In this article:
• we will solve doubts related to nomenclature once and for all,
• we will check if chickpeas are the right component of a gluten-free diet,
• we will determine the content of nutrients,
• we will provide examples of practical application.
At the very beginning, we also reveal that that chickpeas are very often included in the so-called superfoods, i.e. unprocessed products characterized by a very high ratio of their benefits to the body. In this category, we have already described, for example, flaxseed and several types of groats.
Are chickpeas chickpeas?
However, we start with the simplest matter, which surprisingly often affects Internet users. Are chickpeas chickpeas? Yes! It is one and the same product. Interestingly, in some sources it can still be found under the name “chickpea”, but this term is much less used. The main thing is that chickpeas, chickpeas are exactly the same!
With this problem solved, we can move on and share a curiosity – chickpeas exist in the world only as a cultivated plant (not grown in the wild), and the first case of occurrence recorded by scientists dates back to 9000 years ago. Can chickpeas be grown in Poland? Theoretically yes, but in practice not many farmers decide to do so, despite the growing interest in this plant among consumers.
For chickpeas to grow, they need a lot of heat and very fertile soil, then you can harvest up to two tons of crop per hectare. However, due to the temperature criteria, Asian countries are the largest supplier, and numerous plantations can also be found in Ukraine and southern France.
Does chickpeas have gluten?
Another interesting fact is that that chickpeas do not contain gluten. We described the problem of intolerance some time ago in our article, and the data on the increase in gluten allergies is also worrying. In such a situation, you have to look for solutions, and one of them is our today’s title super-product.
Worth knowing, that chickpeas are also used to make flour, which can proudly join the series of substitutes for the wheat version, which gluten-free people categorically cannot use. All kinds of pates are also popular, which quickly and tasty blend in with the daily menu. And of course, hummus, which has been conquering the hearts of Poles for several years, about which more later in the article.
Also remember that one of the options of our tasty diet is the gluten-free version. We can reveal that chickpeas appear in it from time to time as an ingredient of precisely prepared menus!
Nutrients and properties of chickpeas
Okay, time to get the specifics about the content and the action. Why is chickpea classified as so-called superfoods? Mainly due to the content of individual minerals and vitamins, as well as a large amount of fiber and a small amount of fat. In chickpeas we find mainly:
• iron, • phosphorus, • magnesium, • zinc, • potassium, • fiber, • vitamin B6, • vitamin B9.
Quite a huge list, right? We will only add that these ingredients supplied to the body are easily digestible. When it comes to calorific value, chickpeas per 100 g contain 164 calories. In the same serving, you can also distinguish 8,9 grams of protein and 7,6 grams of fiber.
The effect of all these ingredients on our body is also important. First of all, it should be remembered that eliminating vitamin and mineral deficiencies always allows to increase immunity – hence the high pressure of dietitians to eat products rich in nutrients. In addition, the high content of zinc and vitamin B6 in chickpeas improves the condition of the skin. Fiber and protein are ideal ingredients for diabetics or people on a diet. Thanks to their content, they will affect the satiety of the dish, increasing it.
In addition, a number of analgesic properties of chickpeas have also been reported, including those affecting the head and throat. Interestingly, in medicine you can use not only seeds, but also leaves. They are made of them to help with sprains, and a special infusion has a very good effect on the liver.
How to prepare chickpeas?
We already know that it is worth including it in the menu, we also explained whether chickpeas contain gluten. Finally, it’s time for some practical culinary tips, i.e. what you can cook with chickpeas.
And you can do a lot, but remember a simple rule – for most applications, chickpeas in the form of dry seeds must be soaked beforehand. It is best to do it in the evening, because thanks to this the product will be ready for further processing the next day. The soaking time in cold water should be around 8 – 16 hours. As you can see, soaking it the night before is a good idea.
Before cooking the chickpeas, pour out the soaking water and add a new one, which we salt. It is best to use a pressure cooker for cooking – it will come out faster and the chickpeas themselves will retain maximum nutrients. However, if you have not had time to soak the chickpeas in advance, you can look for ready-made ones in a jar. You should rinse it thoroughly from the pickle, because it contains significant amounts of salt, which in excess increases the risk of chronic diseases.
