Child development at 2 years and 2 months: parents about children, that they should be able to speak
A child at 2 years and 2 months of development occurs continuously. Every day he learns something new, repeating after adults their behavior, manner of speaking, actions. He can make meaningful sentences from words.
What a baby should already be able to do at this age
He already perfectly applies his physical skills – runs, walks on toes or heels, jumps. Well overcomes obstacles, stepping over them. Of particular interest are the steps. The child knows how to climb stairs. He is already trying to step on a step with only one foot, as adults do. During this lesson, be on the lookout if he stumbles, you need to have time to catch him.
The development of a child at 2 years and 2 months can be continued by drawing and sculpting
The child is already able to do simple daily procedures on his own:
- Go to the potty and communicate your desire to the parent in time.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Eat with a spoon and drink from a mug yourself.
- Brush your teeth.
- Wash and dry your hands and face with a towel.
If you teach a child, he will fold his things neatly. It is important at this age to teach him to be independent. If he shows interest and a desire to do something – do not forbid, do not do it for him.
What to play with your child
It is best to tell parents about their children spending time together. The kid needs to pay a lot of attention, deal with him. Fortunately, the classes are already becoming diverse and interesting:
- An important place for physical and emotional development is occupied by active games in the fresh air. Teach him to ride a bike, play with a ball, catch up with each other.
- At this age, the child understands the conversation of adults quite well. He loves to listen to fairy tales, poems. There are many educational cartoons, they are very informative and interesting.
- The kid can distinguish between animals, know whether they are wild or domestic. He knows what “side”, “top” is, he can name the color of an object or the name of a geometric figure.
- Collecting puzzles is an interesting activity. This action will now be meaningful, the child understands that he needs to assemble a whole picture from several pieces. He is also attracted by the designers.
To continue to further develop the baby, do with him modeling from plasticine, drawing with pencils and paints, playing with beads and buttons – they can be strung on a thread or guess the color and shape.
It is important to monitor, first of all, your behavior, the relationships between family members. If a child hears scandals or high-pitched conversations, he will take the same form of behavior. After all, you are now an example for him to follow.