Child personality development: formation, conditions, formation, factors, age
The development of a child’s personality begins from the moment of birth. He already sees the world around him and hears different sounds. Gradually, other circumstances also influence its development.
Parents and living conditions
From the first days, the environment of the baby should contribute to a favorable development. Parents and home play a major role in this. From childhood, the baby copies the behavior of the father and mother, the manner of communication, their way of life. In the future, this will become the norm for him.
The development of a child’s personality begins with the family
The displayed emotions and attitude towards the baby affect his mental development. The child finds emotions by communicating with the mother. She can give him love, care, support or fear, anxiety. It depends on the parents what emotions he will absorb. If from early childhood the baby exists in a dictatorship, where there is excessive discipline, scandals, severe punishment, then he will grow up to be a closed and insecure person.
Cozy home, kindness and care have the best effect on the child.
Creativity as a factor influencing the formation of personality
Creativity has a certain impact on children over 2 years old:
- Drawing fosters perseverance, concentration and attentiveness. These abilities give good results. The child will show himself as an artistic person.
- Modeling forms visual, figurative thinking. He becomes observant, capable of analysis.
- Beading develops aesthetic taste.
- Theater, songs, dances provide an opportunity to show oneself and overcome shyness. The preschooler becomes relaxed and self-confident.
Creativity gives birth to goodwill in children. A drawing or hand-made craft can be presented to a loved one, making him feel good. Classes in certain circles expand the circle of friends and teach communication.
Formation in preschool and school age
The child grows and develops in society. The people around and the environment have an impact on the formation of the personality. Until 2 years old, the baby was surrounded by a family. In kindergarten and school, the child gets to know the society. He learns discipline, certain rules of behavior. Interaction with peers and educators develops communication skills in him.
He is educated at school. New motivations – to get a good grade, to be better than others, to earn praise, make the student to be purposeful and responsible. He gains objective self-esteem, which is influenced by academic performance, relationships in the team and family.
Take part in the lives of children, guide them on the right path, and help them cope with difficulties.