Chicory for weight loss

Chicory is an herb of the Aster family. There are two cultivated types of chicory, among them the common chicory is more common in the world. Recently, instant chicory has become more and more popular in our country, although it is still not as widespread as traditional drinks. Meanwhile, in terms of the method of preparation and appearance, it does not differ much from simple instant coffee. The use of soluble chicory helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in people for whom tea and natural coffee are contraindicated for medical reasons. Chicory, unlike coffee, has antimicrobial, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties; this drink has no contraindications, it is allowed to be consumed by pregnant and lactating women. In addition, nutritionists advise using it for weight loss.


Soluble chicory improves the functioning of the nervous system, reduces tachycardia, sweating, and restores the intestinal microflora. Due to the high content of potassium, chicory as a drink removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, as well as salts of heavy metals, radioactive substances. Iron, which is also found in this drink, is a wonderful remedy for the prevention of anemia. And due to its choleretic properties, chicory accelerates the disappearance of gallstones.

Instant chicory is a natural product. It does not cause any side effects, does not contain preservatives, chemical additives, has a pleasant aroma and taste and may well become a favorite drink not only for those who want to lose extra pounds, but also for the whole family. It is enough to consume two or three cups of this drink a day to normalize metabolism, and this plays a significant role in the process of losing weight.


How does chicory help you lose weight? Weight loss usually ends due to 2 reasons:

  • an unusual diet with rather tasteless diet foods and drinks;
  • persistent hunger.

The use of chicory for weight loss is associated with the most important components that make up its composition:

  • inulin;
  • intibin.

When these substances enter our body, combined with the slightly bitter taste of chicory itself, they cause the following reactions:

  1. Inulin increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin. As a result, the sugar and glucose found in the blood are processed much faster. This is very important, as sugar is one of the foods that too much can affect your weight and lead to obesity.
  2. Intibin improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, helps the breakdown of fats. As a result, food is absorbed much faster, and fats are not stored in the body.
  3. The bitter taste of chicory lowers the sense of taste, thereby reducing appetite.

How to properly cook chicory in order to lose weight with it? We offer a very simple recipe: take 0,5 teaspoon of chopped chicory roots for 1 liters of water. Brew in the same way as coffee for 8-12 minutes. Strain the finished broth and drink 3 times a day, 0,5 cups 20-30 minutes before meals. Instant chicory is available over the counter.

A cup of this coffee substitute kind of signals the body after a meal that the meal is over, and helps to keep satiety as long as possible.


But it cannot be said that soluble chicory plays a major role in weight loss. Of course, its beneficial properties slightly improve and stimulate the process of losing weight, but only in terms of improving bowel function. Unfortunately, chicory cannot make it so that, while drinking a cup of chicory, your weight begins to drop rapidly. In order for this to happen, in addition to chicory, it is necessary to significantly reduce the calorie content of your daily diet while losing weight. Then the body will be able to use the stored fat to support daily activities.

Only then can we talk about the contribution of soluble chicory to weight loss. When you use it instead of the usual tea and coffee, the metabolism improves. But even here it is important to understand that it is worth adding at least one spoonful of sugar to the soluble chicory, as this will increase the calorie content of the daily diet.

That is why it is advisable to use chicory without sugar in the process of losing weight. Then all the beneficial properties will be assimilated without harm to your body.


So, due to its medicinal properties, chicory is not only safe, but also a very healthy substitute for coffee. Drinking it instead of tea and coffee will be your first step towards a healthy diet and a slimmer figure. Good luck to you!

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