Child development stages – crawling, learning to walk

Today we know a lot about a child’s development. Medicine, biology, physiology, psychology and numerous other detailed disciplines have developed a systematic and accurate description of the stages of a child’s development. Knowledge in this field allows you to look at a person comprehensively from the moment of his birth, taking into account all his needs: biological, psychological and social. The most important influence on the future fate of the individual is primarily the events of the initial stages of his life – development in the 1st and 2nd month after birth, as well as the prenatal period, i.e. the stage of the child’s development in the mother’s womb.

What is worth knowing about child development? Are you able to assess the correctness of your child’s development without specialist knowledge?

Against this background, the period of early childhood is a particularly important period for proper formation development. During this period, the child acquires basic and universal skills that will be used throughout his life. The child is unable to communicate a significant part of them to us – they are the ability to spatially orientate, to differentiate sounds coming from the environment into those that are known and close to the child (mother’s sound) and those that are universal or may be associated with danger.

If you are wondering how to supervise regularity your baby’s development, it is worth reaching for a specialist calendar, such as baby development calendar, devoted to stages development the organism of infancy.

One of the sources of information about the condition of our child is the general motor behavior that develops exceptionally quickly and efficiently at the beginning of life. The first year can be characterized as a slow motor development towards the ability to efficiently and independently move on two legs. In the first 3-4 months the child learns to rotate primarily around its axis. With the help of limb movements, the baby turns sideways and puts it on the stomach. Changing position is associated with individual preferences most often resulting from the current situation in which the child is.

The next period is 5-6 monthsduring which the child develops the motor skills of his body. It should be able to turn from belly to back and vice versa. It is also the period when the child discovers the possibility of assuming a new position – sitting, which he is already able to do, but only with the help of others.

Another two months is a period of increasing pace of motor development. The child learns not only to change the position of the body, to adopt positions and movements of the limbs, but also begins to move independently. Emboldened by the ability to sit down on their own – to change positions under the influence of their own needs, and not only on the initiative and help of their parents – they begin to crawl, imitating the movements typical of crawling.

Another, 9th month is the period of crawling and thus the progressive development of muscles and structures of the upper and lower limbs. Especially the ability to use the latter is widely exploited, as they will soon become the child’s main vehicle for locomotion. During this period, the child also tends to sit upright and stand up, but always with the help of another person or a device that can be grasped and pulled up.

When the child reaches 12 month old, usually takes the first independent, full steps. However, this is not a universal boundary in development walking ability. Many babies take their first steps after this period, and there are cases of babies who walk too early. So if your 12-month-old baby cannot walk unaided, don’t panic. Doctors agree that walking too early can result in problems such as the development of scoliosis or the onset of other types of degeneration.

15th month this is the time when children actively develop their walking ability: they are happy to walk on low steps, over thresholds, puddles and other obstacles. Walking becomes an activity undertaken independently and under the influence of ordinary needs, such as picking up a favorite toy or following an adult’s voice. It is also a period when frequent falls occur – the child is just developing the sense of maintaining balance, so it is worth assisting our child during each long walk.

About 18 months old the child should learn the ability to go up and down stairs (often with the help of an adult), and thus – to maintain an upright position while standing on one leg for at least a short while.

Psychomotor development it is only one aspect of human development. Its important feature is the fact that it is easy to control – it is enough to observe the behavior of our child. If you want to be sure about proper development of the child, just watch his play and motor behavior closely. Such an “observational study” will provide you with specific answers to whether or not psychomotor development is normal.

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