Hummus, the most popular option to use chickpeas
“Hate it or love it” – this is how you can say about hummus. There are those whom he charmed from the first bite, and others, despite the mineral bomb associated with him, wrote him off, somewhere right next to the Brussels sprouts. It is difficult to argue, because chickpeas in this edition have a specific taste. You love it or you hate it!
Hummus in Arabic literally means chickpeas. In European terms, it takes the consistency of a special paste, which – almost like scrambled eggs – can be prepared in hundreds of different ways. Do not be discouraged by the first failures, because an individual, home recipe can be refined for years. In addition to chickpeas, you will need sesame paste (tahini), olive oil, garlic, olives, lemon juice. There is no doubt that spices play a very important role in hummus: from cumin, to coriander, nutmeg and turmeric. Powdered paprika and parsley are also added. Some recipes also mention yogurt, and many people also prefer tomatoes.
The most important thing is that to prepare hummus, apart from a steady hand in proportion and a very good recipe, you do not need great culinary skills. It’s just worth not to overdo it with the amount of everything, because hummus is good to eat in the form of the freshest chickpea paste.
Falafel, the most popular dish straight from Middle Eastern cuisine
Why are falafels so popular among veggie lovers? First of all, due to the fact that they quite neatly replace meat. This is not only because of the taste and appearance, but also because of the presence of protein, which we have already mentioned in the paragraph with the description of nutrients. So what is falafel? It is a small chickpea cutlet, traditionally deep-fried. Nothing prevents you from baking it!
And what recipes with chickpeas in the lead role are the most popular among users of the Tasty Tailored diet?
Chickpea soup, celery, and coconut milk
Ingredients per serving 415 kcal: Tomato 130 g (1 medium piece), Carrot 110 g (2 large pieces), Chickpeas 60 g (4 tablespoons), Celery 45 g, Coconut milk 50 g (5 tablespoons), Oil 5 g ( 1 teaspoon), spices 2 g (pinch).
- Peel the carrots and cut into slices with the celery.
- Fry the prepared vegetables in oil in a thick-bottomed pot.
- Add water, coconut milk, spices (e.g. salt, pepper, ginger, curry paste).
- Add pre-soaked chickpeas, chopped tomato and spices (e.g. salt, pepper, coriander, ginger, chili).
- Boil it all for about 10 minutes.
Vegetable chops with porridge
Ingredients per serving 454 kcal: Chickpeas 74 g (5 tablespoons), Onions 54 g (half a medium piece), Hen eggs 29 g (half an egg), Groats 19 g (1,5 tablespoons), Olive oil 4 g (less than a tablespoon) ), Breadcrumbs 3 g (less than a teaspoon), Parsley (less than a teaspoon), Spices (a pinch).
- Boil the porridge.
- Blend the cooked chickpeas (can be canned).
- Chop the onion and fry in olive oil.
- Combine the chickpeas, groats, onion, parsley, egg and bun.
- Shape into balls and bake in the oven.
Couscous with chickpeas and beans
Ingredients per serving 438 kcal: preserved beans 61 g (3 tablespoons), groats 49 g (4 tablespoons), chickpeas 45 g (3 tablespoons), olive oil 7 g (less than a tablespoon), spices (a pinch).
- Pour boiling water over the couscous for 5-7 minutes.
- Toss with drained chickpeas and beans.
- Sprinkle with olive oil and season with any herbs.
Here are a few more recipes from our Users:
- Roasted chickpeas https://.pl/prażona-ciecierzyca.
- Colorful treatment with chickpeas https://.pl/kolorowe-leczo.
- Chickpea bread https://.pl/chlebek-z-ciecierzycy.
What are your best chickpea recipes? Do you recommend, do you like to use it in your dishes, salads and preserves? Or maybe quite the opposite? Share your experience with us in the comments!