra, and a lot of money. Small rooms with a bed for a partner she could not afford were a luxury.

At the end, she put 20 euros in the nurses’ piggy bank, it was not appropriate to give doctors. They earn enough.

Childbirth abroad

Women are afraid to be born in Poland. There are legends about treating women during childbirth – we can rather forget about the emperor on request, we will be placed in collective rooms, and when we have a miscarriage – we are ordered to be in the same room with young mothers.

That is why the wealthier Polish women want to give birth abroad: in Slovakia, the Czech Republic or Germany. They are ready to pay for it, because in Poland, free delivery is also really a fiction. We have to pay for the midwife’s care, the presence of a doctor, a single room, and in some places also for anesthesia. Polish hospitals are extremely creative in generating hidden fees. Therefore, it is worth making a little extra and experiencing real luxuries – women calculate.

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On the west side

In fact, a Polish parent who goes to a German clinic only needs to be partially prepared as in our country. Her bag is much lighter – it contains pajamas, a bathrobe, things to brush her teeth and possibly her favorite reading. The hospital provides the rest.

German hospitals resemble spas – they are cozy, clean, fragrant, they have restaurants with vegetarian food, where you can bring your newborn baby. – Childbirth was an almost metaphysical experience for me and my husband – remembers Katarzyna. – My husband and I were alone in the room, it was intimate. The midwife only looked discreetly to make sure everything was okay. The birth itself was short and without any problems, I gave birth in water. – ends the confession of the obstetrician.

On the west side, the luxuries in the delivery room are also closely correlated with the person’s wallet. What do the most expensive clinics offer with the most exclusive medical packages? Stay in the family room, additional ultrasound examination, and even a film about the baby’s fetal life, the possibility of choosing a gynecologist and midwife. Luxury medical packages also give 100 percent. safety in case of complications. In Germany, delivery houses are fashionable, but beware, here it is born only by the forces of nature and without anesthesia, but in comfortable and very intimate conditions. You have to pay for a private stay, of course, but there are no hidden costs.

It is the birthing houses that are best equipped with balls, bathtubs, and finally delivery chairs. During the delivery of a pregnant woman, romantic music accompanies it – all in such a form and at a time that is convenient for the woman. No rush and no hospital mess. If there are complications – each woman is immediately taken to the hospital. If a woman in Germany does not like a hospital or delivery home delivery – she may decide to deliver a home delivery. The latter is only recommended for women who are pregnant normally.

In Poland, home birth is rare, our obstetricians associate it with unnecessary risk and irresponsibility.

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We say “no” to the British

Not everywhere outside our country, a woman benefits from childbirth. In Great Britain, for example, pregnancy is not carried out by a doctor, but by a midwife, which may come as a shock to many women. During pregnancy, there is much less examination than in Poland. Young parents are also not obliged to vaccinate their babies. It is similar in Scotland. A nurse, the so-called nurse, takes care of the pregnant woman. midwife. The doctor steps in with possible complications, not sooner. And it is obvious – pregnancy is not a disease, but only a different state.

Proper care for a pregnant woman begins after week 12, when the period of greatest risk of miscarriage passes. And then an ultrasound is performed. The first and the last – to the surprise of our countrymen. And all this… from savings. Is the grass on the other side of the fence greener? It turns out that not always. Well, unless you have private insurance. Then you can count on completely different standards.

Read also:

  1. Who was the midwife from Auschwitz? «Mother» collected 3 thousand. childbirths
  2. Unusual childbirth in Bydgoszcz. Quadruplets were born
  3. The hospital will pay 2 million for the birth error. The trial lasted 15 years

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