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Recently, women are increasingly postponing pregnancy planning until later. Career, the search for a reliable partner comes first. It would seem that all the goals have been achieved, but a new problem arises. A pregnancy that has been delayed for so long does not occur.
What is the reason? And when is it necessary to be on the alert and seek help from a specialist? Anna Aleksandrovna Ryzhova, a well-known reproductive specialist at the IVF reproductive health clinic, with more than 15 years of experience, tells about this and many other things.
“Up to 35 years of age, a woman is given 12 months of regular unprotected sexual activity to await pregnancy. Over the age of 36, we cannot afford to wait that long. And after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant on your own, you need to seek help from a fertility specialist. What is the reason for the absence of pregnancy in this group of patients? Unfortunately, no matter how wonderful a woman looks, the laws of nature are unforgiving. The principle of the so-called biological altruism is at work. When nature gives women the opportunity not only to give birth to a child, but also to have time to raise this child. “
Anna Ryzhova, reproductive specialist at the IVF reproductive health clinic
“The final extinction of reproductive function, that is, menopause, is preceded by the late reproductive period. During this period, there is a progressive decline in reproductive function. Many women believe that if they have a period, then they are able to get pregnant. Unfortunately, it is not. The hormonal activity of the ovaries ceases at the age of menopause, that is, at about 50 years. But the ability to conceive disappears in women much earlier. On average, 7 years before the cessation of menstruation. The gradual extinction of reproductive function begins closer to the age of 30! “
“Research in recent years has shown that the rate at which follicles (and therefore eggs) disappear doubles when the egg supply is reduced to 2500, which would normally be 37 years old. This age is defined as critical, after which the ovarian reserve decreases sharply. That is, the first reason for the absence of pregnancy in this group of patients is the number of eggs ”.
“The second reason for the decline in fertility in older patients is the quality of the cells remaining in the ovaries. According to research results, the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs begins to increase sharply after the age of 38. And accordingly, from this age, the number of normal embryos with a normal chromosome set, capable of giving a normally developing pregnancy, decreases. Already at 43, the percentage of normal embryos does not exceed 15%. “
“It should be noted that it is not only the quality and quantity of oocytes that reduce the patient’s chances of conceiving. With age, the number of concomitant diseases that complicate the onset of pregnancy increases. Such as adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, extragenital pathology. But there is no need to despair. Modern reproductive technologies come to the rescue and to this difficult group of patients. The most effective method of getting a pregnancy for them is the IVF method. With this method, we have a chance to get a larger number of embryos in one menstrual cycle, we have the opportunity to look at the genetics of embryos before being transferred into the uterine cavity and thereby significantly increase the chances of pregnancy. And even in the absence of one’s own cells, it is possible to get the desired pregnancy with the donor’s cells. In conclusion, I would like to say: if you have a desire to become a mother, plan a pregnancy before the age of 30. Make this one of the top priorities in your many plans. But if, nevertheless, something prevented you from doing this, do not stay idle – contact reproductive specialists.
Clinic for reproductive health “IVF”
Samara, 443030, Karl Marx Ave., 6
Phone / Fax 8 (846) 247-90-01/247-90-33