Chief Sanitary Inspector: I recommend that you spend this vacation in Poland, because it is the safest here
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– Looking at what has been happening recently, we should expect an increase in the number of infections – says Medonet about the coronavirus epidemic, Chief Sanitary Inspector Dr. n. med. Jarosław Pinkas, prof. CMKP. The head of the Sanepidu emphasizes that in order to defeat SARS-CoV-2, it is necessary to return to compliance with the recommendations. In an interview with the editor-in-chief of Medonet, Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając also indicates how to prepare for the second wave of the epidemic in Poland. We invite you to the next interview in the #GośćMedTvoiLokony series.

  1. – At this point, our data is very clear – in 18 out of 380 poviats the alert rates are exceeded – the Chief Sanitary Inspector tells Medonet
  2. Late detection of an error related to 230 He explains incorrectly reported tests for coronavirus that “statistical analyzes are important, but not a priority in anti-epidemic activities”
  3. Jarosław Pinkas recommends spending holidays in Poland and explains why we can feel safe in our country
  4. Flu vaccination is especially important this year. “It is our duty to ourselves and our loved ones”
  5. – So far we have had surplus beds in hospitals and I hope it will continue to do so – he says about preparing for the arrival of the second wave

Anna Zimny-Zając: The latest data from Poland are not optimistic. From 300 new cases, we jumped to over 600 a day. We also had a few days of horror, when we greatly exceeded 800. The Ministry of Health explains the increases with outbreaks, but many doctors indicate that not only are they a problem, but also the increasing number of individual patients infected with the virus. How does it look from your perspective?

Jarosław Pinkas, Chief Sanitary Inspector: We analyze the epidemiological situation based on extensive data obtained from County Sanitary Inspections. We mainly look at positive cases. At this point, our data is very clear – alarm rates are exceeded in 18 out of 380 poviats.

Of course, we also analyze where these positive cases come from. At the moment, we are clear that in over 60 percent. is from four provinces.

There is, of course, diffuse transmission, but it is not as big a problem for us at the moment as the fires themselves.

  1. See also: The latest data on the coronavirus in Poland and in the world [MAP]

Where did these fires come from?

We currently have the biggest problem in four voivodships – Śląskie, Małopolskie, Wielkopolskie and Mazowieckie. Silesia is, of course, mines, unfortunately Małopolska is one of the big weddings that led to the infection of employees of several large companies (including catering) in Nowy Sącz, i.e. the Nowy Sącz, Tatrzański and Bochnia poviats. In Wielkopolska, however, we have a problem in Ostrzeszów in a poultry plant.

The arrival of summer also seems to be influencing the increase in infections. Enjoying the beautiful weather, many Poles seem to forget about the epidemic.

Looking at what has been happening recently, i.e. a certain relaxation that has prevailed in our society, we should expect an increase in the number of infections. During the summer holidays, we forgot that this virus is still dangerous, that we still have a pandemic time. We took off our masks, we stopped distancing ourselves – it can be seen on the beaches, in the queues to the mountain lifts and wherever people walk.

I am very happy that we can talk, because I hope that thanks to this my appeal will reach even more people. Ladies and Gentlemen, the epidemic has not passed. I urge us not to forget about following good habits, because this is the only way to avoid contracting the coronavirus at the moment.

You mentioned four provinces in which we currently have the greatest problem with the coronavirus. However, the recently presented data on the number of tests did not show it at all. Most of the tests in the last weeks were performed in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship – over 40. weekly. How is it possible that neither the GIS nor the Ministry of Health realized that the tests had been incorrectly reported for weeks? Only after the questions, among others MedTvoiLokony, and after many days of waiting for a response, I got a test report that was miscounted.

The WSSE in Kielce was the first to find errors in the calculation of tests performed by the laboratory of the Provincial Complex Hospital in Kielce. It turned out that one of the employees of the hospital incorrectly entered the “increasing number of tests” in the table. Fortunately, these tests were already invoiced according to the appropriate amount of tests performed in the laboratory.

I emphasize once again that this case was discovered by the State Provincial Sanitary Inspector in Kielce. The State Sanitary Inspection is currently breaking the epidemic chain. Of course, conducting statistical analyzes is important, but it is not a priority in anti-epidemic activities.

