In the vast majority, as much as 95%, obesity in children results from overfeeding and lack of exercise. Changing your diet is not the only solution to the problem. It is important to permanently change eating habits by gradually introducing the right ones.
What should you do to help your child? What rules will be the most safe and sound? Here are a few of them.
Exclude from meals hidden calories, i.e. mayonnaise in salads, fat for pouring vegetables, cream in soup. Replace sour cream with natural yoghurt.
Don’t remind your child of being overweight. Don’t call him a donut or a sweet fat man. Emphasizing the problem, even unintentionally, will give the child complexes and lower his self-esteem.
If you are going to a kinder ball, serve a wholesome meal before going out – then it will have less appetite for sweets.
Talk to your child about the need to lose weight. It is worth highlighting the tangible benefits of a child – that’s why instead of health, let’s talk about the possibility of running, beautiful skin and hair.
While eating, the child should not watch TV – absorbed in watching, he will eat more than he needs.
Encourage drinking water between meals. Dilute juices with water and instead of sugar to sweeten tea, use stevia, xylitol or agave syrup. Also avoid artificial sweeteners.
If your child asks for more after eating, wait 20 minutes. This is how long it takes for the brain to signal that the body is saturated. It is then worth encouraging the child to eat more slowly, chewing the bites thoroughly.
Do not give your child dietary supplements that promote weight loss, and do not introduce slimming diets.
Do not limit the caloric content of meals for children under 7 years of age. Weight loss can be achieved by changing the quality of food (less fat and sugar) and encouraging more physical activity.
Do not force your child to eat what he does not like. Do not serve diet food when the rest of the household is eating cutlets. The menu should be changed for all family members so that the child does not feel marginalized.
Provide your child with 4-5 meals a day at regular intervals. Breakfast is the most important meal, so it should be nutritious and healthy. Pupils should receive a lunch at school, in addition, each meal should include fruit or vegetables.
Provide fiber in the form of vegetables, fruits and whole grain products, such as wholemeal bread.
Introduce into the family tradition the habit of spending free time, e.g. weekends outdoors. Being active outdoors is a great way to manage your weight and stay fit.
Do not use sweets as a reward. Replace them with something healthier – fruit, yogurt, fruit sorbet.
Cook at home. Meals prepared at home are healthier than fast food or ready meals from the supermarket.