Child development at 3,5 years old: physical, mental, especially, and a half
It is important for parents to observe the development of the child at 3,5 years old. During this period, his appearance and psychological state undergoes significant changes.
Physical development at three and a half years
At 3,5 years old, the baby is actively growing up. He is no longer a chubby toddler, but a slender boy or girl.
The development of a child at 3,5 years old is active
At this age, the following changes in the body occur in children:
- the musculoskeletal system is actively developing;
- the nervous system is being developed;
- the load on blood vessels, on all internal organs, including the heart, increases.
The average height of a child by the age of 4 is usually 100 cm, weight – 14-20 kg. Parents need to pay attention to the size of the head, as it should increase significantly over the past year. The condition of the chest and hips can be used to tell if the muscles are normal.
Mental and intellectual development
Early childhood development is fashionable now. At 3,5 years old, babies are already actively taught to count and write. However, such a rush is not always good for the crumbs. At this age, it is important that he has other skills:
- was able to find similarities and differences in pictures;
- could combine 2 items on one basis;
- knew 10 colors and all basic geometric shapes;
- distinguished the concepts of “many-little”, “big-small”, “far-close”, etc.
- knew how to divide objects into groups on a common basis;
Help your child develop through play, through drawing, through movement.
Features of the development of speech and communication skills
At this age, the child will no longer take away a toy from another baby with hysteria. He learns to ask, to exchange toys and even to be cunning in order to get the desired thing. Attacks of selfishness are fading away more and more.
A 3,5-year-old kid is already more interested in playing with a peer than with his mother. Children’s games are increasingly taking place without the participation of adults. However, this does not mean that you can no longer look after your child during walks.
Children, in whose families harmony and mutual understanding reign, quickly learn to get out of conflict situations without quarrels.
The speech of a child at 3,5 years old already consists of full-fledged understandable sentences that are interconnected in meaning. This allows the child to become more independent. The number of defects in speech is gradually decreasing.
You need to monitor your child, help him develop, and, if necessary, seek help from specialists. The healthy and harmonious development of your child is in your hands.