Child: the first visit to the dentist

At what age should you plan your first consultation with the dentist?

Ideally, the first consultation of a child at the dentist must be between 3 and 4 years old. Thus, it is a first contact that allows the child to understand the universe of the dental office in good conditions. Indeed, it is better to avoid this first appointment being made urgently, because of pain or following a bad fall. This consultation also has an important role: detect and prevent early cavities, the consequences of which can be dramatic for the child.

How do I prepare my child for their first dentist appointment?

The main reason that might make a child anxious about going to the dentist is their fear of the unknown.. To reassure him, it is important to start by explaining to him what awaits him. Without giving too many details that might frighten him, tell him that a person, in a white coat, like the doctors, is going to check if his teeth are growing well and will therefore have to look into his mouth with a big light to see well. . Parents should not communicate their own fear, and especially not to give a negative turn to this meeting. Sentences such as “If you are not good you will have an injection” or “I prefer that it be my child who has a date rather than me” are obviously to be avoided.

How is the visit to the dentist?

The visit generally takes place in two stages. First of all, the dentist collects all the information he needs to know the profile of the child. It is only then that he invites his little patient to join the chair. He then performs the necessary checks (teething, presence or not of cavities). In general, no treatment is performed during this first appointment, unless the practitioner deems it necessary and considers the child ready to receive them. The first dental x-rays, if there are no problems or falls, are usually not taken until the age of 5-6 years.

What are the subjects discussed with the dentist?

The child’s eating habits are the first subject addressed by the dentist, which generally takes the opportunity to recall the dangers of snacking, responsible for the appearance of cavities. It is then the hygiene habits that are mentioned. It recalls the importance of an adapted and regular brushing. This should be done ideally three times a day, after each food intake, and at least morning and evening. The evening being one of the most important (the sugars kept in the mouth at night further promote the occurrence of cavities). The toothbrush must be flexible, and adapted, like the toothpaste, to the age of the child. The dentist can also advise him on a suitable brushing technique., depending on his age and dexterity (up to 6 years, this is done in horizontal back and forth). Fluoride supplementation is not automatic and depends on the child’s caries risk (diet, parental background, even siblings, etc.). If the child is still sucking his thumb or pacifier, the dentist will recommend that he stop. Parents are invited to discuss it with the practitioner who can help the children in this process. Thus, some dentists offer their young patients to sign a contract together, to gradually get rid of this habit.

Dentist or pedodontist: what’s the difference?

The pedodontist is a dentist who has chosen to specialize in children. However, this specialty is not recognized by the profession. Generally more used to children, it is often only found in large cities. Although it is sometimes better able to deal with difficult cases, it is not necessary to give it priority. The parents’ dentist is able to follow up the whole family, from the youngest to the least young.

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