Chicory: health benefits and harms
This useful plant has practically no contraindications. But sometimes you have to be careful with it. Let’s talk about the health benefits and dangers of chicory

Chicory is widely known as a healthier alternative to coffee. However, this plant can be eaten in different ways. The KP, together with a dietitian, understands the benefits and harms of chicory for human health.

The history of the appearance of chicory in nutrition

Among the people, chicory is called “Peter’s batog”, “watchman” and “bride of the sun”. According to legend, even the apostle Peter used chicory instead of twigs in order to manage the herd.

Another legend says that the apostle Peter took chicory and drove harmful insects from grain ears with this grass. Then he threw it on the side of the road. Since then, chicory has been growing along the roads.

Chicory is one of the oldest known plants. Most of all it is grown in North Africa, Western Asia and Europe. The very process of consumption and brewing of chicory was first mentioned in the annals of Egypt. Later, medieval monks in Europe began to grow chicory. And only in 1700 it was brought to North America, where it became the most common coffee substitute. 

The composition and calorie content of chicory

Caloric value on 100 g23 kcal
Fats0,3 g
Proteins1,7 g
Carbohydrates4,7 g

The benefits of chicory

The benefits of chicory are hidden in its root part, which contains up to 75% inulin (organic matter). This is a natural polysaccharide, which is suitable for dietary nutrition (for diabetes). Inulin is easily absorbed and becomes a powerful prebiotic. With regular consumption, chicory increases the body’s defenses against harmful bacteria and viruses. 

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Chicory is also a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. 

  • Beta-carotene – natural antioxidant – removes free radicals, prevents the development of oncology. 
  • Vitamin E slows down the aging process, prevents thrombosis and improves the functioning of the immune system. 
  • thiamine responsible for endurance and the functioning of the nervous system. 
  • Mixed helps cleanse the liver of excess fat. 
  • pyridoxine relieves stress and fatigue, improves metabolism and lowers blood sugar. 
  • riboflavin regulates the vital activity of cells and affects reproductive functions. 
  • Folic acid participates in the synthesis of DNA and amino acids, supports the work of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Chicory damage 

Chicory is not recommended for people suffering from varicose veins and cholelithiasis. Also, chicory can cause individual intolerance and an allergic reaction. 

Since chicory dilates blood vessels and “accelerates” the blood, it is better for people with hypotension not to abuse the drink. One cup of chicory can cause nausea, weakness and dizziness.

Application in medicine 

Chicory on an empty stomach dulls hunger, reduces appetite, so doctors recommend drinking it with a balanced diet. Also, the drink relaxes the nerves and fights insomnia. Removes toxins from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels.

– On the one hand, chicory has a tonic effect on the body. On the other hand, it is calming. Therefore, the product helps to focus and feel good. Chicory relaxes the nervous system. It also contains a large amount of inulin, which maintains normal blood glucose levels. Therefore, chicory is often used as a hypoglycemic agent in type XNUMX diabetes. Chicory has anti-inflammatory properties. Well regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Helps digest food, especially fats. It has choline, a lot of B vitamins, contains manganese, potassium and calcium, – said nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Elena Solomatina. 

Application in cooking 

Chicory has a delicate sweetish-bitter taste. The drink has a subtle nutty aroma and coffee flavor. 

Salad chicory is boiled, stewed and baked. The herb turns into a savory seasoning in salads, vegetable, fish and meat stews, soups and dough. 

Veal liver with chicory 

A healthy and nutritious snack option for lunch. The dish is especially useful for people suffering from anemia. There is everything you need for a comprehensive replenishment of minerals and vitamins in the body. Ready in 20 minutes

Veal liver200 g
Tsikoriy2 piece.
shelled pumpkin seeds10 g
Pumpkin Oil50 ml
Olive oil50 ml
sherry vinegar30 ml
Butter20 g
Mustard1 hours. Spoon
Green onions10 g
Wheat flour50 g
Ground black pepper and saltto taste

Mix chopped liver with salt, pepper and flour, fry in butter. Prepare the sauce (whisk vinegar, mustard, pumpkin and olive oil). Wash the chicory leaves well. Lay the liver on them and pour over the prepared sauce. Sprinkle with finely chopped onion if desired. 

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Salad with chicory, ham and cheese 

Due to chicory, mustard and pepper, the taste of a hearty salad turns out to be unusually piquant. The dish is recommended to be served with hot soup or broth on the bone. Salad ready in just 15 minutes

Tsikoriy6 piece.
Cheese200 g
boiled ham200 g
Egg yolk2 piece.
Mustard1 Art. a spoon
Olive oil150 ml
Balsamic vinegar1 hours. Spoon
Ground black pepper and saltto taste 

Chicory, ham and cheese cut into small pieces, do not mix. Separately, beat the egg yolks, add mustard, salt, pepper, vinegar and olive oil to them. When serving, first lay out the chicory, then the ham and cheese. Pour sauce over everything. 

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How to choose and store chicory

When buying ground chicory powder, carefully study the composition. Unscrupulous manufacturers add barley flour, ground oats or rye. 

Please note that the packaging must be metallized, as chicory does not like moisture. Paper or plastic packaging is not suitable for long-term storage.

If you buy chicory already in the package, feel the contents. Hard lumps are a sign of a poor-quality product. If there is a strong smell from the packaging, then there are flavors inside. 

See where chicory came from. The highest quality product grows in the Mediterranean climate. Therefore, ideal regions: France, Germany, Poland. Among the regions – Yaroslavl. 

Storage conditions. Keep chicory in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. 

Popular questions and answers

How much chicory can you drink per day?
The daily norm for a healthy person is 30 milliliters of a drink per day.
When is it better to drink chicory: in the morning or in the evening?
Chicory is good to use in the evening, as it has a calming effect on the body. After a cup of chicory, it will be easier to fall asleep at night.
Can you drink chicory instead of coffee?
The taste of chicory is similar to the taste of coffee. This drink will be a healthier alternative to coffee beans.

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