  1. See also: # GośćMedTvoiLokony – Łukasz Szumowski

However, the issued statement is very general and speaks of a huge number of 230 thousand. incorrectly counted tests, which is about 10 percent. all performed tests. However, there is no information since when these data were incorrectly reported and how many tests were actually performed per week in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. Will we see them?

This statement was issued by the facility that made the error, i.e. the Provincial Complex Hospital in Kielce. The error was identified by the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Kielce. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health is responsible for verifying information on irregularities in reporting.

And how is it tested in Poland at all? Each report on the number of tests performed in individual provinces arouses great interest, especially since the differences are significant.

We test the most in regions where the current incidence is the highest, while the number of tests performed is reported cumulatively. If in a given voivodeship there were no outbreaks for many weeks or months, we did not perform screening tests, then automatically fewer of these tests were performed.

Let us remember that positive results are very often reported from laboratories that served voivodeships other than their own. For example, when we had large outbreaks in Silesia, the test samples were transported to Poznań, Bydgoszcz or Kielce – all provinces supported Silesia so that both the availability of the tests and the speed of their execution were as high as possible.

Analyzing the concentration in Silesia and the number of screening tests performed there, it would turn out that we probably did the most of these tests in Europe. When the coronavirus appeared in the mine, we examined all the miners and their families. In Europe, in many countries, they only examine symptomatic cases, while we also examine asymptomatic ones. And it is extremely interesting and we will definitely analyze it in depth that 98 percent infected with coronavirus in Silesia, these are asymptomatic cases.

I can’t help but ask about the “second wave”. Is it now or are we still waiting?

I’m not an oceanologist. But putting aside the jokes, it’s hard to say whether we have a wave or one continuous wave at this point. This is currently being analyzed all over the world. Please remember that in order to assess whether this is the second wave or an extension of the first wave, a longer period has to pass. Data from a broader time perspective are needed.

In my opinion, at the moment we are continuing to extend what was. Our daily gains are not as high at the moment as in other European countries, where the situation is quite dramatic. We are in 15th place among the countries in Europe that reliably report new cases.

We currently have a fourteen-day simulated maturity of 24,9 per 100. people, while – for comparison – in Luxembourg it is 122,5, which is almost five times more … in Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal and the Czech Republic, which until recently boasted of having overcome the epidemic.

The whole world is currently having a big problem with the coronavirus, although in most cases it is still difficult to talk about the second wave. In Poland, we had the so-called flattening, though I don’t like to use the term, and a subtle increase that didn’t get too much attention because it seemed natural.

Every pandemic, every epidemic comes to an end at some point, and there is a kind of undulation towards the end.

However, now, I will repeat it once again – whatever happens, we must lead to a situation where our behavior is as before – keeping social distancing, washing hands, caring for elderly people who are particularly vulnerable. Besides, not attending large gatherings and behaving rationally wherever we are – be it at a wedding or on the beach. Taking these actions is essential to getting the virus under control.

  1. See also: Why is the coronavirus not like the flu? Just look at the death statistics

What about holidays abroad? Is there any plan to quarantine people who are returning from abroad?

A very good question. I understand that everyone is concerned that they can go and then return safely. I will not answer your question. The most important in epidemiology is the incidence trend. If it is high, then protective measures must be taken.

There are countries that have already implemented a quarantine for people returning from Spain, but we are not planning such steps yet, but we are analyzing the situation. It seems to me that quarantine decisions should be made on a pan-European arena. So that individual countries do not use their own, often different, parameters, but that they are, at least to some extent, standardized.

When introducing such restrictions, you should definitely use a great deal of common sense. None of us are clairvoyants, and unfortunately the behavior of the virus is not subject to easy mathematical evaluation, which will prove true in one hundred percent, because the number of determinants is unimaginably large. Of course we have simulations, but they are only simulations.

  1. See also: Pandemics of the world. Which has the most casualties? [INFOGRAPHICS]

So what do you advise those who do not know where to spend their vacation?

What I can recommend at the moment in connection with the unknown situation, which I recommend to all my friends and relatives, is to spend this vacation in Poland, because it is the safest here.

We have knowledge about the availability of health services, and the potential for diagnostics and therapy is full. And it is most important for each of our citizens that they feel safe in their country.

