😉 Hello dear readers! In the article “Raising Children in Japan: Child, Parents, Home and School” – about the peculiarities of raising a child in a Japanese family and school. Related videos.
How children are raised in Japan
Children is our future. The Japanese understand this like no one else, and therefore from childhood they teach children not to be selfish and put their own benefit in second place, after the interests of the public.
First of all, this goal is achieved by celebrating a common birthday for everyone who turns three, five or seven years old – on the same day – November 15th. The tradition has long roots and is associated with the high mortality of children in the past.
The Japanese were convinced that until the age of seven, the child is in the care of the gods and is not a participant in the holiday of the living. In addition, it is these years in a person’s life that are considered critical.
The day of the little Japanese is scheduled to the minute. Two-year-olds learn English, develop their talents, sing or paint. At four years old, some play musical instruments, if the baby does not want to do something, he will not be forced. Everything that surrounds the little person should both develop and entertain him.
Symbol images
The education system in Japan is designed so that children learn life roles by imitating the behavior of their parents. Therefore, in families, children are always treated with love and kindness, they never raise their voices to them. This is how you cultivate respect for others and control over your emotions.
The main thing is to teach the little person to get along with other people, so that in the future he will become a full member of society. Also, in order to instill in children the necessary character traits from an early age, the Japanese use symbolic images.
In the case of boys, this is fish, carp; it is believed that it brings success, and also symbolizes overcoming life’s difficulties. Therefore, on May XNUMXth, Boy’s Day, the Japanese decorate their homes in the shape of carp.
And on the third of March, on Girls’ Day, beautiful dolls are exhibited in the estates, which are passed on from generation to generation. It is forbidden to touch them, you can only admire them. This tradition teaches girls not to be capricious and fosters restraint, patience and thoughtfulness.
Education stages
- from the first day of life to 5 years, the child is considered “emperor”. They do not forbid him anything, they only warn him with phrases “this is dangerous”, “it is dirty here”, “hot”;
- from 6 to 6 to 15 years of age from “emperor” he turns into “slave”. In the first place is discipline, study, behavior and appearance;
- from the age of 16, young people become “equal”. Parents consult with them, they have a responsibility to the family and the state.
In general, the time of indulgence for children ends a year before school, at the age of five. It is at this age that little Japanese begin to attend preparatory classes before school. Here they do their first homework, learn to follow all the orders of the educators.
In addition, the student has a diary with a stamp showing that the student has not skipped classes. All children come to school already knowing how to write and count in their minds. Japanese mothers closely monitor their children’s studies. But they are never praised, either at home or in conversation with others.
Officially, the Japanese become adults at twenty. Coming of Age Day is also celebrated together, on the second Monday of January. From this day on, young people can vote, take out loans, buy or sell real estate.
The purpose of collective holidays is not only a sign of public solidarity, but also the formation of aspirations to achieve common success.
About Japanese moms
Mothers can breastfeed their babies up to the age of seven. But after the child goes to school, responsibilities cannot be avoided. It is the school that marks the moment when the child for the first time fully feels responsibility, and a caring mother cannot even take her baby to school.
The child is the center of the mother’s universe. In Japan, this is felt in a special way. Usually, a woman’s career ends here immediately after marriage. She frees herself from work and begins to prepare for the role of a future mother, because one should not rely on the help of a grandmother or a nanny.
A father, on the other hand, can devote twenty minutes a day to his children, since his main task is to make money.
Therefore, it is rather difficult for Japanese women to combine work and motherhood. There are, of course, something like a nursery or kindergartens for children, whose mothers work. But in order to arrange your baby there, you need to collect a lot of documents that would confirm that a woman cannot look after the child herself.
If the baby gets sick, the days when the woman does not work, no one will reimburse her.
If the child is still able to be accommodated, the mother will have to walk monthly and talk with the teacher about the behavior of her baby. She will also receive a daily detailed report on what the baby ate, where he walked, how he coped with the tasks, how many times he cried.
On June 19.06.2019, XNUMX, the Japanese parliament passed a law prohibiting the physical punishment of children for the sake of discipline. The Japanese government plans to revise the criminal law by introducing amendments related to the moral humiliation of children.
Learn more in this video “Raising Children in Japan”
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