Child’s height at 5 years old: standard, weight, norm, cart, boys, girls

The height and body weight of a growing child are 2 indicators of development that need to be monitored regularly. Noticing deviations in time and taking measures, parents will save their child from many diseases. Our goal is to determine what are the norms of development of children of 5 years of age, and what is the normal ratio of growth with other indicators at this age.

The growth of a child at 5 years old according to WHO

When determining the level of physical development of children, medicine relies on the guidelines provided by the WHO. The World Health Organization has defined height and weight limits for children of different genders and ages.

Child’s height at 5 years old: standard, weight, norm, cart, boys, girls
Correctly measuring the height of a child at 5 years old

Parents, in order to make sure that their baby complies with the classical indicators, it is necessary to regularly take measurements of the child and record them in a notebook.

Height and weight norms for girls

According to the World Health Organization, the minimum height of a five-year-old baby is 95,2 cm. The tallest at this age reach 123 cm. The golden mean is 110 cm. Those who have reached 119 cm are considered tall.

Body weight should correspond to height. In girls, it ranges from 12,1 to 29,5 kg.

Boy’s standard height and weight

For boys, the following sizes are provided:

  • 96 cm – very low;
  • 110 cm – medium height;
  • 123,9 – high.

For five-year-olds, the body weight standard is within the range from 12,4 to 27,9 kg.

Do not panic if your baby does not fit within the stipulated boundaries. Individual factors are also taken into account, such as heredity, lifestyle, dietary habits, etc.

Deviation from the standards is a reason for contacting a doctor, especially if the child looks tired, emaciated or excessively large and has signs of obesity.

Standard measurement rules

Single measurements should not be taken as a basis. To reveal the real picture of the development of the baby, you need to regularly measure its weight and height for at least six months, fix the indicators and calculate the average values.

It is not difficult to measure the mass, but parents often make mistakes with measurements of growth. To correctly determine this value:

  • place the child against the wall;
  • firmly press his head, back, butt, heels to the surface;
  • the child should stand straight with his hands down;
  • the mark is made above the highest point of the head.

It remains to take a regular meter and measure the distance from the floor to the mark.

If the baby does not meet the table of the World Health Organization, but is cheerful, energetic and cheerful, there is no reason to worry. It is worth, if possible, at least approximately to compare the measurement results with the height and weight of the child’s parents at the age of five.

The height and weight of a child are the main indicators of his physical development. That is why immediately after the birth of the baby, it is imperative to measure the weight of his body and the length of the body and continue to weigh himself daily at the same time until discharge from the hospital.

There are many factors that affect the physical development of a child, for example:

  • heredity (do not expect a son-basketball player from short parents)
  • nutrition (it’s no secret that with a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the growth and development of the child slows down)
  • physical activity (for example, playing tennis, volleyball, basketball contribute to an increase in height)
  • child health (children with chronic diseases often lag behind their peers in physical development)
  • psychological situation in the family, at school, lack of sleep, etc.

How to understand what is the norm?

The All-Russian Health Organization recommended special tables for matching the height and weight of children, or, as they are called, centile tables. At each examination, the pediatrician measures the height and weight of the child, compares the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the standard indicators. Such tables allow you to identify obvious pathologies, for a more accurate analysis, the doctor calculates additional indicators using special formulas.

Table of weight and height of an infant by months (up to 1 year)

The table shows the average height and weight of infants (under the age of 1 year) by month for boys and girls.

Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, kg
newborns3.33±0.4449.50±1.633.53±0.4550.43 ± 1.89
1 month4.15±0.5453.51 ± 2.134.32±0.6454.53 ± 2.32
2 months5.01±0.5656.95 ± 2.185.29±0.7657.71 ± 2.48
3 months6.07 ± 0.5860.25 ± 2.096.26±0.7261.30±2.41
4 months6.55±0.7962.15 ± 2.496.87 ± 0.7463.79 ± 2.68
5 months7.38 ± 0.9663.98 ± 2.497.82±0.8066.92 ± 1.99
6 months7.97±0.9266.60±2.448.77 ± 0.7867.95 ± 2.21
7 months8.25±0.9567.44 ± 2.648.92 ± 1.1169.56 ± 2.61
8 months8.35 ± 1.1069.84 ± 2.079.46±0.9871.17 ± 2.24
9 months9.28 ± 1.0170.69±2.219.89 ± 1.1872.84 ± 2.71
10 months9.52 ± 1.3572.11 ± 2.8610.35±1.1273.91 ± 2.65
11 months9.80±0.8073.60 ± 2.7310.47±0.9874.90±2.55
12 months10.04 ± 1.1674.78 ± 2.5410.66 ± 1.2175.78 ± 2.79

Table of weight and height of the child by years (from 1 to 18 years)

The table shows the average height and weight of a child by years aged 1 to 18 for boys and girls.

Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, kg
1 year 3 months10.52 ± 1.2776.97 ± 3.0011.40±1.3079.45 ± 3.56
1 year 6 months11.40±1.1280.80±2.9811.80±1.1881.73 ± 3.34
1 year 9 months12.27 ± 1.3783.75 ± 3.5712.67 ± 1.4184.51 ± 2.85
2 years12.63 ± 1.7686.13 ± 3.8713.04 ± 1.2388.27 ± 3.70
2 years 6 months13.93 ± 1.6091.20 ± 4.2813.96 ± 1.2781.85 ± 3.78
3 years14.85 ± 1.5397.27 ± 3.7814.95±1.6895.72 ± 3.68
4 years16.02 ± 2.30100.56 ± 5.7617.14 ± 2.18102.44 ± 4.74
5 years18.48 ± 2.44109.00±4.7219.70 ± 3.02110.40±5.14
6 years21.34 ± 3.14115.70±4.3221.9 ± 3.20115.98±5.51
7 years24.66 ± 4.08123.60±5.5024.92 ± 4.44123.88 ± 5.40
8 years27.48 ± 4.92129.00±5.4827.86 ± 4.72129.74±5.70
9 years31.02 ± 5.92136.96 ± 6.1030.60±5.86134.64 ± 6.12
10 years34.32 ± 6.40140.30±6.3033.76±5.26140.33±5.60
11 years37.40 ± 7.06144.58 ± 7.0835.44 ± 6.64143.38 ± 5.72
12 years44.05 ± 7.48152.81 ± 7.0141.25 ± 7.40150.05 ± 6.40
13 years48.70 ± 9.16156.85 ± 6.2045.85 ± 8.26156.65 ± 8.00
14 years51.32 ± 7.30160.86 ± 6.3651.18 ± 7.34162.62 ± 7.34
15 years56.65 ± 9.85161.80 ± 7.4056.50 ± 13.50168.10 ± 9.50
16 years58.00 ± 9.60162.70 ± 7.5062.40 ± 14.10172.60 ± 9.40
17 years58.60 ± 9.40163.10 ± 7.3067.35 ± 12.75176.30 ± 9.70

Deviations of weight or height from tabular values

Pediatrics Child Weight FORMULA Calculation According Age Ideal How much weigh boy girl Growth Chart

There is no need to panic at the minimum discrepancy with the indicated values ​​in the table, and here’s why:

  1. First of all, the tables of height and weight of the child contain reference indicators , then what should ideally be the weight and height of the child, without taking into account many other factors . Sometimes parents of premature babies mistakenly use a standard table for comparison, while there are special tables for assessing the development of children born prematurely.
  2. The rate of growth and weight gain is unique for each child . In the first year of life, babies develop in leaps and bounds. For example, during the period of introducing complementary foods, the weight of the baby may not reach the “norm” due to adaptation to a new type of food, and not because of pathology.

This does not mean that deviations from the norm should be ignored , but it is better to regard them as an occasion to pay attention and consult with a specialist in order to identify possible health problems, or to make sure that they are not.

What can be associated with obvious deviations from the norm?

Earlier we talked about minor deviations from the norm and that there is no need to be scared if your child grows and gains weight not strictly according to the table. But what to do if the values ​​of the essential have gone beyond the limits of permissible parameters , or are at the junction of the norm and pathology?

The reasons for possible deviations can be divided into two groups:

1. Non-endocrine:

  • Constitutional stunting . Or in another way, the syndrome of late puberty. One of the variants of the norm, when the puberty jump occurs later than in other children.
  • Family stunting . It has a hereditary predisposition, in the family of such children there are relatives with short stature. Growth retardation manifests itself from early childhood.
  • Prematurity, intrauterine and postpartum trauma.
  • Genetic Syndromes . As a rule, they have many clinical manifestations, one of which is growth retardation.
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary systems, gastrointestinal tract, as well as anemia.
  • Starvation .
  • Taking certain medications .

2. Endocrine:

  • Growth hormone deficiency . Biologically active substance, which is the main regulator of the growth process after 2 years.
  • Lack of thyroid hormones . More often of a congenital nature, it is clinically characterized by a delay in physical and intellectual development from birth.
  • Type 1 diabetes mellitus . A disease in which, due to insulin deficiency, the flow of glucose into the cells of the body is impaired, the so-called. “starvation” of cells, as a result, growth rates slow down.
  • Cushing’s disease (or syndrome) . At the same time, the production of hormones of the adrenal cortex, glucocorticoids, is increased, which in large doses leads to a violation of the secretion of growth hormone.
  • Rickets . A lack of vitamin D leads to bone destruction and skeletal deformities, which in turn is manifested, among other things, by a decrease in growth.
  • Other rare disorders of the endocrine system.

As you can see, there are many reasons.

If the growth of the child is stunted, parents should consult a doctor to identify the causes of short stature and its timely correction.

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