But is it really so safe in Poland? Looking at the photos from the Polish seaside and seeing the crowds on the beaches, many people probably wonder if it is better to go somewhere less crowded and equally attractive, somewhere outside the country.

If we analyze photos from different beaches, it obviously looks terrible in Władysławowo. But I know a beach between Hel and Jurata, where it is really empty.

I am afraid that when we write about it, it will not be so empty in two or three days …

This is my favorite beach and I walk there quite often. Although you have to walk a few kilometers to get there. There are 26 thousand sq m between Hel and Jurata. steps.

However, returning to holidays abroad, it is worth noting that the beaches around Barcelona or Costa del Sol, as well as the Italian coast are also very crowded. Unfortunately, there has been relaxation everywhere in the world and Poles are not distinguished here by more indolence than others. At the moment, the authorities of all countries are calling for rational behavior so that this holiday does not end tragically.

Unfortunately, the reality is that it will be much worse. How well prepared are we for the second wave?

So far we have had a bed allowance in hospitals and I hope it will continue to do so. If we have a worrying epidemiological situation, we already know how to change the name of the hospital into an identical hospital or where to purchase services for isolatories.

I have the impression that thanks to the fact that in the first stage of the epidemic we learned to react very quickly, now, even when the situation changes dynamically, we will be able to act effectively.

And what are the recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspector for Poles?

For my part, I can call on everyone to get vaccinated against the flu in order to prevent the accumulation of the two viruses. And the decision to vaccinate is entirely on our side.

Secondly, that the ProteGo Safe application (prepared by the Ministry of Digitization, editor’s note) should be a commonly used application, because it will ensure safety for everyone.

This flu vaccination can be tough. Last year, the vaccination coverage rate in Poland was less than 4 percent, and the National Health Test for Poles 2020 carried out by Medonet showed that only one in five people was vaccinated against the flu in our country at least once in their lifetime.

All people with chronic diseases should be vaccinated against influenza, as well as those who undergo dialysis, stay in care and treatment facilities, are in long-term care, have cardiological problems, and have acute coronary syndromes.

I hope that this year will be such a special year, when massive educational activities will cause the flu vaccination coverage to be significantly higher than the 4 percent. That all health care workers who will be the best example will get vaccinated, that vaccination is not only worth it, but it is necessary, and that in this situation we will be European record holders.

May it be so, because the current record holders have an immunization rate of 70 percent.

It is so and I dream that we will also reach this level. The flu vaccine is really a must this year. And our duty to ourselves and our loved ones to keep us safe.

As a modest Chief Sanitary Inspector, I always set an example and I am vaccinated every year. My family is vaccinated and all our friends are vaccinated. There really is nothing to be afraid of.

By regularly vaccinating against the flu, I confirm.

We vaccinate not only for ourselves, but also for others. Let’s not be selfish. We must survive this extremely difficult year safely.

Doctors with whom we spoke recently at Medonet, apart from influenza, mention two more vaccinations that we should take care of during a pandemic – for pneumococci and whooping cough. Does GIS also recommend them?

They are very smart doctors, we should protect ourselves from all respiratory pathogens, such as the influenza virus we have already talked about, but also pneumococcus and pertussis. Vaccination is the most effective weapon in all these cases.

Do you already know when the flu vaccine for the coming season will be available in Poland?

We have already placed the order and the vaccines should reach us by mid-September, and I hope they will. Last year there were significant delays, but in this case companies declare that they will make it on time.

As we are already planning the fall, we must mention the beginning of the school year and the return of students to schools. What will it look like? Will students and their parents feel safe?

We work together with the Ministry of National Education to ensure safe return to school. Children must socialize, stay in peer groups, teachers must conduct classes in accordance with the rules. Remote learning does not always work, and it is not good for all children. Besides, many parents also dream about the fact that their children return to school.

We will secure schools to the maximum, and all facilities will have to meet specific requirements. Of course, what the final return to school will look like will largely depend on the epidemiological situation and the incidence in a given territory. If the threat is high, the school in question will have to be closed.

Certainly this situation is dynamic, so we cannot guarantee anything.

Let us hope that the school year can start calmly. Thank you for the conversation.

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