Child and healthy food – how to make them friends

Proper nutrition is very important for the harmonious development of the child, for his good physical and psycho-emotional state. In addition, good nutrition does not burden the immune system, and it has more strength to resist seasonal viruses.

How to teach your baby to eat healthy? How to introduce and change the culture of his food? These tips will help you.

The dish must be delicious!

It is useless to explain the usefulness of porridge if it is bland and not interesting in taste. The benefits of spinach for a child is useless magic if it tastes like cardboard. Show your imagination and ingenuity, do not be afraid to use seasonings, natural sweeteners. And set a personal example: It’s hard to believe in broccoli when mom is eating fries next to her.


Don’t be afraid of fruits

If the child is not allergic, experiment with fruits and berries, dried fruits and candied fruits. In order not to cause outright rebellion and rejection, first cut the additives very finely and add to the porridge. Add fruit while cooking, purée and thin the dish.

Tell your child about nature

Try to make treats for birds with your child – fill the cereals with gelatin or bake a craft with cereals and seeds based on the simplest dough. Feed the birds on the street more often, make feeders. Tell your child about the benefits of cereals, what bread is baked from, how vegetables grow – and how all this is useful for all living things.

Cook together

There are many activities in the kitchen that both a toddler and an older child can do. Firstly, this way you will grow yourself an assistant and replacement. Second, working together brings people closer together. And thirdly, cooked with your own hands is eaten with great appetite. And the trust between you will grow, which means that the child will be more willing to believe your stories about the benefits of this or that food.

Do not blackmail

And don’t bribe. You don’t need to eat porridge for candy, and vegetables for gingerbread. Food should be liked, enjoyed, tasted, and not pushed to speed in dreams of a chocolate bar. Also, do not punish for lack of appetite or whims, food should not be associated with negativity.

Serve the sauces

Sauces exist in order to tastefully season a dish, to make it more interesting and easy to taste – few people like to chew dry porridge. On the basis of olive oil, you can prepare a lot of options – with herbs, with different types of peppers, with olives, with mushrooms. Sour cream sauces will also appeal to children. Even sweet jam for a sweet tooth can be served as a sauce.

Gather at a common table 

It is a habit for all family members to eat at their convenient time, to have a snack on the go, and then sit at the table without appetite … And how can a child learn about eating habits and proper nutrition? At least once a day, sit down with the whole family at a common table in the evening, and on weekends, have breakfast and dinner together as often as possible!

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Let us remind you that earlier we talked about how family meals affect the health of children, and also advised what to cook for children for lunch. 

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