Childbirth: 35 incredible birth photos

Many expectant mothers are sure that they will definitely remember their own birth. But some details are erased from memory right there. And you can’t look at it from the outside when you are the main character of what is happening. Therefore, inviting photographers to capture this miracle – the birth of a child, has recently become very fashionable.

However, capturing the process so that the pictures come out really beautiful is a whole art. In the West, a separate specialization has even appeared – the “generic” photographer. Almost like a wedding, only works not in a registry office, but in a maternity hospital. More than a thousand of them are united by the International Association of Professional Photographers in Childbirth – The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers… This organization has recently summed up competition for the best photo of childbirth for 2017 year.

There were a lot of participants: hundreds of photographs from 42 countries were sent to the competition. There were good, and not so, cute and creepy, natural births and caesarean sections, births in the hospital and at home. Remarkably, most of the births are partnerships. Tears, happiness, pride, worries about your beloved – the emotions of men present at childbirth and seeing their children for the first time are simply priceless. As well as feelings on the faces of parents who are present at the birth of their baby by a surrogate mother – yes, there are such pictures too.

We simply cannot show you some photos – they are too cruel or frank. But we managed to select 35 of the strongest from this huge collection. We publish them in our selection – scroll along the arrow to the right.

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