Child growth by months to a year: a reminder for parents, boy, girl
A newborn brings not only joy into the house, but also anxiety: is everything okay with him? The growth of a child by months to a year is an important parameter to make sure that the baby is developing correctly.
The basics of a parenting reminder
The first parameters of the baby are the weight of 2500–3800 g and the height of 48–55 cm. In the maternity hospital, the doctor will tell you if everything is in order with these indicators. When you are at home, you need to track these numbers yourself, without waiting for the next visit to the pediatrician.
The growth of a child by months to a year can be measured at home with a centimeter
If everything is more or less clear with weight, then tracking growth can be difficult. To measure your baby, follow these steps:
- Place the child on a flat surface with his head resting on the wall.
- Straighten the baby’s leg by gently pulling it towards you. The foot should be on the heel perpendicular to the table surface.
- Make a mark near the head and heel and place the baby in the crib.
- Measure the length at the marks.
The resulting size must be compared with the indicators in the table, which are given separately for children of different genders.
The first child causes a lot of excitement. It must be understood that if there are deviations, the doctor will definitely draw your attention to them. Do not miss regular check-ups at the clinic, where the child’s weight and height are monitored by a pediatrician. Keep a notebook where you note changes in height, weight, and nutrition. If something bothers you, ask your doctor questions.
Basic parameters for boys
The standard indicators of height and weight of children of different sexes differ slightly according to the WHO. The growth rate intervals in male infants range from 0 to 12 months:
- Height at birth – 48,0–51,8 cm;
- 1 month – 52,8–56,7 cm;
- 2 month – 56,4–60,4 cm;
- 3 – 59,4-63,5 cm;
- 4 – 61,8-66,0 cm;
- 5 – 63,8-68,0 cm;
- 6 – 65,5-69,8 cm;
- 7 – 67,0-71,3 cm;
- 8 – 68,4-72,8 cm;
- 9 – 69,7-74,2 cm;
- 10 – 71,0-75,6 cm;
- 11 – 72,2-76,9 cm;
- 12 – 73,4-78,1 cm.
With age, the child’s growth intervals become wider.
Basic parameters for girls
Growth rate intervals in female infants range from 0 to 12 months:
- Height at birth – 47,3–51,0 cm;
- 1 month – 51,7–55,6 cm;
- 2 month – 55,0–59,1 cm;
- 3 – 57,7-61,9 cm;
- 4 – 59,9-64,3 cm;
- 5 – 61,8-66,2 cm;
- 6 – 63,5-68,0 cm;
- 7 – 65,0-69,6 cm;
- 8 – 66,4-71,1 cm;
- 9 – 67,7-72,6 cm;
- 10 – 69,0-73,9 cm;
- 11 – 70,3-75,3 cm;
- 12 – 71,4-76,6 cm.
With age, the child’s growth intervals become wider.
What determines the growth of the baby
Studying the table, you should not panic if some parameters do not correspond to the data of your baby. Height and weight depend on many factors:
- Heredity. Taller parents are more likely to have taller children and can grow faster. A diminutive mom and dad, whose height is below average, will give birth to a medium-sized child.
- A baby whose diet is balanced and who gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs will develop better than a newborn who is deprived of it.
- Congenital diseases can inhibit the development of a baby.
In the latter case, the doctor will tell you whether the baby is developing correctly within the framework of his disease.
The birth of a child is associated with pleasant chores and concern for his health. There are standard indicators for each age of the infant. Small deviations from the norm, as a rule, have certain grounds that do not affect the health of the baby.