“Child Can’t Focus”

Excessive activity and absent-mindedness in younger students always have a reason, explains psychologist Tatyana Bednik. To find it and eliminate it, adults first of all should take care of their own state of peace of mind.

“He forgets what he just read, does not complete the task to the end, is easily distracted … It is difficult for the child to concentrate, and this worries the parents. As if they themselves were concentrated for eight hours a day! Mathematics, reading or solfeggio – it is difficult to fix attention on activities that bother you. In this, children differ little from us adults. In addition, the tasks that elementary school sets for the child (perseverance, accuracy) mobilize all the energy and prevent – temporarily – from concentrating on other tasks. The constant inattention of a 7-10-year-old student can be caused by a crisis situation in the family (fear of a stepfather, jealousy of a younger brother or sister) or school-related stress. Mental anxiety is incompatible with attention. Instead of making him nervous and exaggerating, try to remain dispassionate and find out what is troubling or embarrassing your child. Our calmness is as contagious as our excitement.

Check if he has time to play and discharge his energy after school? Observe what hours it is easier for him to concentrate on his studies, and offer to sit down for lessons at that time. If your child is having difficulty switching from one task to another, work out a lesson plan together and give them advance warning of what to do next. Remove everything superfluous from the desktop (toys, gadgets) and offer to start doing homework with the easiest items – they “warm up” the brain and increase concentration. Encourage attempts to look for answers yourself – curiosity develops the ability to focus on one subject.

But if a child is constantly agitated, it is difficult for him to concentrate on any, even an attractive activity, if these symptoms are observed for more than six months, it makes sense to contact a neurologist who will identify (or not) a possible hyperactive disorder and offer appropriate assistance.

About it

“The best methods for developing attention in children” Olga Mashtal “Impaired attention in children” Gerhard Laut, Peter Schlottke Games, tasks, exercises and valuable practical advice collected in these books by child psychologists will help improve the concentration of a child at any age (Science and technology ; Academy, 2008).

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