The film «Pashkov’s House»

Psychologist Marina Smirnova talks about the energy of a child’s desire.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Perhaps you want to raise a child, and the child just lives at this time. How does a child live at different ages, what interests him, what does he occupy himself with?

When raising a child, you need to keep in mind that the child is active and lively, and to a greater extent solves his problems than he is brought up by us. We want the child to study with us or study on his own, and at this time the child has his own affairs and interests, his own life. Solving their problems, the child performs procedures, reproduces rituals, the child plays.

He plays from an excess of strength and freedom, plays for protection, plays out of habit, plays from being drawn into a relationship.

Procedures for a child — study and work.

Rituals — hello and goodbye, use a spoon while eating and blow your nose into a handkerchief, and not as convenient.

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