Chihuahua dog
Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. She was named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Previously, these dogs lived in the wild, but in the modern world they are companions.
Name of the breedChihuahua
Country of originMexico
The time of the birth of the breedOfficially recognized in 1884
A typecompanion dog
The weight1,5 – 3 kg
Height (height at the withers)15 – 23 cm
Lifespan12 – 20 years
puppies price15000 – 45000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesBruce, Ginny, Lemon, Scooby-Doo, Disney, Lace, Flint, Kusun, Bebik, Lucky

History of origin

Small dogs originated in Mexico, where the Toltecs, a mysterious people, appeared in the Middle Ages. The Indians and the priests of this tribe kept pets – they had dumb dogs with long hair. These dogs were sacred to them and participated in various rituals and holidays. After the death of the owner, they were sacrificed, because it was believed that the dog takes away the sins of the deceased.

None of the scientists saw these dogs, but only found their remains. And only at the end of the 1884th century, the Mexicans managed to find them in the wild forests. Dogs began to be caught and sold, this brought good money to sellers. They were bought by both Americans and Mexicans. The first exhibition of this breed took place in XNUMX in Philadelphia. Then this tiny dog ​​was officially introduced.

Soon a representative of this breed was presented by the President of Mexico to the famous singer Adeline Patti. The aristka received a huge bouquet of flowers, inside of which was a cute dog. After this incident, Chihuahuas gained even more popularity.

Many people are used to calling Chihuahuas useless dogs, but in reality they are not. Thanks to their excellent hearing, they can help their deaf owners. There is a Chihuahua in the world named Willum. For more than ten years, he has served his deaf master, informing him of phone calls and other important alerts.

Breed description

This mini breed has a very elegant appearance and a compact body. The dog’s skull is small, widening at the base and narrowing at the nose. The nose is short and neat, looking up.

Chihuahuas have beautiful and large eyes, mostly dark in color. Large erect ears are rounded at the top. The back is muscular, the chest is voluminous. The tail of the dog is set high, it is rather long and thick, rounded upwards.

The front paws of dogs are long and straight, they have no muscle mass, they are very thin and weak, unlike the hind legs, those are strong, with well-developed joints.

Dogs are smooth-haired and long-haired. The color is very different – red-red, light red, black, chocolate, white, brindle and even lilac. The most unusual is a silver-gray color with a bluish tint. It is very rare, and such representatives are not vaccinated, because it can lead to serious diseases.



The nature of this breed is not easy. This, according to experts, is affected by their Mexican past, when they ran through the jungle and survived in the wild.

A Chihuahua can get very serious with barking, it is very difficult to calm her down at such moments. The dog is suspicious of strangers and does not like restless children, especially since the latter can hurt dogs. It will also be difficult for her to get along with other animals due to the fact that the dog always wants to be in the spotlight and does not tolerate competition.

With his master, the baby is energetic and affectionate. He perfectly feels the mood of his person. It will not spin under your feet and interfere with you if you are busy. He will settle down a couple of meters from you and will watch you.

Care and maintenance

Chihuahuas should live in the house, they do not take up much space. The dog should have its own place to sleep and eat. Dogs are very cold, it is important to protect them from drafts and cold. Due to the rapid metabolism, they begin to tremble and then catch a cold. In cold weather, you should not walk with them, or wear a warm jacket for dogs.

Also, veterinarians recommend abandoning the collar. They have a very thin neck, which is easy to damage, and therefore it is better to buy a special leash for miniature dogs. It is attached to the body under the legs.

It is necessary to teach the dog to go to the same place to use the toilet.

– You can use special dog diapers, they absorb well and last for a long time. Chihuahuas also go perfectly into the cat’s tray without filling. Whatever you choose, the taming algorithm will be the same. First you need to lay a newspaper right next to the puppy’s place. When he descends on her, you need to rejoice and loudly praise the puppy. And so every time. After he goes to the toilet, you need to play with him. You can not yell at the dog when he “went by.” Make a remark only with intonation, they will perfectly understand, – comments Marina Kochina, owner of the Best Chihuahua kennel, chairman of the Best kennel club.

Dogs need to have their nails trimmed every two weeks as they make walking and jumping uncomfortable. It is necessary to clean the ears with a special lotion as they get dirty.

Feeding must be approached very responsibly. A baby with a thin neck can choke on even the smallest fish bone.

– It is desirable to feed these dogs with super-premium or premium class dry food, it contains all the vitamins and minerals. It is important to choose a food that does not contain cereals. Do not give babies sweet, flour, spicy, this negatively affects their health. Chihuahuas also tend to be obese, their weight should not exceed three kilograms, says the breeder.

Education and training

Dogs should be trained from an early age. Do not take puppies younger than three months. Due to the fact that she had little contact with brothers and sisters, the dog can grow up to be selfish, unable to get along with both people and animals.

The most important thing is to socialize your pet in time. You need to gradually introduce the dog to new people and animals. Avoid aggressive dogs that can harm your pet. Stop loud barking in time, distract with toys and treats. In no case do not beat the dog – firstly, you will lose contact with her, and secondly, you can injure the dog. Remember that they are very fragile, the breeder continues.

Health and disease

Small dogs often have dental problems, and Chihuahuas are no exception. Their milk teeth often do not fall out on their own, and you have to go to the dentist, who will carefully remove them.

One of the features of this breed is the tendency to tremble. There can be a huge number of reasons. If the trembling is present constantly, and the coat loses its luster, you should see a doctor.

Chihuahuas also often have eye diseases, so you need to carefully monitor them. They can easily hurt them on the corners.

Veterinarians advise to undergo a medical examination once a year – to take tests and ultrasound in order to diagnose the following diseases in time:

  • demodicosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • dysplasia of the mitral valve of the heart;
  • stenosis of the pulmonary trunk;
  • hypoklemia (low blood sugar);
  • epilepsy.

Popular questions and answers

Can a Chihuahua get along with a cat?

Chihuahuas are ready to be friends and play with everyone. As a rule, all the problems are in cats, they do not want to play like funny puppies. Fragile dogs weighing up to 1,5 kg stand apart. Their cat most likely will not be interested, they love the company of people.

Advice from cat owners: get a second Chihuahua and everything will be fine.

How do Chihuahuas react to other dogs?

This beautiful animal with its head held high will joyfully run around the yard with dogs of any size and age. If the dog is regularly walked, then it will make friends very quickly.

Does a Chihuahua have a specific smell?

This breed does not have a special smell. Allergy sufferers choose a Chihuahua for this very reason: no smell – no allergies. Naturally, dogs require care – both long-haired and smooth-haired. Wash infrequently, but with a good dog shampoo, so as not to damage the delicate skin of the dog.

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